
Dream Theories

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Dream Theories

Dreams come in all shapes and forms. Every dream experience falls into one of the following categories: Prophetic Dreams, Release Dreams, Wish Dreams, Informative and Problem solving dreams, and Astral Visits. So many people take dreams for granted or think they do not mean anything, but they do. Dreams are incredible when you learn what they are, mean and why we dream at all. Dreams, one of the many dimensions in our mind, gives a lot of different information then we are use to having in the day. The subconscious mind that takes control when we sleep, takes care of our passive memories and holds the key to our lives. Dreams are what lead us to this key which unlocks the door to another type of wisdom. The farther we get …show more content…

The rest of you is pinned to the bed, breathless. Terrifying screeches are heard and the noise is so loud it is as if every radio station and radio is on in the entire world. Your spirit comes out of your body and you can wander around and finally you can return to your body. Prophetic Dreams are dreams that show what is yet to happen in your life. These dreams are always in colour. Release dreams help us mentally and emotionally exhale and get rid of frustration and stress. Once you realize it's not a prophetic dream, you can change the ending of your release dream to a happy ending. Why do we dream? Unfortunately this question still goes unanswered. Although this is the case, there are still many different theories on this topic. Here are a few. The first is, A means by which the mind works through difficult, complicated, unsettling thoughts, emotions, and experiences, to achieve psychological and emotional balance. Another being, A protective act by the brain to prepare itself to face threats, dangers and challenges. Dreams are incredible when you learn what they are mean and why we dream at all. They come in many categories and our for granted by many, but as known are for our benefit and should not be taken as anything

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