
Dress Code Controversy Or Helpful

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The Dress Code; Helpful or Hurtful

What you wear affects how people think of you. This is comparable to an advertisement for the lunch special. If what’s uncovered is not on the menu, then keep it covered. The student dress code is an issue with much controversy. Some may say that it is all preposterous but in actuality the dress code is for the students benefit. Let’s take a look into the current North Middle School standards. Students at NMS Must have clothes that cover undergarments, have a modest inseam, and pajamas and slippers are not allowed. They must also cover their back, cleavage, midriff, and bottom. Shoulder straps must be 1 inch thick, and no clothing referencing drugs, alcohol, weapons, tobacco, or any obscenity are allowed. As you will see, there many reason why the school dress code is correct. It helps kids focus, build good standards, and be ready for their future occupations.

First off, immodest clothing is a big distraction in the learning environment. You can’t expect someone half naked to not be looked at. …show more content…

Not only is pronography, prophanity, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and tobacco bad enough already but they have found a way to keep it with them constantly. Just because you wear it on your shirts does not make anything less appalling. Other people may speak as boldly as to say that it is a violation of the first amendment, but obviously the first amendment only grants the freedom of speech if it is not harmful to anyone. Swear words are the most vulgar offensive words out there. As for the pronography, it is an complete disgrace and disgust. Wearing unclothed men and women on one’s bodily attire is utterly repulsive. As for everything else, the more and more you “joke” about those things the more comfortable you become with it. Before you know it, “(giggle giggle) Wanna try some weed? (hehehe)” will become “Hey, why don’t ya smoke a little pot with us,

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