A written or more so unwritten rule, with regards to how a human being presents themselves in aspects of clothing, also referred to as dress code. Dress code is a matter of whether or not it is an acceptable social norm, which leads to the different rules among genders. Are women getting targeted at and shunned upon for supposedly distracting men? Are women being disciplined in the work field or at school for showing shoulders? This social problem leads to women’s education being jeopardized when the people in charge of the so-called ‘rules’ think it is the men who are the suspect? Sexism, it is a form of discrimination upon women for wearing what makes them feel comfortable not acceptable to wear. Women cannot wear tank tops or shoulder showing …show more content…
An outlook upon other factors is highly important so socially people don’t blame women for being the number one problem. A perspective will consider all aspects such as location, education, employment, gender, age, race, or any external influences. Looking at the reasoning of penalizing women is crucial, but so is researching broader into this social problem. Not only does it affect women emotionally, but it affects women physically. Sexualizing a women’s body can lead to putting a women’s health at risk. “Research shows that this standard puts pressure on women that is associated with increased body dissatisfaction and eating problems” (Graff, Murnen, and Krause, 2013). Having women being shamed for diverting the attention of men is cruel. A sociological way of thinking will enable others to examine that women are not the problem here. While women are taught to not sexualize in the way that men do, sexist at its finest. “Young women are then subject to a normalising gaze, to protect them from becoming deviant themselves and from the pressing threat of the deviance of others. The girl is threatened that she will become ‘scandalously impure’ if she does not manage herself appropriately in public space” (Barker and Duschinsky 2011). Gender roles in society are minimizing women power. Sexism is manifesting to where men hold primary power, patriarchy. Patriarchy is unequal and unfair to women. “Others
With His Pistol in His Hand by Americo Paredes is an American folk tale about taking place in 1901 along the Texas Mexico border. Paredes tells the story of Gregorio Cortez a Mexican farmer living on the south Texas Border who was made a hero by his people. The second novel is that of Chester Himes ' If He Hollers Let Him Go. Both stories deal with the issues of violence and racism, although in very different ways. Based on both works, I believe that Bob Jones’ figure leaves a more lasting and long-term consequence of racism. Chester Himes’ novel about Bob Jones has somewhat of an autobiographical touch to it. It is more persuasive in the way that, he and Bob have a lot in common. Even though Paredes’ character focuses on a real character he is made into a fictional, whereas Bob Jones may or may not be representative of some of the author 's actual experiences were, leaven the reader or audience with a longer lasting impression of the hardship during those times.
Many pro dress-code advocates say dress-codes decrease the chance of bullying, but there is nothing that shows that a change in clothing will stop a students chances of bullying another. A simple change of clothing will change nothing. There is even proof that dress-codes may increase violence attacks between students. "school uniforms increased the average number of assaults by about 14 [per year] in the most violent schools... a study found that school discipline incidents rose by about 12% after the introduction of uniforms. " This is the opposite of what pro dress-code users
I feel that the school dress code needs to be revised to a newer, less strict version. Some of the rules are unnecessary and foolish such as the rule about and covering vulgar or offensive tattoos. This is because you have to be 18 or older to get a tattoo in Kansas and most students’ graduate when they are 17 or 18. The last time the school dress code was revised was about four years ago and fashion was a lot different then. There are a few other rules that are unnecessary and one that I think should be put in place.
The controversy about dress codes asks an important question: are dress codes targeting girls and transgender students? Several sites including:https://www.adl.org/education/resources/tools-and-strategies/table-talk/what's-fair-and-unfair-about-student-dress-codes, stated that when they spoke to girls they said they feel shamed and judged by dress codes. Are dress codes limiting students creativity. Should these girls really feel harassed men and boys at their school?
I think that dress code shouldn’t be as big a deal as its given credit for. The girls are usually the only ones who are called out on it. I think if we come to school with clothes on, everyone should be happy. If I could make one change to dress code, it would be allowing girls to wear off-the-shoulder tops because girls are not objects, it gets really hot in classrooms, and they’re very fashionable!
appropriate attire for female subjects, which have often been opposed on the basis of gender
54% of Schools across America enforce a strict dress code (infoplease web), and this is considered normal. So it is normal for schools to target young girls, and it is normal for girls to be punished for the reactions of others? Many schools have dress codes and many of them all follow the same rules. These rules are outrageous and these schools need to be stopped. We should have school dress codes rewritten because they specifically target young girls and their clothing choices.
Students all over the world are being bullied because of what they wear. Whether they wear the clothes to stand out or if it is related to their culture, bullies are going after them because they may look different than the average student. Dress codes are a great option for schools with reports of students being bullied because of what they wear. Dress codes are beneficial in schools by reducing bullying opportunities and promoting a more serious school atmosphere.
High School? Worst 4 years of your life with no freedom at all. College? Worst years of your life, but with little more freedom. Aside from the High School and College similarities, they both portray many striking differences that set them apart from one another. From the dress codes that everyone detests and the home homework every student tried to cram before class starts all the way to even the sweet and sour pretzels in the vending machines.
There are many reasons why I believe that business should require dress codes for business. They should do this so that, as an employee for a specific job, like a nurse, you need to dress as if you know about your job, which means there are certain jobs that should require certain things to wear, such: nurses, doctors, lawyers,
When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace.
"I just feel like [the dress code] needs to be explained better, like they need to do a better job of presenting it to us, instead of just saying we can wear crew necks and then taking us out of class if we wear our crew necks," (Tori Taylor). This quote is a perfect example of how dress codes are not properly executed in schools all across America. Varying depending on school, dress codes can be confusing and extremely hard to navigate. Girls all over the country have been forced to take time out of their day to change or even leave the school, because of shirts they’ve worn a thousand times before. If there is a shirt that supposedly breaks dress code, a girl should be reprimanded every single time she wears it, right? Wrong. This is because
The topic of dress codes are very picky among students. Many student hate dress codes. Most students do not believe that schools should have a dress code which is a opinion that has been proven true.Studies show that schools that don’t have a dress code have a higher amount of principle's list and honor roll students. Studies have shown that people that didn’t have a dress code while they were in school have become better members of society and more independent. Researchers believe this is true because while they were growing up they had more choices in their life; one of which being what they could ware.
Dress codes serve to normalize rape culture, as women are pushed to feel ashamed of their body and what they show, as innocence as it may seem. Sarah Gordon, a Girl Up Teen advisor, says “rape culture, a building block of the patriarchy, says that men have the license to do almost anything they want, that women are temptresses, and that if a woman is a victim to a man’s assault/harassment/rape, it is her fault” (2016, para. 16). Putting dress codes into play allow to continue the belief that women and girls are sexual objects and should be defined by that. Putting less stress on what a woman is wearing will allow stronger, happier women.
In health care there is a lot that goes into play when you are in the field and work in a certain department. Dress code is one factor that helps differentiate who you are seeing and what department you are going to see. This can be the front desk, nurses of different departments and even volunteers all have a certain dress code to go by. Doctors have a white jacket on top of there clothes that lets you know you are with the doctor and not the nurse that wears scrubs. In the article “The Clothes Make the Doctor”, a women goes to the doctors office to look for a new primary-care doctor and is seen by a women wearing stilettos and a tailored expensive-looking suit. She was not pleased and felt uncomfortable being seen by her, it wasn't that se was wearing something really revealing but the fact that she was wearing something that was more for a meeting then being at the doctors office.