
Dress Code Sociology

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A written or more so unwritten rule, with regards to how a human being presents themselves in aspects of clothing, also referred to as dress code. Dress code is a matter of whether or not it is an acceptable social norm, which leads to the different rules among genders. Are women getting targeted at and shunned upon for supposedly distracting men? Are women being disciplined in the work field or at school for showing shoulders? This social problem leads to women’s education being jeopardized when the people in charge of the so-called ‘rules’ think it is the men who are the suspect? Sexism, it is a form of discrimination upon women for wearing what makes them feel comfortable not acceptable to wear. Women cannot wear tank tops or shoulder showing …show more content…

An outlook upon other factors is highly important so socially people don’t blame women for being the number one problem. A perspective will consider all aspects such as location, education, employment, gender, age, race, or any external influences. Looking at the reasoning of penalizing women is crucial, but so is researching broader into this social problem. Not only does it affect women emotionally, but it affects women physically. Sexualizing a women’s body can lead to putting a women’s health at risk. “Research shows that this standard puts pressure on women that is associated with increased body dissatisfaction and eating problems” (Graff, Murnen, and Krause, 2013). Having women being shamed for diverting the attention of men is cruel. A sociological way of thinking will enable others to examine that women are not the problem here. While women are taught to not sexualize in the way that men do, sexist at its finest. “Young women are then subject to a normalising gaze, to protect them from becoming deviant themselves and from the pressing threat of the deviance of others. The girl is threatened that she will become ‘scandalously impure’ if she does not manage herself appropriately in public space” (Barker and Duschinsky 2011). Gender roles in society are minimizing women power. Sexism is manifesting to where men hold primary power, patriarchy. Patriarchy is unequal and unfair to women. “Others

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