
Dress Codes In High School

Satisfactory Essays

As springtime rolls around so does the night that most girls in highschool look forward to for years: Prom. Prom, or banquet, as it’s called at Liberty Christian School, is a night where girl do their hair and makeup all nice, get their dates, and most importantly find their perfect dress. But for the girls at Liberty finding their perfect dress isn’t all that easy. At Liberty girls are given a list of rules to follow when buying their dress, then expected to go to a dress check where it is made sure that all the rules were followed. With all the requirements some girl question if it is even worth it. There are many requirements that go along with the dress code at banquet. One is that the dress can’t be more than 5” above the knee, which is an easier rule to follow because most prom/banquet dresses are long. Another one is that girls can’t show cleavage which can be tough for girls with larger breasts or someone who wants to buy …show more content…

A dress code can make a girl feel stressed because she can’t just go out and buy a dress but she also has to make sure it meets up to all the standards that they’re given. The dress code could also make a girl feel untrusted because she has to buy a dress to go with the dress code but then also go and get it checked by the administration. It could also upset some girls because it could make them feel like the dress code and checks are telling them that they need to change their clothes instead of teaching guys about self-control and how to respect women. Dress shopping can be a very complicated trip when given so many guidelines to follow. Overall a dress code can be seen as good. But it could also be seen as not so good. Considering the fact that most schools don’t have a code at all, Liberty could probably be a little less strict. They could give girls less rules they have to follow to make the process a lot less stressful. But it is overall meant to keep people safe and

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