
Drew Mouwry Research Paper

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Drew Mowry Imagine moving seven time since second grade. Drew Mowry has experienced this. I had the opportunity to interview Drew in my second period English eleven class on August 31, 2016. Before this class i did not know of Drew. Drew is a junior at Hempfield Area High School. During interviewing Drew Mowry, we discussed many interesting things about his family life, school activities, and personality traits and hobbies. The first thing i discussed with Drew was his family life. On September 29,1999 Drew Mowry was born. He is sixteen years old today. He was born in Latrobe. His current address is in Bavard. However he as only lived there for a year and a half. Drew's’ family has moved seven times since was in second grade. Buttler has …show more content…

I gathered information about what schools he has attended. Wendover middle school is where Drew Mowry went to middle school. His funniest memory was at that middle school. Drewś teacher yelled at him for popping paper. I asked him what he meant by popping paper and he said he folded the paper in half then a quarter piece down and held the corners and whipped it down making a popping sound. Drews least favorite thing about school is waking up early. In the summer he sleeps in till 8 o'clock. Drew's favorite thing about school is that he is now a junior and able to drive to school so he doesn't have to wake up as early to catch the bus. After Drew graduates he wants to get a scholarship to a trade school. He wants to go for hvac. He hasn't decided a school yet. The best activity Drew did this summer was going to the fair. Drew spent a lot of money on rides and games. The roundup was his favorite ride and the t-shirt game was also his favorite. In ten years Drew wants to accomplish his goal of having a job. He says maybe he will be married and living in Montana. Drew has an after school job at Goodwill. His responsibility there is utility and sorting boxes. Hes also is in another afterschool activity. He plays baseball for Bavard, his positions are first and second base. Drewś dad has been the most influential person in his life because he never lets him fail at anything …show more content…

Drews hobbies are playing baseball, football, and hockey. He plays football and hockey with friends. His best personality trait is being willing and helpful. If drew would win a million dollars he would buy an amazing truck. He wants a ford F250 super duty midnight blue. Drew likes the movie Stepbrothers because it's comedy. He loves country music. His two favorite artist are Rodney Atkins and Thomas Rhett. If drew drew could be anybody for for one day he would be feore George Washington. He thinks it is cool that he founded the country. Batman is Drew's favorite cartoon on tv. He thinks he is a tank and can fight good. Drew doesn't like being a teenager because he has a curfew. Drew likes not having a lot of responsibilities as a teenager though. Some things that make Drew nervous are spiders and little creepy crawlies. Drew has a fear of burning to

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