At the age of 16 American citizens are given the responsibility to drive. At the age of 18
kids are classified as adults. When a kid turns 18 they are given the rights to vote, serve in the
military, buy tobacco, and that’s a small portion of rights that 18 year olds are given. The word
adult means, a person that is fully grown or developed. If a person at the age of 18 is able to
drive, vote, serve jury duty, fight for our country, get married, and live on their own.
Why is the drinking age set at the highest age in the world? The new adults are
supposedly given a voice in our countries government, but that voice we are given is hidden
behind the harmful views that our government has made. These views have hidden the voice of
the people that laws actually
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Adults under the age of 21 are not going to stop drinking because of a law,
obviously it is going to force it underground, hence prohibition. Drinking under age for 18-20
year old adults can be looked at in two different ways. It can be accepted, giving this age group a
Duley 2
responsibility, or enforced and digging a hole even for something that is already dug too far to
get out of.
Why not improve these problems with drinking under age. Lower the drinking age to 18
with guidelines. Anyone under the age of 21 has to take an alcohol class and pass, before legally
purchasing or consuming alcohol. No person still in high school can be allowed to take this class
until they have graduated high school, or turns 19. If a person that does not have an alcohol
license and is caught will be punished with an even higher fine, and the school and law will have
higher punishments for these actions.
Drinking while driving. Raise the punishment of drinking and driving period. Raise it
even more for anyone under the age of 23. Create mandatory classes in high school and college
devoted to the importance of not drinking and driving. Tell MADD (Mothers Against
Every year, thousands of minors die from the use of alcohol. Many young adults abuse the drinking age policy. It is put in effect for substantial reasons, which contribute in making the safest environment for all. Drinking underage is not only illegal, but also damages one’s health tremendously. Furthermore, drinking in large amounts is extremely dangerous and can cause detrimental things to occur. There have been numerous attempts to create a law to lower the drinking age, but none have gone through. In contrast to what some people may say, the drinking age should not be lowered because it would decrease maturity, promote poor behavior, and damage reputations.
drinking laws) target sales of alcohol to minors and public possession of alcohol by minors.
Deaths go up when the drinking age is lowered, and they godown when it is raised.” But it can barely reduce the population of the drinking people and underage drinking. According to the historical data, in United States, there had a prohibition of alcohol before in 1920. The reason of this prohibition is that alcohol is the root cause of crime. Although alcohol is illegal trafficking, but still easy to buy in the underground bars and other underground organizations. It also cause a lot of social Issues. So we can see the prohibition can not even prohibit people getting alcohol. The MLDA 21 just can be a guide since people who underage still can drink. More education is needed for teenager. They should be taught more knowledge and hazard of alcohol. Also reduce the legal drinking age to 18, which require they take their responsibility as an adult. This is the only way to reduce the precentage of drinking people and also in order to reduce alcohol-related traffic
The debate of the drinking age has been long discussed throughout America. The drinking age has been 21 for the last 22 years, and people around the country have wondered weather or not this was the right call. People say that 18 year olds may not be mature enough to drink alcohol and might not know when to stop. It isn’t that teenagers don’t know how to stop, but rather have not been properly taught when enough has been consumed or how to drink responsibly. Changing the drinking age from 21 to 18 years old will take the thrill that teens get from breaking the law while drinking, will no longer give them the idea that drinking is the final stage of adulthood and full maturity, and will no longer force teenagers to drink in unsupervised
In 1984 Ronald Reagan proposed a new law that declared that the legal drinking age must raised up to 21 instead of the age of 18. The law was forced upon the states by threatening them by stating that the government will reduce their highway funding until the states passed the law. Of course all the states eventually change their legal drinking age to 21. Some critics believe that this law’s results have been very successful, however the law possesses many insecurities, but certain programs can be arranged to help educate teenagers on alcohol.
Once a person reaches the age of 18, they are allowed to tattoo their bodies, smoke tobacco, gamble and even enlist if they wanted to! As an adult, they want to be treated as one but how can they feel like an adult if hanging around with their friends and drinking beer while watching TV is illegal? Of course, that does not stop them, though. The United States is one of the few countries in which still have such a high minimum drinking age. Although most people think young adults (18-year olds) are irresponsible, the minimum drinking age should be lowered to 18 because they deserve to be recognized as adults in order to avoid illegal, uncontrolled drinking and other illegal actions.
There are many possible remedies to the problem of underage alcohol abuse. The best possible curative would be to lower the drinking age to nineteen, not eighteen. At eighteen many young adults are still in high school. However, at the age of nineteen most young adults are out of high school or close to graduating. The thought of high school seniors legally drinking would put a bad taste in many citizens' mouths. In Canada, the drinking age is already nineteen, which entices many nineteen or twenty year olds across the border for a drink.
"Adults under 21 are able to vote, sign contracts, serve on juries, and enlist in the military, but are told that they are not mature enough to have a beer?," said Ruth C. Engs, a professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University (Engs). No matter what is done, teenagers and young adults all over America are going to drink if they want to. The question is, why can 't they start legally drinking when they enter adulthood? An alternative to simply lowering the minimum legal drinking age could be thought of, such as, having a learner 's permit for responsible drinking for people between the ages of 18-21. In other cultures where the minimum legal drinking age is lower, there is not as large of a problem with drinking. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age would stop criminalizing a large amount of people for the minor crime of underage drinking, which on your record makes it hard for young people to apply for jobs or apply to colleges.
under the legal age due to the physical, mental, and legal consequences alcohol can cause.
In the United States, the minimum age required to legally consume alcohol is twenty-one years, being allowed in some states for young people under the minimum drinking age to consume alcohol under specific controlled circumstances. This particular age is controversial as it does not correspond to the age of majority of 18 years embraced by 47 states, which entitles the individual to vote, get married and join the army, among other decisions inherent to adulthood. It is thus seen as contradictory to consider a young person mature enough to take decisions of this nature, but not mature enough to drink alcohol.
The drinking age being 21 makes teens see this as something they're forbidden from which only causes them to become more irresponsible when they
College life is filled with changes. It is filled with many new experiences. As college students, we are on our own, adults. As adults we are responsible for keeping up to date on information that affects us. One issue that affects college students nation wide is drinking. The current legal drinking age in the United States is twenty-one years of age. The Federal government raised the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 in 1984. Even with the current drinking age at twenty-one, many people under that age choose to drink anyway. In fact, a government survey from 1996 showed that 56% of high school seniors reported drinking in the last 30 days (Hanson). With so many underage drinkers, many people
Tightening the laws on underage drinking is wrong, as laws will still be broken and people 20 years, 364 days and younger will continue to consume alcohol. The answer to the problem of underage drinking is not to add more restrictions, rather, it is simple: get rid of the "underage" part.
Underage drinking is becoming more of a noticeable problem in society, not only with high school students, but also with younger generations. Drinking is all over the television, the radio, and talked about in schools, public places, etc. Alcohol advertisements are more and more appealing to younger generations. If our youth is educated at a younger age, if school policies were stricter, and if clubs and bars cracked down on underage drinking the problem would not be as serious.
18 to 20 year olds are starting to drink now, lowering the drinking age to 18 will provide 15 to 17 year olds the opportunity to start drinking as well. The human mind does not reach complete intellectual development until between the ages 21-25. So by allowing people younger than the age of 21 to drink alcohol that would be allowing them to make poor decision that could affect their lives