
Drinking Under Age

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At the age of 16 American citizens are given the responsibility to drive. At the age of 18

kids are classified as adults. When a kid turns 18 they are given the rights to vote, serve in the

military, buy tobacco, and that’s a small portion of rights that 18 year olds are given. The word

adult means, a person that is fully grown or developed. If a person at the age of 18 is able to

drive, vote, serve jury duty, fight for our country, get married, and live on their own.

Why is the drinking age set at the highest age in the world? The new adults are

supposedly given a voice in our countries government, but that voice we are given is hidden

behind the harmful views that our government has made. These views have hidden the voice of

the people that laws actually …show more content…

Adults under the age of 21 are not going to stop drinking because of a law,

obviously it is going to force it underground, hence prohibition. Drinking under age for 18-20

year old adults can be looked at in two different ways. It can be accepted, giving this age group a

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responsibility, or enforced and digging a hole even for something that is already dug too far to

get out of.

Why not improve these problems with drinking under age. Lower the drinking age to 18

with guidelines. Anyone under the age of 21 has to take an alcohol class and pass, before legally

purchasing or consuming alcohol. No person still in high school can be allowed to take this class

until they have graduated high school, or turns 19. If a person that does not have an alcohol

license and is caught will be punished with an even higher fine, and the school and law will have

higher punishments for these actions.

Drinking while driving. Raise the punishment of drinking and driving period. Raise it

even more for anyone under the age of 23. Create mandatory classes in high school and college

devoted to the importance of not drinking and driving. Tell MADD (Mothers Against

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