
Drinking Water In Kabul

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The temperature in Kabul, Afghanistan soars to 120 degrees Fahrenheit as five neighborhood children kick a well worn soccer ball back and forth across the abandoned lot. The sun's heat bears down as an indiscriminate sear, drying the rocks and sands the same as the structures that surround the makeshift soccer field. One child wipes the sweat from his brow, says farewell to his teammates, and chases his ball down a path to a sun cracked hut that he calls home. Parched from his play, the child fetches a cup and fills it to the brim with cool, clean tap water. He puts the cup to his mouth and drinks. The other four children have no such luxury. In Kabul, Afghanistan, "80% of people lack access to safe drinking water"(Afghanistan’s Water …show more content…

The Center for Disease Control states that "35% of the world’s population" lacks access to sanitized water (CDC). This is cause for alarm. Poor sanitization leads to the spread of disease. According to United Nations Children's Fund,"90 percent of child deaths from diarrheal diseases are directly linked to contaminated water, lack of sanitation, or inadequate hygiene." Cholera, typhoid and salmonella, to name a few, are all preventable illnesses spread by polluted water. Trachoma, which is the "world’s leading cause of preventable blindness" (CDC), is a result of poor hygiene and sanitation. Sustainable tap water brings the much needed access to uninfected water to the millions of people affected by these water borne and hygiene related …show more content…

The process of attaining sustainable tap water would require architects, construction workers, plumbers, and laborers. After sustainable tap water is achieved, there will be need for workers for water cleanliness, regulation checks, PH balancers, quality control, and repairmen to ensure that the sustainable tap water upheld it's purity. Access to sustainable water will also lead to increased agricultural yields and livestock growth, creating growth in more markets than just water. "Water is vital for creating jobs and supporting economic, social, and human development"

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