The temperature in Kabul, Afghanistan soars to 120 degrees Fahrenheit as five neighborhood children kick a well worn soccer ball back and forth across the abandoned lot. The sun's heat bears down as an indiscriminate sear, drying the rocks and sands the same as the structures that surround the makeshift soccer field. One child wipes the sweat from his brow, says farewell to his teammates, and chases his ball down a path to a sun cracked hut that he calls home. Parched from his play, the child fetches a cup and fills it to the brim with cool, clean tap water. He puts the cup to his mouth and drinks. The other four children have no such luxury. In Kabul, Afghanistan, "80% of people lack access to safe drinking water"(Afghanistan’s Water …show more content…
The Center for Disease Control states that "35% of the world’s population" lacks access to sanitized water (CDC). This is cause for alarm. Poor sanitization leads to the spread of disease. According to United Nations Children's Fund,"90 percent of child deaths from diarrheal diseases are directly linked to contaminated water, lack of sanitation, or inadequate hygiene." Cholera, typhoid and salmonella, to name a few, are all preventable illnesses spread by polluted water. Trachoma, which is the "world’s leading cause of preventable blindness" (CDC), is a result of poor hygiene and sanitation. Sustainable tap water brings the much needed access to uninfected water to the millions of people affected by these water borne and hygiene related …show more content…
The process of attaining sustainable tap water would require architects, construction workers, plumbers, and laborers. After sustainable tap water is achieved, there will be need for workers for water cleanliness, regulation checks, PH balancers, quality control, and repairmen to ensure that the sustainable tap water upheld it's purity. Access to sustainable water will also lead to increased agricultural yields and livestock growth, creating growth in more markets than just water. "Water is vital for creating jobs and supporting economic, social, and human development"
The water supply on earth plays a huge role in daily lives. You need to have clean water to drink, do laundry and water your garden. Since water is necessary, the future water supply is very important for future generations. They will need clean water to use daily. Society can not let the water become so polluted and unsanitary that future generations can not use it for their daily needs. Water supply is affected by humans and the area surrounding the water.
Imagine a kid, no older than 8, walking through rocky terrain for miles carrying gallons of water to sell for just 4 lousy dollars. The article,”The Plight of Afghanistan’s Child Water Carriers” and the video, “For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a Living” explain the problem of Afghan kids missing out on school because they are carrying and selling water just so their families can survive. These two sources are related yet at the same time they are contrasting.
All hours of the day, in any condition, kids are hauling tons of water across the rugged terrain of Afghanistan, just to support their family for a couple of days. “The Plight of The Afghanistan’s Child Water Carriers” text by Sayeaed Jan Sabwooon and “For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a Living” video by Zarif Nazar are about children carrying water to help their families and neighbors survive. THe author’s portrayal in “The Plight of Afghan Child Water Carriers” text and the video “For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a Living” has several distinct similarities and differences. The video and the text discuss many of the same details surrounding children who are water carriers. The authors of both the video and the text bring up the conflict of survival.
Main Point: Third world countries lack accessibility to clean water exposing them to disease and harmful toxins that result in 2.4 million deaths annually (Bartram, 2010).
It’s a dry day in kabul and you get in your car to go to work you see a kid walking with a bucket you have a average work day and on your way home you see the kid still with no water with a face of dedication and exhaustion.”The Plight of Afghanistan”s Child Water Carriers” text by Sayeaed Jan Sabwoon and “For Afghan Kids,Hauling Water is a Living” video Zarif Nazar are about children carrying water to help their families and neighbors survive. The author’s portrayal in”the Plight of Afghanistan’s Child Water Carriers” text and the video”For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a Living” has several distinct differences and similarities.
Water-borne diseases are caused by the ingestion of water contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites. These pathogens are spread through the feces or urine of an infected individual (africaneeds). The most common diseases are cholera, guinea worm and typhoid. People can easily contract these diseases if there is no system of sewage collection and treatment. In fact, almost 2.5 billion people worldwide do not have access to adequate sanitation (UN water). Climate change can also impact the water crisis in Africa. Water is necessary for survival, and when areas get
To begin, you must beware of this play because the very name Macbeth is supposed to bring the supernatural and witches! Many events happen in this play. Some of the events are for the good and some are not. This play is Macbeth by Shakespeare. Macbeth starts out as a very loyal and courageous soldier. He has just won two wars in one day! This is when the witches come in and give a mysterious start to Macbeth’s timely demise! This play can be seen in many different ways. One way to see this play is as Macbeth as the person to blame!
I will like for the Summer Housing Assistant Position because I originally wanted to work for Housing for my work Study but there was no more space available. When I saw the sign I thought it would of been a great opportunity for me to do over the summer instead.I also want to to gain more leadership roles on campus. Plus, while moving into the dorms during the fall of 2015 I had a great experience. Everything ran smoothly. I want to help plan that. I want the next class to have a great experience. I want to help make everything as easy as possible.
In rural Ethiopia, women and children walk up to six hours to collect water. Most people collect water from shallow, unprotected ponds which they share with animals. Other people collect water from shallow wells. Both of these sources are subject to contamination as rain water washes waste from surrounding areas into the source. The jugs women use to carry water back to the village weigh up to 40 pounds! Often, young children are left at home while their mother and older siblings collect water and their fathers
Afghanistan is an Islamic nation in pure chaos and war-riddled like no other. The Afghan people have been at war since the beginning of their time. They live a hardscrabble life due to day-to-day struggle between the Taliban and coalition forces. Due to thirty plus years of political conflict and chaos, the environment is suffering. Behind all the war and carnage, many people do not realize that there is a beautiful landscape. The population is friendly, but lives a strict traditional lifestyle. The country has many environmental concerns that have come about since the Soviet Union's invasion. Even though all of the right projects, established by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the Afghans have minimal potable
Women have been considered inferior to men since the beginning of time. The Women in China were perceived no differently. Only in modern times have women’s social conditions begun to improve. The rise of the Chinese Communist Party saw several improvements for women’s rights. Women have been barred from participating in the political processes, banished from the fields and condemned to performing housework and having babies. The CCP viewed women as “holding up half of the sky” with men holding the other half; because of this new perception, the CCP chose to advance the female condition by not only abolishing old, barbaric practices, but by also giving women more social power by emancipating them from their husbands and fathers.
Numerous countries of the world today are facing environmental problems such as pollution, but looking at some places of the world where people are losing their lives everyday due to pollution is a tragic sight. Kabul, Afghanistan’s largest city made to house 1 million citizens and have a maximum flow of 75,000 cars today houses 5 million citizens and has a flow of 400,000 cars (not including busses). People of Kabul are facing several environmental problems each day, including water pollution, war, and air pollution, causing someone to lose their life everyday. Suffering from three decades of war is one of the causes of air pollution, water pollution, and mass destruction of afghanistan’s infrastructure. On top of all the pollution, Afghanistan
It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development, and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report, water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy, irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further states that, more than one-sixth of the Worlds’ population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally.
A car whizzes by on the street, knocking the child’s donkey right on top of him, breaking his arm, water spilling everywhere. This car just might have ruined the child’s family’s only chance of survival. This is one of the many scenarios of the child water carriers of Afghanistan. “The Plight of Afghanistan’s Child Water Carriers” text by Sayeaed Jan Sabwoon and”For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a living” video by Zarif Nazar are about children in Afghanistan carrying water to help their families and neighbors survive. The author’s portrayal in “The Plight of Afghanistan’s Child water carriers” text and the video “For Afghan Kids, Hauling Water is a Living” has several distinct differences and similarities.
One of the most important natural resources we have on this planet is water. Water covers roughly 70 percent of our planet and is the very foundation for every single species on earth. We as humans, rely on water more than any other resource on the planet and we simply can’t live without it. Although water is abundant around the world, clean water for millions of people is inaccessible. Around the world, there are people struggling to get water yet along clean water and it greatly affects our health. Improving clean water supply and sanitation, and better access to clean water resources, can increase countries’ economic development and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction and overall people’s health.