Drive Safe! People should be aware that every second someone dies in crash simply from not putting his/her seat belt, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Web Site. Speeding, tailgating, giving the finger and outright violence. Each day Americans grow more and more likely to take out their personal frustrations on other drivers. It is called aggressive driving and it is on the incline and it is one more problem drivers should avoid. And third thing which should be stopped while driving is texting, nowadays people are too much addicted to their phone, that much that they use them even while they are driving. Avoiding all these hazardous activities while driving will decrease accident number, death, save …show more content…
A better alternative is to wait until you reach your destination. Or, if you absolutely must respond to a text sooner, find a safe place to pull over. People also think that you’re a good enough driver that you can safely send a text message without interfering with your ability to operate your vehicle. Statistics show that teen drivers who text spend approximately 10% of their driving time driving outside of their lane. But it’s hard to know that if you aren’t looking. If having the phone within reach is too much of a temptation for you, try placing it in the backseat where you can’t get to it while you’re driving. People have even seen their own parents or other adult texting while driving themselves. Let me assure you that doesn’t make it anymore safe. In fact, because texting takes your eyes off the road longer than any other activity that distracts you from driving, it makes all drivers 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident. In 2011, almost a fourth of all auto collisions were caused by someone using a cell phone. So, in this case it’s best to do as your parents say and not as they do. Another good reason to avoid texting and driving is because it is outlawed in many cities and states. Getting caught could get you in big trouble. And in addition to the actual laws in place, there are technological advances that now allow parents to install
Trust me... you are not as good at texting and driving as you think you are. In our society technology has become a big part in everyone's daily life. A lot of people cannot keep their hands of their cell phones long enough to drive from destination to another. Texting and driving is dangerous, it causes distractions and car accidents that can sometimes result in injuries, or worst death. Texting and driving is very dangerous.
Texting while driving puts everyone in danger because it takes your attention away from the task of driving. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in 2015 there were 3,477 deaths and another 391,000 injuries caused by distracted driving in the United States, and that’s just in one year. While this
Secondly texting while driving can put a loved one at risk. Texting while driving can put you and your passenger at risk. If you were to get in a accident because of texting and driving, you and your passenger can get hurt. In an article called 10 Programmatic Reason´s that will make you stop texting and driving right now it said ¨in
Everyone has or does text and drive. Although you think you are “good” at doing so, others may not be. Distracted driving of any sort causes injuries, accidents, and death. What people don’t realize is that you not only have to make sure you are being safe, but also the people around you. Not everyone watches out for the safety of others. It is your job to watch out for your safety as well as the other people. Although texting while
Every day there are many that are killed from texting and driving. So many people get injured or even killed because of texting and driving. Several people are addicted to their phones, especially teens. Teens are obsessed with their phones, they are always waiting for some to text them back. Texting and driving is a distraction that everyone should avoid because it can result in injury or death to oneself or others. This may result in property damage, and the probability for one to receive legal consequences.
One out four car crashes are caused by texting and driving. It has been proven that 94% of all teens acknowledge and agree that texting and driving is a very dangerous thing. However 32% admit to doing it anyway. states, “660,000 drivers are attempting to use their phones while behind the wheel of an automobile.” This is an outrageously large number of people. This number needs to be reduced. “In a split second you could ruin your future, injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who loves you. -50 reasons not to text and drive-”. Texting and driving should not be permitted on the road.
Texting and many other forms of distracted driving such as eating, answering calls, and listening to loud music can be detrimental to how you drive. Of all these texting is arguably the most dangerous. Those who feel it 's not dangerous to text and drive think they are able to multi-task good enough behind the wheel to be able to text. Well, this is
Even Though texting is important to some people. Save it for later. While not driving. Don't kill someone or yourself. If people text while driving that's exactly what will happen. Be responsible for the actions that are taken. It may be the cool thing to do, but apparently those kids are trying to kill themselfs. That's not cool. Be the bigger person and walk away from texting and driving.
I am here to tell You that you should not text and drive because it distracts you, causes accidents and limits your driving ability. The first reason I think you should not text and drive is because it distracts you. You must look at your phone for long periods of time. Another reason it distracts you is because you have two hands on your phone instead of having two hands on the wheel which means you have no control. The next reason it distracts you is because you can not look at phone and road. Trust me I know you think you are a good driver, but you are still young and inexperienced. The next reason you should not text and drive is because it causes accidents. One way I know it causes accidents is because according to the TeenBiz article,
Many teens and adults die every day from texting and driving. Texting and driving causes a lot of car accidents. Mainly teens of the age of 16-19 are at a higher rate of an accident than most adults. There is 1, 600, 00 accidents per year, 330, 000 injuries per year, and 11 teens die every day due to texting and driving. Texting and driving is not good not even for passenger because that’s their life is taken due to the not wanting to say anything to their friend. It may even help if the driver gives the phone to the passenger to do whatever it is they need to prevent accidents. No one’s life is worth more than a lol or wyd .People should not text while driving because it is a distraction from the road, it increases insurance rates and is deadly.
Almost every teenager who can owns a car has one and almost 50% of them do text while driving. Texting while driving distract the awareness you have on the road ahead of you. There has been some research about driving while texting. The research shows that your reaction speed is reduced when you are doing this dangerous act (Friedeman N. Pag). When you are texting while driving you most likely are not going to notice the car right in front of you for you to hit. Another reason why you should not do this while you are driving is that you are not aware of signs in front. Results of missing the signs that you might drive into a closed road or even into a place that leads to nowhere in the woods.
2. Audience Relevance Link Majority of the people in here already have a car or have rode in one before. Texting while driving have become a problem for people of all ages. There is an increase in the rate of accidents, injuries and deaths due to distracted driving.
The number one rule on the road is “have your eyes on the road” (other than two hands on the steering wheel), but it’s for this reason. When answering a text it takes about 5 seconds, at a normal speed limit, a car can go a whole football fields length in just those few seconds.
Texting and driving can also be dangerous because people could die. Not only that texting and driving causes distraction to where it increases the chances of you dying or getting into car accidents. On it says, “26% of all car crashes in 2014 involved cell phone use. At least 9 people are killed every day because of a distracted driver. More than 1,000 people are injured every day due to a distracted driver. In 2015 42% of teens say they have texted while driving—and
Texting while driving takes away the one thing that absolutely everyone counts on while behind the wheel, vision. No matter where the phone is placed, whether it is on the dash board or on the steering wheel, one’s eyes are not where they need to be. People’s eyes are supposed to be on the road at all times. Texting takes that away and it doesn’t matter how quick someone thinks they are, there is always a possibility. Just for that split second of reading a message that is so important, a crash could happen. Eyes are the most important thing needed when driving and when not on the road a lot of harm can be caused.