Drive throughs are a leading cause in air problems such as air pollution. The big debate now-a-days is whether drive throughs being ban or not being ban. Drive throughs are leading causes for horrible air quality, waste a lot of gas in the world, and the also cause obesity. On the hand other they are good on the marketing side of things for business. Although drive throughs are very useful it also causes some of the biggest problems in the world and atmosphere. Frist of all, drive throughs can lead to a waste of a lot of gas. According to Trapped in the Drive-Through and Wasting Gas, "In 2007, a California state science fair student estimated that vehicles idling at California’s 8,500 drive-through businesses consumed 32 million gallons of gas." This shows instead of wasting your gas on meaningful cause we chose to waste it on drive throughs. Also, it states "Just 10 minutes of idling at the drive-thru window per day adds up to an average of 22 gallons of gasoline a year — at current pump prices. That’s $80 a year on wasted gas." This shows that instead of wasting gas by driving ten minutes on the interstate people decide to sit in drive throughs and basically throw money out the …show more content…
According to Occupy the Drive Thru, '' Nearly 1/3 of children in the united states eat fast food regularly and there is a close relation between the fast food restaurants and obesity. " This shows that kids who eat fast food more than others are most likely to have obesity than ones who don't. Also, according to medical daily, " Kids that grow up in places where fast food is readily accessible and are more likely obese. " As a result of kids living near fast food places there is a higher chance of them becoming obese than ones who are not living near a restaurant. In conclusion, unless you want a higher chance at obesity go to all the fast food/drive throughs you want that you live
Searching for a windshield replacement Service providers, Be careful when dealing with a windshield company. The windshield is essential for your vehicle, so it is essential that you select the Windshield Replacement Oshawa. Lives are more valuable than a few bucks saved, so don't buy the cheap stuff to try and save come cash because in the event of an accident, that cheap windshield could do more harm than good.
Impact: This is import because further, well-maintained roads, coupled with access to public transportation and other driving alternatives, can lower traffic congestion and accident rates which not only save Americans time and money but also save
World War I made a colossal impact on all aspects of human life and almost everyone in Europe was affected by this impact to different degrees as a consequence. One group in particular, most often illustrated as a real turning point, largely in enfranchisement and employment, were women.
In Colorado, you can smoke marijuana if you are over 21 years old. You can buy certain prescribed skin medication from medical spas without ever talking to a doctor. You also can have an abortion in case you want to discontinue a pregnancy. Any person can buy aspirin and ibuprofen at any Coloradan store as well, of course. Oh, and if you want a gun, just walk into any Walmart in the state with enough money and that is pretty much all you need. Nevertheless, what you cannot do is to walk into a pharmacy to buy birth control, a medication that can have fewer side effects than those painkillers, but has much more regulation. Although 70% of the American population is in favor of over the counter birth control, according to the last Reason-Rope poll, in Colorado, known as one of the most liberal states in the country, women still need the prescription from a doctor to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. That should not have to happen; women in Colorado should have the right to buy their own birth control
Science is comprised of fields that investigate the physical and natural world or events dealing with matter, energy, and their interrelations with objectively measurable phenomena (Natural Science). Scientific fields are often subsumed under the umbrella term STEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Historically, STEM fields have been void of diversity and largely dominated by White males, leaving minority’s under-represented (Hines 3). Preserving the integrity of these fields is dependent upon diversity because it prevents bias and promotes the contributions different backgrounds bring to academia (Hines 4). Today’s global market requires a growing investment in the fields of science education to remain competitive with other countries (Palmer, Davis and Moore 105). President Baraka Obama has pushed to increase the number of minorities represented in STEM. In the article Obama Pushes STEM in State of the Union, freelance writer for U.S. News Jason Koebler quotes the President’s State of the Union speech where he urges Americans to, “Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs”. President Obama understands that it is essential for the nation to,
In addition, in David Zinczenko essay “Don’t Blame the Eater” he indicates unhealthy food places make it easy for kids to get to and are not warning kids about the food they eat. Kids often go for cheaper meals, which usually means going to some fast food place. David Zinczenko said that if you want something healthy, you may have to make a little farther drive for that (463). From 1994 to today childhood cases of Type 2 diabetes went up about 25 percent (Zinczenko 463). When eating at a fast food restaurant people cannot see how much calories they are consuming from their meals. Eating two meals a day from fast food places is not a good idea, because you will consume way more than you should be for calories. If you are trying to watch out for how much calories you have at a fast food place then you should make sure you are considering everything you order. Some places may tell you how many calories is in their burgers or nuggets, but that does not include any sauces you may want (Zinczenko 463-464). At this rate, more people will just become obese and/or have diabetes.
An argument for fast food companies may be that in recent years they have started offering healthier options. Some menus now offer milk as a beverage and apples as a food. While these are healthier choices, there is still very few of these options as opposed to the unhealthy ones. Not to mention in advertisements the apples are always shown with a sugar filled dipping sauce. The fact that these companies still have mostly unhealthy choices, they should not target children in their advertisement. It is obvious that many factors play into the epidemic of childhood obesity. Factors that play into childhood obesity are things such as family income levels and restaurants that are in close proximity. Let me pose this question, what food places are the cheapest and have locations on almost every street corner? Yes, that is correct, fast food. When they already have those factors in their favor, these advertisements just seal the deal for them.
The excess mileage leads to additional pollution. The exhaust also contains nitrogen oxide, which can lead to nutrient-related problems in the environment.
In the United States, there are many people who believe that if it wasn’t for fast food restaurants, they would be eating healthier and wouldn’t be overweight. People have even tried to sue fast food restaurants for their own self esteem issues. It’s ironic that people actually blame fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, for being obese. While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity outbreak, it certainly doesn’t stand alone. There are loads of reasons why people living in the United States are overweight. Some of these reasons involve dilemmas within the school arrangements, peer pressure, family genetics, educational issues, and even where a person lives. The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Have you served in a war? Has your father or mother served in a war? How about your grandpa? As we honor those who have served we typically do so by standing for the pledge of allegiance or star spangled banner. We say thank you to our war heroes or we go and visit them and listen to their stories. In this paper I will be discussing why NFL players should not be allowed to kneel for the flag. Although the NFL players have the right to peacefully protest, they should find a different way than kneeling as it shows disrespect towards the flag also active duty military and veterans, it teaches young children this behavior is okay, what they are protesting has nothing to do with the flag and there are many different ways to get their message out.
Several studies have shown that the increase in fast food restaurants over the past few decades has resulted in a negative impact on the already outrageous obesity rate.According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the number of fast food restaurants over the past thirty years has tripled, which equates to about three hundred thousand establishments in the United States alone. During this time the number of children, ages six to nineteen classified as obese, has risen from five percent to seventeen percent. The percentage of adults classified as obese has risen from half to two-thirds the population. Although fast food restaurants may be a contributing factor to the increasing obesity rate in the United States, people are
Shopping for the car is something everyone must learn because there are many factors that must be considered because beside purchasing a house purchasing a car is the second biggest purchase must people make and the purchase of the wrong car can affect you in so many ways.
Its been about a hundred and thirty-nine years since Alexander Graham Bell made the first phone. The cellphone was made to replace the phone and its has become poplar. The progression of test messaging and social media sites through the more advanced technology has more people on their phones, becoming one of the largest distractions. Whether people think they can safely type on their phones while driving or just do not think there is any real danger in the act is a misconception. Being on the phone while driving is dangerous and needs to be
Fifty cents of the gasoline tax dollar increase will go towards making the public transit system more feasible to people. This includes more bus stop locations, more arrival and departure times, more accessible train and airplane facilities, and increased safety precautions. Cheaper fares would also be a good means to increase the use of public transportation. In Huntsville, Alabama where the town is trying to have an efficient city system and is doing well at it, the tourist trolley fare is one dollar per trip and two
Sub-point: Not only does fast food contribute to children being obese, but where they live has an impact as well. During a study it was found that, “21 percent of the children were overweight, and 5 percent were obese, which is similar to the Canadian norms.