
Driving Age Olds

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I stare out the window of my second-floor classroom. My windows face the rear of the building, and offer a bird’s eye view of the empty student parking lot. At the beginning and end of each school day, I watch the students pull in and out of the parking lot. Sixteen to eighteen-year-olds are awful drivers. They should make the driving age twenty-one. All the current research says the human brain doesn’t fully develop until twenty-one, which means sixteen-year-olds are virtually incapable of making good decision. Over the past six years, I’ve seen at least a dozen fender benders, and watched two students take a God-awful tumble out the back of a pick-up truck that they were riding in on the last day of school. The students’ had a cooler filled …show more content…

I don’t believe for one second that he would only use the software when a computer is stolen or lost. If left to his own devices, he would become a voyeur with unfathomable opportunities to invade the privacy of every student, parent, teacher, administrator and member of the faculty. I’m going to report him – he can’t be trusted. I lift the laptop that was in the teacher’s lounge, and place it in a laptop bag. I stare at a piece of paper on my desk with a list of the steps Fred showed me to access the ClassMatePlus script. I scribbled the directions down from memory when I got back to my room so I don’t forget. I’m going to Principal Duggar’s office to show him how the software works, and explain that it was Fred’s intention to install the cyber-voyeur script on every computer in the school. I just hope Principal Duggar is bright enough to understand the implications of what I’m about to show him. If Principal Duggar places Fred on suspension pending an investigation, I’ll know he understands the severity of the situation. If they do their job properly, the administration will fire Fred. Anything short of his immediate suspension and eventual termination will be an indication that the administration knows absolutely nothing about the power and danger of …show more content…

His beady eyes twinkle with delight. He gives me a sly wink and nods towards my laptop. I look down at my laptop and double click on the Internet Explorer icon. The browser opens to the Google homepage. I enter the words Ashley Madison in the Google search engine and click search. I click the first search result and navigate to the Ashley Madison homepage. There is a picture of a beautiful blonde woman in lingerie holding her pointer finger to her lips offering viewers a sexy shhhhh. The site won’t let me any further unless I register. It’s clearly a pornographic site, not something I want to be surfing on the school’s network. Not that I should worry, the only person who knows how to access the search history on the network is Fred, and he’s definitely not going to report me. I enter Wikipedia in the URL bar, and enter the words Ashley Madison in the Wikipedia search engine. The Wikipedia entry informs me that Ashley Madison is a website dedicated to connecting men and women interested in having an affair. For a small monthly fee, Ashley Madison will discretely connect clients interested in anonymous one-night stands. I look up from the screen as stare at

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