Traffic related accidents happen frequently and the main cause for this is the drowsy driver. Drowsiness of driver means sleeping at the wheel, that means, sleeping for small amount of time while the driver is driving an automobile. The main reason behind this drowsiness related accidents or a crash is long and hectic hours of continuous driving. When the driver is drowsy, it affects his/her alertness mentally, which decreases his/her ability to operate on vehicle properly and increases the risk of accident or mishap to occur. The drowsiness related accidents have caused a lot of damage to nature as well as human life which could lead to death of the person or a person can become physically or mentally handicapped and many other losses like
It seems each year that the automobile accidents increase, and there are a high number of death and injuries that follow. Records show that nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes and 20-50 million are injured. More than half of all traffic death occur among young adults 15-44 years of age( ). Accidents can happen at any time and can be caused by many reasons such as rain, speeding, drug, or alcohol. An automobile accident is what brought the 16-year-old boy to the emergency to be care for by the medical staff there. The patient was seen by the ER staff for several hours, and he was admitted later in the inpatient unit for observation. The next morning when staff tried waking the patient he was died.
A person is considered brain dead when she or he no longer has any neurological activity in the brain - meaning that no electrical impulse are being sent between the brain cell. When declared “brain dead” the body is being helped by a ventilator that helps the body keep blood and oxygen moving. With the help of technology doctors can make the body do some of the things it used to when the person was alive. But even though the body is being kept “alive” the patient has a very low chance of recovery. In my opinion those patients that are declared “brain dead” by the doctors should be put down and allowing them to rest in peace. I know this might sound a little harsh especially when we're talking about a close friend or loved one. Since the
Now-a-days driver drowsiness is one of the major causes for many motor vehicle catastrophes and it can impair the human brain as much as an alcohol or drugs can. It can be due to fatigue, lack of sleep, driving for a long time, circadian low rhythm and use of medication. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 1.5 million people die per year and over 40 million people have severe injuries. From the statistics, we can conclude that there is an urge for developing a system that can detect drowsiness and alert the driver before any hazard happens.
Driver fatigue may not be illegal but it is lethal. Fatigue is a discreet killer that occurs for drivers no matter their age, their driving experience, how long the trip is or the time of day. In 2012, there were more fatigue related crashes than drink driving crashes in NSW. When someone doesn’t sleep for the previous 17 years before driving, they have an equal effect to someone who drives with a blood alcohol level of 0.05. A study by Nordbakke and Sagberg in 2007 concluded that drivers had a standard knowledge on preventative actions and the factors influencing the risk of falling asleep. But, despite this knowledge, drivers continue to drive on the road whilst tired.
Driving after drinking is one of the biggest reasons of road traffic accidents’ death and mostly
Thesis: Although it is believed that driving while drowsy is not a threat, it can cause some serious damage.
Thesis: Drunk driving is a major risk to yourself, to occupants in the car, even innocent bystanders could even suffer fatal injuries.
Car crashes are one of the leading causes for death in many countries all around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “About 1.24 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes.” This number is increasing rapidly and the WHO predicts it will reach 1.9 million deaths annually by 2020. To put that into perspective, that is almost like the entire population of Latvia dieing out over the course of a year because of car crashes. Speeding and driving under the influence (DUI) are two other prominent reasons for road traffic collisions. It would be close to impossible to stop all crashes, so the best thing we can do now is to do what we can in order to protect the people facing these tragic occurrences.
Cassandra Jane Wirka Mrs. Zimmer Logical Order Outline Due: 10-19-15 I. Introduction: Car accidents are a major social problem that result in fatalities and injuries. Causes of tragic car accidents are driving while intoxicated, paraphernalia use, insomnia, electronic devices, weather conditions and seatbelts. II.
Traffic fatalities and accidents are mainly common among the drinkers who are newly legal regardless of the MLDA. According to the research, the highest number of accidents is primarily caused by those aged 24 years. These drivers cause these accidents as a result of alcohol
There is an interesting dynamic when it comes to teenagers and their sleep during the night. Sleep is important for teens since they have to go to school, and most schools require these students to wake up early in the morning to attend classes. After a long day of working hard in the classrooms, teenagers want to escape from their schoolwork and immerse themselves into activities that promote happiness. They resort to activities like talking on the phone, partying, listening to music, watching television, etc. Teenagers often stay up late at night indulging into these social activities. Although the adolescent community may think this behavior is cool, it is critical for them to understand how it is harming their body. Teens who consistently
To add to the fact that students don’t like waking up early or maybe they just didn’t get enough sleep, makes them mad are upset more or less mad. They sometimes tend to take their anger out on other people which ruins their day also, so now everyone is mad, some may want to fight each other or teachers this causes discipline and behavior issues, if school started at 9 students would have a little more time to get some extra rest and get their mind prepared to go to school, I tend to have attitudes if I stayed up late the night before studying for a
Often, people throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area overlook the dangers of driving while overly fatigued. However, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that 109,000 injury accidents and 6,400 fatal collisions involving drowsy drivers occur each year. Despite knowing the potential hazards of falling asleep while behind the wheel, a recent study found that motorists regularly drive while they are drowsy.
Furthermore, they may have difficulties respond to situations and hazards that may arise on the road. Often, this contributes to auto accidents, which commonly result in serious injuries and fatalities for the drunk drivers themselves, as well as the occupants of the other vehicles involved.
People utilize motor vehicles for transportation, work, or even for pure entertainment. Governments can expand their economy, job opportunities, and much more with the ability to drive. Although driving provides these positive features, it can also cause abysmal repercussions when an accident occurs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “more than 1.2 million people die in road traffic crashes every year” and “as many as 50 million people are injured or disabled by road traffic crashes every year”, while “road traffic crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally.” As these negative statistics continue to grow, many people believe that teenagers are a large contributor to the number of deaths and injuries due to road accidents. However, different age groups have their own contribution to these statistics and they also have their own pros and cons when it comes to driving.