Intro More than twenty-two million people of age twelve or older use illegal drugs in the U.S.(Drug Abuse Symptoms, Facts, and Statistics). Drugs can affect teens in many ways they don't realize. Many teens do drugs, and they don't seem to care. Those teens may not know the facts, the effects on their health, nor the effects on their mental well-being. Drugs are Lame Teens do drugs for many reasons. Many teens decide to do drugs because they are being pure pressure to do drugs by their friends. Also if they get invited to parties many people offer them some, and they accept it to fit in a group or with other people. Also they do it in the streets. Other people just do it for fin or just want to sit down a relax. Also many people just want to do it just to try it if you like it or not. Many people are already a drug addict. They might just do it to rebel so they can make their parents mad. Teens sometimes do it to just be popular is school or social media and just have fun. Other just follow their parents footsteps and just do what they do like if their parents smoke they may just do what they do and try to be like them. Maybe they are just depressed and just want to feel better. Maybe they are getting bullied in school and just want to feel better or just boost his/her spirit.Maybe they are in a group/gang and need to do drugs in order to be in that group.They maybe have a low esteem. They could have been grown around drugs in their house or the community and
In the last year over a million teens in America alone between the ages 12-17 met the criteria for substance abuse and addiction. Teens should be made aware of the effects of drugs. There are ways to teach teenagers the negative effects of drugs. Such as, fiction novels.
They stimulate parts of the brain, killing off others for short term, artificial highs. For every up there is a down, and for every high, there is irreparable damage to the brain. Adolescents are at an important crossroad in the development of their brains. Their brains are working overtime to develop important reasoning, critical thinkings, and decision making skills for later life. Teenagers who use drugs halt the progress their brain makes on these fronts, and are bound to remain irresponsible and teenager-like well into adulthood. This is the cause of crime in our society. When people use drugs, they can no longer make the decisions necessary to understand the consequences of their actions. This causes people to self-destruct and cause harm to themselves and their personal
Drug abuse is an increasing problem in our society, and specifically among teenagers. This increased affiliation with substances is very detrimental to teens. It causes an inability to focus, increases the chance that you will continue your drug abuse through your adulthood and it greatly damages the brain and many other organs. Our brains are developing when we are in our adolescence, which is why it is very important to discourage kids experimenting with drugs.
Teens are highly affected by drugs around the world but training has begun to stop it. Along with brain damage and lung damage. Countless teens around the world use drugs for social advantages.The United States represents 5% of the world's population and 75% of prescription drugs taken. 60% of teens who abuse prescription drugs get them free from friends and relatives. Doctors are already trained to find ways to help.If teens smoke too much it can cause them to die or overdose.
A recent study from Yale University suggests that drug is a development disorder, one that affects teens in particular. The reason for this is certain areas of teens brains that control impulsive behavior are not fully formed. During adolescence, the human brain begins to release more chemicals affiliated with new experiences and the desire to repeat them. Areas of the brain that adults use to think about the risks of behaviors are still developing in teens. The bottom line is this, teenagers are more likely to experiment with drugs than any other age group.
Many people just have the desire to simply relax or relieve tension, some people like to experiment then when they get addicted you need to maintain your addiction to prevent withdrawal. Teens face struggles of being accepted by peers so when they are the only one in the group not doing drugs you soon get singled out or get made fun of, causing them to cave and try it, causing them to possibly abuse the drug later. Then the most simple cause of prescription drug abuse, just to simply get high. A more complicated cause that isn't anyones fault technically, Genetics. Drug abuse is sometimes known as a genetic problem, In which a first-degree relative struggles with addiction you are at higher risk. Not all people agree with this statement but I think it is true but not always. Children who grow up watching this and thinking its normal are more likely to think it's okay so then they follow the same path as their family member. Once one would get addicted they will soon fear the withdraws that come with stopping the drug, to prevent it they will keep doing the drug if not the same amount but
Hannah is a fifteen year old girl who was recently sent to a rehabilitation center for the result of abuse of prescription medication. 6.1 million high school students currently use addictive substances, and like Hannah, 1 in 3 of them are addicted (“National Study Reveals,”2011). Although the number of teens using these drugs are decreasing, the numbers are still dangerously high. Due to it’s high risk of addiction, dangerous consequences, and growing availability, substance abuse among teenagers is a serious trend being presented among all United States adolescence.
Drugs can result in teens not doing well in school, which can lead to lower academic opportunities and career options.
Many teenagers between the ages of 12-18 are exposed or already on their way to addiction to substances that are not good for our mental or physical health. Many teens experiment with drugs but aren’t addicted. According to “teen drug abuse can have long term cognitive and behavioural effects since the teenage brain is still developing.” A study also shows that half of all new drug users are under 18. This is because our brains are still seeking the “thrill” and temptation of substances. Other common reasons are curiosity, peer pressure, stress, emotional struggles and wanting a escape. Thankfully drug use among teens, despite popular opinion are significantly decreasing. The teenage brain is very immature. By doing drugs as a teen you are at a greater risk for being an addicted adult.
There is no simple answer to why a young person might begin using alcohol or other drugs. Many times, it is a combination of several factors, including society, family and peers. They may turn to drugs to escape stress or loneliness or to overcome shyness in social situations. They may want to be seen as grown up or as a risk taker. Or, they may simply be curious. Teens often want to be like their role models as well. So, if their favorite music group, older sibling, parents or a "cool" peer at school uses drugs or alcohol, they may also use drugs or alcohol to emulate their role model(s).
drug users" and it was found that they all shared a similar lifestyle. All had
According to current statistics released by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, “In the United States in 2011, there were an estimated 25.1 million adolescents aged 12 to 17. In the past year, more than one quarter of adolescents drank alcohol, approximately one fifth used an illicit drug, and almost one eighth smoked cigarettes” ("A Day in the Life of American Adolescents," 2013, para. 1). Substance abuse is major problem amongst adolescents. Some are experimenting, but some adolescents may become dependent on a particular substance. If one becomes dependent on a substance as an adolescent it could be detrimental to their future health and success as an adult. Spear (2003) stated in an article titled Alcohol’s
Throughout schools in the United States, there is a growing issue in our elementary through highschool aged students. Drugs and alcohol have begun to overtake childrens lives as young as twelve years old. There are many types of drugs involved from prescription drugs, which is the number one drug, to alcohol, marijuana, meth, cocaine, heroine, or inhalents.
It has been discovered that most people who struggle with drug addiction began experimenting with drugs in their teens. Teenage drug abuse is one of the largest problems in society today and the problem grows and larger every year. Drugs are a pervasive force in our culture today. To expect kids not to be influenced by the culture of their time is as unrealistic as believing in the tooth fairy (Bauman 140). Teens may feel pressured by their friends to try drugs, they may have easy access to drugs, they may use drugs to rebel against their family or society, or they may take an illegal drug because they are curious about it or the pleasure that it gives them.
“I’m in love with the coco” (a song depicting a love for cocaine song by O.T. Genasis), just one of the most recent songs to have explicit usage of drugs. Referring to drug usage and sales is a popular trend in today 's hip-hop and rap lyrics. As a society where do we draw the line with censorship of this material? Not only are the lyrics being said, but the drug usage is also being portrayed in the music videos; all the way from marijuana usage to cocaine and popping pills. There 's no doubt that this type of music has a negative effect on today 's youth, but by censoring, this variety of music are we in effect censoring the culture and reality that sings it.