
Drug Free Status Active Case Study

Decent Essays

Problem # 5: illicit opiate use Goal(s): to become drug free Status: active
Objectives/Progress: Pt. has maintained Phase 7 take-home privileges. As the pt. has participated in a total recovery program, he has been able to maintain abstinence from mood-altering drug use as evidenced by submitting 19 clean UDS results since entering and reporting sustained abstinence. Pt. is compliant with all aspects of treatment, provides negative UDS, and attends required monthly counseling. Pt.'s program attendance is in a good standing but pt. needs to attend different AMS groups. He was advised to schedule different groups and the benefits of doing so. Pt. has achieved a lengthy period of sobriety and has good insight into personal recovery behaviors. Counselor will review this long-term goal with pt. during his therapy sessions.

Problem # 7: financial Goal(s): to maintain financial compliance with all treatment fees Status: active Objectives/Progress: Pt. continues to maintain financial compliance and pays all …show more content…

has done great in achieving his goals of improving his relapse prevention strategies. During the previous quarter, Pt. made progress on redefining long-term sobriety maintenance plans and reviewing his aftercare plans during AMS therapy session. Pt. disclosed and understood that he needs to find new ways to balance work, school and family responsibilities in order to give recovery/this TX his effort. During the last quarter, Pt. was educated about the ongoing need for maintenance treatment (e.g., following up on appointments, continuing to take medications, or attending support groups) and about the importance of participating in different AMS groups topics. Primary Counselor will help the patient to identify what he does each day and help him to structure his days to strengthen his sobriety and to keep him motivated during the next AMS therapy sessions. Counselor will provide suggested strategies for addressing these

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