
Drug-Related ED Report

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The U.S. government currently gathers data concerning drug-related medical emergencies in major metropolitan hospitals through a program called the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).Therefore, two basic types of information are reported. Consequently, the first concerns the number of times an individual visit an emergency department these drug-related ED visits involve a wide range of drug-related situations: suicide attempts, malicious poisoning, overmedication, and adverse reactions to medications, as well as the use of illicit drugs, the use of dietary supplements, and the nonmedical use of prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs (Levinthal, C. F. 2012). Moreover, the second type of information concerns the number of drug-related deaths, as determined by a coroner or medical examiner. However, the proportion of drug-related ED visits involving alcohol use requires some explanation. …show more content…

Ordinarily, about one-fourth (26 percent) of drug-related visits in 2008 involved some use of alcohol in combination with an illicit drug, with a prescription or OTC medication, or with an illicit drug and a medication. Notwithstanding, most people are unaware of the facts, if one mixes too many OTC drugs they can be fatal, or cause different defects in the body or brain. Accordingly, approximately 46 percent of all ED visits in 2008 were associated with either drug abuse or drug misuse. Consequently, two-thirds of all drug-related ED visits involved an adverse experience with either a prescription or an OTC medication (33 percent), with illicit drugs alone (25 percent) or with a combination of medications and illicit drugs (Substance Abuse and Mental Health

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