In the chapter trouble of Drums Girls and dangerous Pie, steven gets call down to the guidance counselor to talk about what's going on. As he go the the grievance counselor, she ask steven what was going on but he didn't tell, she started to give the silent treatment and just stare. Soon mrs. and steve went to meet with the other major subject teachers while everyone was in gym. Mr. came in and he said if there is no improvement then steven will get kicked out of the city- . soon steven told and the teachers were quite for a little while but then became to get packet of homework steven can do to improve his grades. As steven was leaving mrs. palma told him that a girls was worried about him and told her what was going on. First stevn thought
A choice made by Mrs.Fisher's has affected Paul by being nosey and wanting a toure of the school, the only way she could get the toure of the school was saying that Paul was blind. It says “We were hoping to see exactly where Paul will be going next week. He has problems with his eyesight- he’s legally blind- so we were hoping yo make a dry run today.” (pg.25). When Mrs.Fisher signs Paul up for IEP his first day of school he gets called up to the office for a guider around the school. It says here “All right, Paul, this is Kerri Gardner, one of our school volunteers. Kerri will act as your eyes, so to speak, until you’ve learned your way around our campus.” (pg.38). When Mrs.Fisher filled out the IEP, it ruined Pauls chance to play on the Lake Windsor soccer team. This quote says “ Coach Walski looked pained. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Paul, but you’re not eligible for the program.” (pg.62).
Right before the school year started Tripp’s mom took away his guitar. It was taken because he wouldn’t listen or do any of his summer reading. She wanted Tripp to good grades or wait till next summer to receive his guitar back. When the school year started Tripp borrowed the school’s guitar, although he was not suppose to. Tripp sign up for one of the two practice rooms. He got the room A on odd days during lunch time. There is this other student named Lyla
I recommend, Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick because it was meaningful. The author did an amazing job making you feel like you were there with the characters. I laughed, cried, and fell in love with them. The connections made with the characters was significant and lasting. It was like I was I right next to Steven encouraging him to continue on. He was such a strong, funny, and loving character. The plot keeps your interest the whole time. One of the biggest challenges occurred on October 7th. What Steven, his brother Jeffrey and his parents didn't know was that this would change everything. I enjoyed this book so much that I would sneakily read it in during different classes. For example, when Jeffrey gets sick I prayed
In Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pies, the main character Steven has many strengths and weaknesses. One of his strengths is his drums. For instance, in the story his drums was his sanctuary. Whenever he was stressed, or he needed to hit pause and take a break from life you would find the drumsticks in his hands. Another strength is that he’s always on the balls. Meaning, that he’s vigilant, and always on his toes. For example, when his mother came with Jeffery in her sweatpants to Stevens dance; he knew that something was wrong and he shouldn’t complain that he was embarrassed. Also, right before Steven had his big solo on the drums at his concert, Jeffery became sick. He realized that Jeffery was more important then his concert, so agreed
On page 83 Philip say “ she really hates me. Philip thinks that the only reason he got suspended was since she has it out for him. On page 73 ” Something between you and Miss Narwin Philip only hummed since Miss Narwin giving him an awful grade. On page 60” Philip leaven this room instantly”Philip has really annoyed her to a point of breaking she was yelling at him over how he was talking back to her. 212 Philip says “I don't know the words” When Philip says I don’t know the words you know that he was only doing it for the reason of the teacher.
Imagine that you were making a harmless meal , but in a turn of a page your life has completely changed not only for you, but everyone around you. In the novel Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie the main character Steven is a drummer that isn’t that popular. His little brother Jeffrey went to the hospital, and soon Steven finds out that Jeffrey has Leukemia. Steven takes it hard and changes as a person, therefore his relationships change. Annette, Renee, Dad, mom, and Jeffrey relationship with Steven changed from when he found out to the end to the novel.
A team meeting was held at Lutz today with Scott, his parents, this counselor, his teacher Mrs. Shannon, Vice Principle Nick DeVault, acting Principle John Nader, and Transition Coordinator Joe Delegato. The meeting was set to discuss Scott's participation in the STEP program and what his family is looking for when it comes to his MRS case and employment. Scott's teacher feels that STEP isn't necessarily the right placement for him and wanted to discuss this with the team. Scott's parents stated, " we have always felt like Scott has never been in the right placement. He is either to low functioning or two high functioning for the program he is in. We agree that his options need to be explored." His teacher Mrs. Shannon then went on to explain that although Scott does quality work on his sites, is always friendly, and hard working, there are a lot of concerns that are holding him back in the program. Shannon stated, " Scott has trouble staying focused, requires a lot of reminders, wonders a lot, takes a long time to complete a task (2 times the amount needed), is unable to work fast paced or multi-task, can't typically be left alone, and communicates inappropriately at times. Shannon stated that his need for constant supervisor and inappropriate communication is her biggest concern. Shannon stated that Scott often sings My
Maria walked MSC to her room. She asked MSC did she like the color of her room because he choose it. MSC replied, "yes". Maria informed her MSC that she was having issues with a guy that his bothering her at program. It stopped for a while and now it's starting back again. She informed the
The book Following the Drum Women at the Valley Forge Encampment gave a very good incite to not just what it was like for the men at Valley Forge, but what it was like for the women who were there. “In the winter of 1777-8 at Valley Forge there were about one woman of every forty-four men” (Loane 133). I think book stressed that these women were incredibly helpful in the effort to rebuild this army through the rough winter, no matter what their job were. Although “ Washington did not think much of the women with the army; he once commanded every woman to leave camp, no matter what her contribution or marital state. The General’s unfavorable attitude toward the common camp women did not extend to all women Valley Forge” (4). To me it’s interesting that General Washington said this about the women there, because throughout the book I felt Washington enjoyed the presence of his wife and the other troop’s wives at the encampment.
Crushes, cancer, death. Jeffrey, Steven, Renee Albert, Annette. That’s what Drums Girls, Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick is all about. Steven is an ordinary 13 year old eighth grader who, despite the fact he is passing through his 4 year old brother Jeffery’s leukemia, has plenty problems of his own to worry about. One of them being the ladies in his teenage world.
The first Friday of New Year, Darrell didn't want to go to the supermarket parking lot to met Tyray because he didn't want to be scared of Tyray. He decided that he didn’t want pay to him again. At school, Tyray came and asked Darrell about his money, but the teacher came in so Tyray went away. When they went to eat lunch, Tyray and Darrell started fighting and then Tyray was crying because he broke his wrist. Finally, they were both sent to the principal office. At that time, Darrell told the principal what happened. In conclusion, Tyray got suspended and Darrell got a warning.
James from the collaborative classroom is leaving and this is not very good news but James goes up to Peter and says it's not his fault and that it was a accident. This lightens up Peter and he feels a little better but still can’t things straight for what he did to his teacher. After Peter goes to the hospital with his class and there they do what they would do in their class. Peter is kinda talking but still very quiet. Mr. T is still in the hospital for a while until the last day of school where he surprised the whole class and this is what he did to Peter. “Mr. T got down on his knees and looked directly into my eyes. Then came the best hug I’ve ever felt”. (266) Peter has never felt so loved before and starts hugging him back right after. This is showing Mr. T has feelings for Peter and does not think he is a bad kid. Then and there everyone forgave Peter for what he had done. Mr. T could have been a bad teacher and done something mean but he did
They were to ignore him when acted out or became disruptive and praise him when he behaved in an acceptable manner. In a sense, this made every one of the kids in his class one of Sean’s teachers. They were forced to accept that Sean could get away with doing things that would have landed them in the principal’s office. Kathy would have to spend significant amounts of extra time working with Sean when teaching him how to do something the other children had learned in five minutes two weeks ago. The academic gap between Sean and the rest of his classmates continued to widen as the school year continued.
Simon Tong’s short story, ‘’The Beat of a Different Drum’’ explores the journey of a young boy immigrating from Hong Kong to Australia with a lack of knowledge of the Australian culture and tradition. Through the ambiguous understanding of his unwelcoming classmates, he is victimized to the extent that he feels both violated and humiliated, emphasised by the fact that he is unable to express his feelings in English. These feelings result in him becoming increasingly insecure and irritated as he has become confused and alienated. The rich vocabulary and literary techniques enabled Simon’s short story to become more relatable to the audience by exploring the common adolescent crisis of ‘’Being Different’’.
The next morning, after chores and breakfast, Dave and his father went to the high school. Luster told Professor Herbert the same story Dave told him, and the Professor told him the story was accurate. His father couldn’t understand why they would go out looking for bugs and stuff when they should be inside learning from the books. Professor Herbert told him that there were certain courses of study that had to be complete for the state, but he still didn’t understand, so Professor Herbert requested that Luster stay all day at the high school. Luster and the professor stayed together the whole day and they observed the different classes. At the end of the school day, Dave and his father finished working for Dave’s dollar and then went home. Dave’s father told Dave that he got along good with professor Herbert, and he told Dave that he was very well off at the school, so he should continue to learn the things that he never had the chance to learn.