
Friends Drive Drunk Driving Essay

Satisfactory Essays

1. What is the main problem that the campaign is addressing?
Many people are still driving under the influence of alcohol, which is leading to a high rate of motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States.

2. What is the evidence given to support that this is a problem?
According to the Ad Council, traffic statistic showed that in early 1980, 50% of all motor vehicle traffic death in the United States was caused by alcohol-impaired driving. The Ad council launched their first advertising campaign entitled “Friends Don’t let Friends Drive Drunk”, which decreased alcohol-impaired fatalities from about 21,000 to 12,500 between 1982 and 1999. In 2000, alcohol-related crashes started rising again despite these successes. The statistic shows that 60% of alcohol-related accidents is caused by young drivers aged 21-34. In the United States, drunk driving was one of the most crimes in 2005 causing one death every 45minutes. In 2012, drunk driving killed more than 10,322 people in highway crashes. 3. What is the main product (i.e., the main behavior) that the campaign is promoting?
This advertising campaign aimed to reduce drinking driving fatality in the United States

4. What is the evidence given that this behavior will help with the identified problem?
This advertising campaign shrink the change by creating a page on the web page to sign for a pledge that they will nor drive while buzzed. They have also posted an image on the web site showing police pulling over

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