Another important theme shown from throughout the book is that alcohol causes more grief and death than joy. After Juniors’s grandma was hit by a drunk driver, Junior reflects on what his grandma used to say about why she didn’t drink. “‘Drinking would shut down my seeing and hearing and my feeling’, she used to say. ‘Why would I would I want to be in the world if I couldn’t touch the world with all of my senses intact?’”(Alexie 156). This moment illustrates that Junior’s grandma knew the dangers of drinking and the importance of life, so she didn’t consume alcohol; however, she was then hit by drunk driver. This tragic accident struck Junior’s family with grief. The driver was himself was having a good time while drinking, but then quickly
A. Just imagine driving home from a party after everyone had been drinking and all of a sudden there is a big crash and the next thing you know you and your friends are being taken to the hospital in an ambulance. That is what can happen when you decide to drink and drive. B. Drinking can be fun when you are with your friends but once a person makes the decision to get behind the wheel it is a completely different story.
Just as before I wish I did not wait so long to do this project but I finished and now I am done with these senior writing projects forever. I actually had a better time writing this essay than the first one. This essay was easier and also I was more interested in this topic and cared about this topic which made it easier to write. At first I did not know much about drunk driving but after this project I am happy I chose it. I learned so much and I truly do care about this issue.
Grabar, H. (2012, December 31). The Geography of Drunk Driving. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from
A common theme of this story was alcoholism. Every single death in this novel was alcohol related, whether it be of a grandma who had never drank in her life being hit by a drunk driver, or two good friends fighting over their last bottle of wine, which lead to one being shot. The latter was what happened in Eugene’s case.
As we know the grandmother dies because of a drunk driver and sister had to luck to be burned to death because of alcohol. Juniors father is still alive but because of his problem with alcohol he is somewhat absent in Junior’s life. But his father does not affect his life as much as the death of his family members. The death of his grandmother made him upset and caused him to go into a deep depression especially when he reflects on people in his life dies he come to the conclusion that,”plenty of indians have died because they were drunk(Alexie pg58).” The realization that people are dieing to and fro because alcholol made Junior think that death is be his unescapeable
The theme of alcohol caused deaths on the Reservation affected Junior in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by making him go to a different school and creating friends in the process. A couple of deaths in the book included Eugene dying in a motorcycle crash caused by alcohol, Junior’s grandma dying in a car crash caused by a drunk driver, and Mary dying by becoming drunk and burning to death in a trailer.
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a step of the quantity of alcohol in the blood, revealed as a portion by volume. Connections in between the quantity of alcohol in the blood and the resulting quantity of alcohol in the breath have actually been made. Based on elements noted above, an individual's blood: breath alcohol ratio can differ from 1700:1 to
Many individuals in today’s society wonder what pushes people past a breaking point in which they become involved in actions not accepted by society, such as stripping, prostitution, drug use, alcoholism and more. The reasoning behind this is deviance. Deviance can be either positive (over conforming) or negative (under conforming). When applying the subject of crime to a type of deviance, it falls under the negative category because those who under conform in society have a tendency to reach their goals with non-accepted means. Considering the crime of drunk driving, many factors add up to develop a reason why so many people do it. Merton’s strain theory perspective explains the deviance behind drunk driving very well, using its’ assumptions, key focuses, and root of deviant acts to support it. Before focusing on Merton’s theory relating to the crime of drunk driving, we first have to recognize how sociologists understand the concept of deviance.
Most people remember the first time they got to sit behind the wheel of a car and the exhilarating feeling of control. The first time I drove came about in the final lap of the derby I raced in the summer before my freshman year of high school. The race took place in Daley Plaza in Chicago on a sunny Saturday afternoon. My team and I were filled with excitement and nerves as we prepared to begin the race. Everyone chose me to drive as our final driver, and the thought of potentially driving to secure our victory terrified me. Soon the race started and we were swept away in the first three crazy laps and the intense challenges. Finally, Aastha pulled up to our pit and scrambled out of the car to complete the challenge. I quickly threw on the
In the instance of drunk driving, the actions of the drunk driver are related to the safety of the drivers within their proximity and therefore affects not only the driver but others as well. Our previous moral experiences allow us to determine what the intentions of the drunk driver might be. Some drivers may choose to drive under the influence of alcohol because they have had an emergency that requires them to be at a certain place and they do not have the means to reach to their destination except for driving themselves. In this case, the context becomes complicated and intricate. However, if the driver is risking his own and other drivers’ safety, it becomes clear that their intentions are based on nonchalance and disregard for others.
5. When I get ready to go to work. I get my work clothes out. I will then get me a shower. Then when I get out the shower I brush my teeth. The last thing is to get dressed and go to work.
I didn’t know that a police car was hiding in the median of the Meadowbrook Expressway with its lights off at midnight.
First of all, drinking alcohol can lead to bad things. In the novel ,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Junior lost his sister, family friend and his grandmother all because of alcohol. For example, Junior’s grandmother was hit by a drunk driver and died. Junior says, “But my family had to bury my grandmother… THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GET RUN OVER AND KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER!” (Alexie, 157). Junior is saying how no one should ever have to see their grandmother be killed by a drunk driver,or anyone for that matter. A grandmother is supposed to die because of natural causes not because a drunk driver had one too many drinks and made the wrong decision to drive.
“Have one drink for the road” was, until recently, a commonly used phrase in American culture. It has only been within the past 20 years that as a nation, we have begun to recognize the dangers associated with drunk driving (Sutton 463). According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, this year 519,000 people, or one person per minute, will be injured in alcohol-related accidents. 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes this year – that is one death every 50 minutes. The heartbreaking part is, every injury and lost life due to driving after drinking can be prevented. Drinking while driving “accidents” are not merely “accidents.” Getting in a vehicle after consuming alcohol, which severely affects the function of
findings. This could potentially reinforce even more the idea that drinking patterns and driving patterns correlate with drunk driving, which could lead us to figuring out ways to solve the issue.