
Dt1310 Unit 7

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Page 335
Q.11) “The Model of the Sun” is a theoretical description of the Sun’s interior derived from calculations based on the laws of physics. It also explains how the energy from nuclear fusion in the Sun’s core gets to its photosphere. (DTU 10ED Page 329)
Q.14) There are 6 regions that have their own physical characteristics. These regions are the fusion core, radiation shell, convection shell, photosphere, chromosphere and corona. The fusion core is the region which is where the process of nuclear fusion takes places and generates energy. The radiation shell is the region where radiation flow causes energy transport. Convection shell is the region where transport of energy takes place with the help of convection cells. Photosphere surface …show more content…

They can extend to 1000 solar radius. Giant stars are smaller in size and colder than supergiant stars. (DTU 10ED Page: 354)
Q.19) The difference occurs in physical terms. In type ii supernovae, collapse of a massive star takes place. While Type ia supernovae is caused by a white dwarf star that accretes mass enough to surpass the Chandrasekhar limit resulting in a collapse into the neutron star. (DTU 10ED Page: 411 and 414)
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Q.2) A (DTU 10TH ED Page: 521)
Q.4) A star in a close binary that transforms into a black hole causes all outward pressures on a collapsing star to fail in stopping its inward motion. (DTU 10TH ED Page: 441)
Q.8) Non- rotating black holes are known as Schwarzschild black holes which collapse to a point of infinite density at its center. The rest of the volume from the event horizon to the singularity of a Schwarzchild black hole is empty space. While on the other hand, rotating black holes known as Kerr black holes spin thousands of times every second which are faster than pulsars. They also contain a donut shaped region called the ergoregion which is just outside the event horizon. Objects never remain at rest at this particular region. (DTU 10ED Page:

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