The case “Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged)” states the development history of Du Pont’s products, and focuses on investing and marketing of Kevlar.
Kevlar is a fiber which Howard W. Swank, general manager of Du Pont’s Textile Fibers Department, and other Textile Fibers Department’s managers were keen on. Kevlar is based on the former products of Du Pont, such as nylon, and Nomex Aramid fiber. Kevlar’s development was closely related to that of Nomex. It is a much stronger and stiff fiber than nylon and steel, and can be stable at high temperatures. After the Fiber-B first came out in 1960s, Du Pont found some problems with it. Two years later, Fiber B-1, which is also called Kevlar Aramid fiber, came out with better
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In 1969, the Textile Fiber Department sent Fiber B’s samples to tire companies and aerospace companies, and it got good responses. When Fiber B-1 was developed, the Textile Fiber Department thought they understood how customers in the tire and aerospace industries would evaluated the new, better material, so the department did not do any preliminary assessments. Even though Fiber B-1 is superior to Fiber B, it still needs to be tested before putting it into the market in order to make sure it works well. The customers’ feedback is very important to a new product. Du Pont did not continue to do the sample tests and sample research which may cause some problems.
When Du Pont invented Kevlar, it did not have a specific target market, and it just followed its history market without creativity. Du Pont always wanted to produce a stronger fiber than before, and its market has always been tire and aerospace industries. After the promotion, Du Pont focused on the tire cord market. I think Du Pont chose the right market. The tire market is an existing market with large potential. From 1970 to 1973, the tire cord consumption was increasing from $539 million of pounds to $683 million of pounds. As radial tires entered the tire market, the older materials could not satisfy the properties of them, and only Kevlar and steel can be used in radial tires. It seems that Kevlar just needed to compete with steel. This is a
NLJ produces and sells two lines of jackets: nylon and leather. The market for nylon
CornelCookson is a leading manufacturer of overhead coiling doors and custom closure products. One of their most popular products is the steel slated rolling steel door (see Figure 1), which is used to provide security and weather protection across a wall opening of a building. An astragal (see Figure 2), which is a weather seal, is supplied at the bottom of the door to help prevent the transfer of fluids from one side of the wall to the other. The current material of the astragal is Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV), which is composed of 40%
The two molecules on the left are the chemicals that reacted to make Kevlar, which is the molecule on the right. Kevlar can be grown to different lengths so when people manufacture it, it can be fine tuned to a specific standard depending on what the intended use is for. This makes it so there are many different Kevlar grades that you can purchase and use. The chemicals used to make Kevlar are polyparaphenylene terephthalamide and terephthaloyl chloride. After this reaction is finished, the polymer that is produced is spun into strong, thick fibers. This polymer is extremely strongly bonded, and each strand is bound together by hydrogen
company has been in existence for a little over 15 years and has made huge strides in the textile,
This report aims to analyse and discuss the results of carrying out tensile tests for two materials, in this case Mild Steel and Nylon. The purpose of this is to use the information generated to calculate Young’s Modulus, Yield Stress, Tensile Strength, and Percentage Elongation. These properties must be known before designing a product using the materials tested, because the anticipated behaviour of the material must be suitable for the design specification, with a margin left for safety.
She eventually went to the women’s college of Carnegie-Mellon University (Margaret Morrison Carnegie College.) After her graduation, she applied for a position as a chemist for the DuPont Company. Kwolek’s interview with W. Hale Charch, who had made the process to make cellophane waterproof and was, by then, a research director, is an important landmark of her life. After Charch let her know that he would tell her if she was to be offered a job later, Kwolek strongly asked if he could make a decision sooner, because she had another offer that she had to reply to soon. In Kwolek’s presence, he gave her an offer letter. She later reflected on this, stating that if it wasn’t for her harshness, she probably wouldn’t have gotten the job. After working for DuPont for numerous years, Kwolek, in her 40s, was asked to find the next generation of fibers capable of performing in extreme conditions. She unexpectedly discovered that under certain conditions, large amounts of the molecules of rod-like polyamides form liquid crystalline solutions, and that these solutions can be spun directly into shaped fibers of very high strength and hardness. It was after this that she invented Kevlar using this
Fiberglass insulation is used in about 90% of homes in the United States and has the potential to cause multiple serious health issues. Hemp insulation can take all these concerns out of the picture with many of the ways hemp is naturally ecologically-friendly. Hemp comes from a cousin of the cannabis sativa plant which also produces marijuana. When hemp is grows it grows at a very fast rate and can be easily grown in many conditions. The plant is used to make the hemp insulation called hempcrete with other additives. The other parts of the plant can be used to make other various essential items for the human life. Although hemp is illegal in the United States it can be grown through a system of licensed growers in the United States and can also be bought from growers in Canada and Europe and shipped to the United States. Using hemp and a lime is the best alternative for an insulation because both products are readily available and easy to obtain. Hemp can be believed to be the future of insulation for many reasons.
Introduction Main Argument: Colonisation had an immense and severe impact on the Indigenous people of Australia, causing both tragic and horrible events to happen along with the decimation of Indigenous culture also known as the Dreaming, destruction of their families and lives, and finally the loss of their land. Context: In this essay, I will explain the severity and the tragedy of the British colonisation of Australia’s Indigenous people, using various sources. For example how European diseases affected them, how the law Terra nullius denied their rights and existence, and finally how the Indigenous people had to undergo forced assimilation along with the tragedy of the “Stolen Generation” making the Aboriginals accept British culture as their main culture despite not wanting
WeaveTech, formally known as Johnson-Ware is a military and security apparel company entering into the high-end performance clothing market. Before the acquisition by CVX Partners, WeaveTech which was formed in 1905, relied exclusively on the military (70%) and security (30%) customer base. The need to change the company’s customer base from military and security to high-end performance clothing market apparently arose from the allure of the later market segment and the dwindling growth of the military and security market (Beer & Swiercz, 2015). The departure of Jack Davidson, a retired US Navy Rear Admiral, and WeaveTech CEO from 1983 to 2012 in addition to the conclusion of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars meant that the traditional market was losing its reliability. Due to the unreliability, there was a need to redesign the customer base and to take advantage of the high-end market segment.
fiber and Kevlar for military applications. “But the frame and design of the InvinciBull helmet
The company motto is “Live the Dream” and they aim to fulfil their customers need and desire for comfortable clothes and equipment for travel and adventure sport. Kathmandu has described quality and performance as the key to their new design initiatives and they invest substantial resources that focuses on design, quality, technical development, merchandising and supplier management functions. They develop products that are
My unknown fiber is cotton. Cotton is the number one fiber used for apparel in the United states. In a study from 1994, sixty three percent of cotton was used for apparel. Cotton makes great clothes because it is a good insulator, it absorbs perspiration, is very comfortable, and is durable.
Having identified the target market of their products, Patagonia was also able to more effectively develop innovative new products. Knowing that their core users wanted high performing fabrics and that they were willing to pay for it, Patagonia was able to make the necessary investments to develop superior fabrics over longer development cycles than their competitors. The new innovations in fabrics and materials trickled down from the higher end lines like Alpine, allowing Patagonia to add value across all their lines and maintain a high price point.
After research Jan conclude that company faced many serious issues. Firstly many company’s costumers start making their own metal springs, shortage of workers, British company which panda create joint venture is on the way to bankruptcy and lastly polyether foam was starting to be inroads into the company’s market and Panda know nothing about this new technology. First changes Jan make 1971 the company had bought
nsurance com mpany Mutu Benefit Lif and Wesray Capital Cor Carter’s h develope unprofitab product lin in ual fe y rp., had ed ble nes swimwear and un nderwear, and many of its more decora d s ative features (zippers, cu bows, etc.) were s ut not well received by consumers In 1992, the company ins w b s. e stalled a new managemen team led by CEO w nt y Frede erick J. Rowa with the intention of “steering it back to its c an, core niche of soft, comfortable f 1 Morg gan Stanley had recently made a similar offering to the eventual b r buyer of Dresser Equipment Gro r oup—underwriti $1.1 ing billion in debt financing after leading th auction. Whi staple-on fina he ile ancing was not a typical practice, it was becomin more , ng commo on. _______ _______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ________________ ______ Professo Malcolm Baker and Research Assoc or a ciate James Quinn, Global Research G Group, prepared thi case.