
Duffer's Delight: Case Study

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The primary research in our EAW for Duffer’s Delight: Golf Course, Residential and Commercial Development was based solely off the EAW guidelines. We feel as though our EAW would have included increasingly thorough information had we had an opportunity to review similar developments. For example, if we could have viewed a previous EAW proposing a 9 hole golf course; we could have identified sensitive environmental impacts that we would may have otherwise ignored. It is our recommendation to create a formal database for previous completed EAWs. The database would show EAWs listed by city and type of development. For example, if the proposed project included a wind turbine, this database would enable RGUs to search for wind turbines and …show more content…

It may be in the best interest of the RGU to bring development and revenue to their city, or it may be beneficial for the DNR to keep an area of land undeveloped rather than allowing for commercial expansion. It is our recommendation that the EQB have more of a say in the final declaration made by the RGU. We suggest that an independent third-party group review the EAW and have some authority in the final declaration. If not an independent third-party, we would suggest a group of relevant stakeholders including scientists, city planners, state agency members, informed citizens, and EQB members. We believe that adding in an additional review period would allow for critical assessment of the EAW. This would eliminate any bias in the review process. Third-party review would also account for differences in an RGUs ability to compile a thorough EAW. Small cities or those that rarely undergo the review process would require independent confirmation on the comprehensiveness of their EAW. Implementing an additional review period could also allow for increased stakeholder participation in the review process. This would also allow for the EQB to have more responsibility for coordinating a centralized review process across the entire

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