The primary research in our EAW for Duffer’s Delight: Golf Course, Residential and Commercial Development was based solely off the EAW guidelines. We feel as though our EAW would have included increasingly thorough information had we had an opportunity to review similar developments. For example, if we could have viewed a previous EAW proposing a 9 hole golf course; we could have identified sensitive environmental impacts that we would may have otherwise ignored. It is our recommendation to create a formal database for previous completed EAWs. The database would show EAWs listed by city and type of development. For example, if the proposed project included a wind turbine, this database would enable RGUs to search for wind turbines and …show more content…
It may be in the best interest of the RGU to bring development and revenue to their city, or it may be beneficial for the DNR to keep an area of land undeveloped rather than allowing for commercial expansion. It is our recommendation that the EQB have more of a say in the final declaration made by the RGU. We suggest that an independent third-party group review the EAW and have some authority in the final declaration. If not an independent third-party, we would suggest a group of relevant stakeholders including scientists, city planners, state agency members, informed citizens, and EQB members. We believe that adding in an additional review period would allow for critical assessment of the EAW. This would eliminate any bias in the review process. Third-party review would also account for differences in an RGUs ability to compile a thorough EAW. Small cities or those that rarely undergo the review process would require independent confirmation on the comprehensiveness of their EAW. Implementing an additional review period could also allow for increased stakeholder participation in the review process. This would also allow for the EQB to have more responsibility for coordinating a centralized review process across the entire
First, rezoning action is quasi-judicial in nature, subject to strict scrutiny on certiorari review. Second, a landowner who demonstrates that proposed use of the property is consistent with comprehensive plan is not presumptively entitled to such use. Third, a landowner seeking to rezone a property has burden of proving that proposal is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and consequently burden shifts to the zoning board to demonstrate legitimate public purpose of maintaining existing zoning classification. Finally, the board is not
The stakeholders for the proposed project include: Ashe County Residents and officials, Boone Residents and officials, Appalachian State University (ASU), Recreational businesses, environmentalists, Watauga residents and officials, and Todd Residents. Ashe County residents and
There is emphasis on the responsibility that planners must serve the interest of the public through techniques that inform and structure debates and foster understanding (OPPI, n.d.). Members should respect the diversity of needs and values of the public while providing clear and accurate information on planning matters. These sections also cover the consequences on the natural and built environment. Through the planner’s action it is evident that he has neglected the interest of the public and has put the values of the developer first by presenting limited information. The planner did not foster understanding by providing clear and accurate information. Instead the information provided was vague and was not accurately represented since affects were not covered adequately in terms of the long-term consequences. Section 2.7 to 2.9 in the CIP addresses the fact that planners are responsible for disclosing full information when possible conflict of interest arise (OPPI, n.d.). In this case the developer and their proposed development and the public and the adjacent environmentally sensitive area created a conflict of interest. the conflict of interest was that the developer wanted to develop a community that aligns with their proposed plan whereas existing residents wanted to change the proposed plan to protect the forest. Since a conflict of interest arose the planner was responsible for
Overall, while each article discussed different topics relating to the issue, article 3 seemed to be focused on one specific potential after-effect of public land transfer – the suppression of elk habitat and hunting – while the other two articles extended beyond one specific scope. Likewise, all the articles are produced by authors who are strictly representing one side of the issue and neglect to remark on opposing viewpoints. Unfortunately, all three of these articles lack possession of factual accuracy, validity, credibility, authority, and unbiased statements, making them moderately unreliable
Following these steps helps ensure that all sites get remediated to levels that will protect people and the environment. Within each of these steps there are indications of what the site’s future use could entail. When the site is under consideration for redevelopment into a recreational facility, there are several factors that EPA pays close attention. One of the most important is containment, if there is going to be contaminants left on-site, are the proposed technologies for
Afterall, the Three Rivers Challenge is “a plan to share stewardship of the Yaak region among logging interests, recreation enthusiasts and environmental advocates - is the proposal best known to me in this legislation” (13). Bass believes that “this bill increases wildness, protects endangered species, and detoxifies - once and for all - the word ‘wildness’ ” (13). Since the bill portrayed an open minded view, it led to the opportunity of the bill being regarded as fair and agreeable by everyone. Lastly, he wants to let us know that “the process has been as inclusionary as it has been informal, with the participants not directed by any agency requirement, but instead by the grassroots flow of democracy” (10) because fairness is an important factor of
The purpose of this memo is to prepare the Oz City Council for the upcoming budget study session with the public. At the session, the council will discuss proposed changes in the cost accounting system of the Emerald City Planning and Zoning (P&Z) department. The proposal would shift the system to an activity-based costing (ABC) scheme rather than a traditional cost scheme. This change would allow the department to address budget deficit issues within the permitting process that currently utilizes equal cost allocation. The ABC scheme would allocate these costs on the basis of plan review, site review, code review, and other activities within the permitting process (Marlowe, 2007, p. 1). Thus, the ABC system would allow the P&Z department to accurately calculate the cost of services then charge accordingly. This system can help ensure efficient and equitable services. Furthermore, the ABC scheme would align with and further enhance the performance management model set forth by the recent internal performance audit. While there are advantages to ABC, there are also several disadvantages and other considerations. I will outline and analyze these to present a balanced and complete analysis that will facilitate a productive and successful budget session with the public. It is critical to address the public’s concerns and obtain support for the implementation of an ABC scheme within the P&Z department. Lastly, I will conclude with a recommended course of action which
An up-to-date survey of the entire property which shows the existing improvements and the location of all wetlands and poorly and very poorly drained soils (including wetland flag numbers), wetland buffer, and 12’ primary structure setback from the buffer edge. The survey should be prepared by a licensed surveyor. For properties where the wetland delineation is older than 3 years, the professional who did the original delineation should reconfirm the accuracy of the boundaries in writing as part of the application. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to request documentation/notes for any wetlands delineation.
(b) to promote the sharing of the responsibility for environmental planning between the different levels of government in the State, and
Question 2: Although land ownership is an individual right, what takes place on that land is still a concern for governing agencies. In this case, the impact to ecosystems covers an area greater than just the area owned by one individual or firm. Controlling the impacts of the landowners operation mitigates the impact to other landowners in the area. Owning land still requires a reasonable person to behave in a manner consistent with the law of the land. In this analysis, a gentlemen named Hurwitz backed Maxxam Inc. to purchase Pacific Lumber. Hungry for profits, he altered Pacific Lumber’s focus to the short term profitability of the firm, instead of long term sustainment of the business. Poor business practices put Maxxam Inc. in a position requiring a fixed amount of income to pay loan interest and fees. Hurwitz never assessed whether or not he could sustain payment with current operations and was forced to increase operations to make profitability still viable. (The Terrestrial Environment, 1998)
Assess the potential environmental impact of a proposed construction project on the local natural environment.
• Researched information informs the design; with guidelines/constraints, such as Local Authority and Conservation Policy (A9), along with specialist consultant’s reports – including Day
Land is a natural resource that is often mistreated due to human activities. If we learned anything from our past, it is that history leads the same course for those who misuses the environment. Therefore the government have gone through extreme preventative measures to protect our environment by designating “Wild lands”. The Bureau of Land Management (BML) is given the power to designate wild lands and control the use of it. Much controversy have arisen since then and the debate on whether or not Wild Lands are harming rural economies is still ongoing. Mike Mckee, a speaker at the House Natural Resources Hearing Committee, fought against designated wild lands because he believed it was creating an economic crisis. Land that was once used
Beat the heat by these new healthy and cool refreshments! Who would have thought that these foods that exist in your fridge were not just mainly made up of ice and sugar but also proteins to make your body be fitter and healthier? Ice creams and smoothies can never be this delicious, refreshing, and healthy by these easy and quick steps.
Some people might argue that the government should not create any new grants for eco-friendly landscapes, as it would be a waste of money. However, the benefits of grants outweigh the cost of awarding them. There are two ways the government can get people to change their personal choices: enact laws with strict penalties that