
Duke Ellington's Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Our music industry would not be what it is today without one of America’s greatest music legends, Duke Ellington. He made major breakthroughs at a time when the odds were against him. He was born Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington (1899-1974) (Tirro 1993). He was a natural and has many life achievements that have contributed to the genre of jazz. He was a catalyst in his era. His music spoke to the soul. He defied the odds with his musical accomplishments. It was not everyday blacks were awarded the opportunity to shine in America’s spot light.
He was able to take leaps in an industry when African Americans were not afforded the opportunities other races were privileged to partake in. During this era segregation was prevalent. African Americans …show more content…

He grew up around music. There were two pianos in his house. The passion for music goes as far back as his grandparents. His father was James Edward Ellington. He was not a music reader but could catch tones by ear. His mother, Daisy Kennedy Ellington was also a vital instrument in his musical journey. She was also a pianist. She preferred hymns and Ellington enjoyed them. She was also a very spiritual person and he would often attend church with her. (Lawrence 2015) His talent is not a result of education but is deeply rooted in his natural abilities. He attended Armstrong Technical High School.(Tirro 1993) He was on a journey to complete high school but left before obtaining a diploma. Instead of school he worked various jobs in the day and was able to make a breakthrough in the music scene at night. (Tirro 1993) His parents recognized his gift and placed him in piano lessons at the age of seven but he did not follow through with the classes.
He was born in Washington, D.C. and that is where his musical foundation was laid. It was there in 1919 were he formed a band. He organized a group by the name of “The Duke’s Serenaders. ” He advertised for his band in the telephone book. His musical career blossomed and in 1923 he moved from Washington to New York. (Tirro 1993) After moving to New York, he formed an orchestra in which he was with for the following fifty years. He was the pianist and

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