
Dumas Free Time Essay

Decent Essays

Timed Essay

Dumas is a very joyful and loving child, she moved to America from Iran, which was a very miniscule country. Many people asked Dumas questions some serious, some silly, but what surprised her is they never ask geographic questions, “They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride?” (Funny in Farsi, 90). Dumas often became frustrated with people that asked her idiotic questions, and she expressed it not physically but, verbally (Fun in Farski, 91). The reason she does, is because the questions are unimportant and they’re just teasing her and she knows that, and the questions are never about her.

Most everyone at her school are rude and they tease Dumas all of the time. They made her feel uncomfortable and not needed, like they did not want her there. Although, there were rude students, there was a small group that were nice to her, they would invite her over to their house to play and sleep over (Funny in Farsi, 91). The kids that were nice to her often did things for her like giving her a Halloween costume for their cities Halloween parade. “They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed …show more content…

Although she had people that teased her, she had friends that were there for her throughout her time in America. Her mother was not American and did not know English, she had to pronounce things for her and translate sometimes. “They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride?” (Funny in Farsi, 90). This is showing a perfect example of people creating hardships and an extremity of problems. Duma was a cheery little girl, she was kind to most but, some people didn’t treat her the same, but she had friends that cheered her up and made her

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