Do you ever hear, that thy Dumbo Octopus lives 9,800 to 13,000 feet below sea level in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? The area that I am going to focus on is the North Pacific Ocean near the Philippines. The Dumbo Octopus name was based off of Walt Disney’s Dumbo, because of the “ears” coming off of the side of it.
The Marine biome is very cold and can reach 12.6℉ at 13,000 ft. underwater. Many different types of plants and animals live in this cold water. Examples of these abiotic features, plant life, is purple coral, the sea anemone, sea whip, sun coral, soft coral, and brain coral. These plants all live in the water deep below the ocean. These plants have plants all have animals that live inside them.
Examples of these animals, animals,
Have you ever seen Finding Dory and wondered about all those creatures living under the sea? The ocean is the largest out of all of the ecosystems it is a stretch of sea which is divided geographically into four sections called the Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Arctic Ocean the elements found in the ocean is H2O which makes water and NaCl making sodium chloride but there are main chemicals in sea salt as well such as sulfate magnesium potassium and calcium the ocean gets its saltiness because of when it rains on land the rain water dissolves the minerals from the rock then that rainwater flows into rivers and then to the sea when the water undergoes evaporation it leaves the minerals hence why the ocean is salty. In different parts of
They move into deeper water during the colder months. Depths about 32 to 262 ft, and in the warmer months they can be found 10 to 25m underwater. The biogeographic regions are in the Atlantic ocean(native) and Pacific ocean(native). The Aquatic
his is the Grimpoteuthis or also know as the Dumbo Octopus. The Dumbo Octopus is the deepest known living octopus species. It got its name from the Disney character Dumbo. The Grimpoteuthis have been found in New Zealand and Australia, Monterey Bay, California, Oregon, Philippines and in Papua, New Guinea. They live on the seafloor or just barely hovering above the bottom at depths of 3000 to 4000 m (9800 to 13000 ft), with some living as deep as 7,000 m (23000 ft) below sea level. The Dumbo Octopus can move several different ways, they can flap their Dumbo ear-like fins to get moving or by shooting water through their funnel cause a sudden thrust, useful for escaping a predator. They have adapted to the intense pressure and cold temperatures
Twenty-four adult Larger Pacific Striped octopuses maintained in captivity are studied for their behavior, body color patterns, and postures.
Deep in the west coast rainforest there is an endangered species called The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. They are 30-33 cm amphibious, that scout their lives through touch and sight. The Tree Octopus spends the beginning of its life in the rainforest. The rainforest has so much drizzle and dew, it keeps the threatened species from becoming shriveled and dead. The exceptional and profound creature has a very large brain to body ratio.
The Giant Pacific Octopuses are found though out the Pacific Ocean. It’s found north in Alaska, South in Mexico, west in Japan and East in California. So they really can tolerate all kinds of water temperature. It is more likely to find it in tidal pools and they live in the water depth from 110 meters down to 1500m. (Schwab, 1987) They eat fish, lobster, shellfish etc. They crack them open by their mouth. The way they reproduce is that male Octopuses have genital bags inside them. They will insert a hectocotylized arm into the female and then release sperm. The entire process will take 2-3 hours. They could change their skin color to fit into the environment so they really can fit into different conditions. (Anderson, & Mather, 2007)
Have you ever seen or heard of a cool, weird, but yet fascinating creature? This creature is called the southern blue-ringed octopus. I will tell you some interesting facts about this fascinating creature. The southern blue-ringed octopus got its name from its blue rings. The southern blue-ringed octopus doesn’t always have its blue rings, in fact the octopus’s rings can be different colors like light brown, grey, and even yellow. On the upper side of the southern blue ringed octopus is rough feeling with a lot of wrinkles. When the southern blue-ringed octopus feels threatened or gets disturbed the rings change to blue. The cells on the southern blue-ringed octopus that are blue are called chromophores.
In Creatures Under the Deep Sea it talks about all kinds of animals from small things like little Octopuses called dumbo to huge things like a Vampire Squid. Vampire squids curl up into a ball when feeling scared or under pressured. The scientific name of this squid is Cephalopod.This creature also has glowing eyes and tentacles. This proves that life can thrive if their is just a little bit of light. The cute little Dumbo Octopus it's called is a little 8 armed creature. The Dumbo Octopus is an animal that lives on the ocean floor which is 9,800 to 13,000 feet deep. They are small creatures, around 8 inches tall. They feed off of worms and other underwater insects. We have only discovered five percent of the ocean, but we have still
Habitats range from tropical coral reefs, rocky shores, tidal pools, mud, and sand to kelp forests, seagrass meadows and the deep-sea floor down to at least 6,000 m (20,000 ft). The greatest diversity of species occurs in coastal areas. Also All echinoderms, including sea stars, live in the ocean-on the sea bottoms (although their larvae swim in the water column). They are among the few groups of animals which live exclusively in marine habitats. Starfish live in all the oceans! Like Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, and Southern
Animals that live in oceanic ecosystems are: Sharks and rays, many varieties of fish, dolphins, sea cucumbers and turtles. Plant life includes: kelp, seaweed, sea grass, algae and coral
Since Freshwater biomes are found all over the world, the types of plants and animals that live in these waters can be different. Some examples of plants that may inhabit a Freshwater biome are grass, spike rush, water lilies, cattail, and sometimes trees. Most plants living in these waters are not recognized by humans. Animals that live in these biomes are frogs, turtles, snakes, fish, and sometimes alligators. Insects like mosquitos also inhabit these biomes greatly. Animals such as raccoons and earthworms live on the land surrounding the biome, but depend on the biome to survive. Some animals, such as beavers, live in both the water and the land surrounding it. Algae also plays a big role in a Freshwater biome ecosystem.
This paper is about octopus dofleni, which is a bottom-dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean, from Northern Japan to California. This essay will provide a brief overview of its life, habits and other characteristics of this, intelligent and creative invertebrate and member of the Octopodidae family.
The marine deep biome starts at about 100 feet deep in the ocean and ends at around 5000 feet. The location is slightly in between the euphotic and disphotic ocean zones. Because of the little light that enters the disphotic zone, the organisms there, rely on the zone above for food. In the upper part of the marine deep biome, photosynthesis occurs, allowing producers to thrive and eventually be eaten by lower located organisms. Some examples of producers that can be grown by process of photosynthesis are phytoplankton, seaweed, and algae. Without the sunlight, there would be no way for deeper sea life to survive. A couple of those lower organisms are shrimp, mollusks, and zooplankton; which are all herbivores. Carnivores, which feast on these
A marine biome is a large aquatic zone that takes up almost 75% of Earth’s surface, has a salt concentration around 3%, and is distinguished from other biomes by its physical environment. According to Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, (2010), the habitats of a marine biome varies depending on the level of the sea that it exists (pp.382). The layers or “zones” that make up the marine biome consist of the pelagic realm, the intertidal zone, the photic zone, the aphotic zone, and the benthic realm.
Salt water is approximately thirty to eighty degrees Fahrenheit. It also is seventy-one percent of the earth’s surface. This includes Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, Mediterranean, Caspian, Baltic, Adriatic Sea, Bering, Coral, E. China Sea, Hudson Bay, James Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Oman, Saint Lawrence, Great Barrier (Australia) and many more. The average depth of the ocean is about twelve thousand four hundred and thirty feet deep. Its max depth is about 6.787 miles deep. The total mass is about 0.023 of the earth’s total mass. The world 's oceans are inhabited with over 14,000 species of saltwater fish. Some other sea animals that also live in the salt water are dolphins, turtles, sharks, and starfish. Several types of water plants that call