
Dwayne Johnson Accomplishments

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Explosions, gods, fast cars, and big guns, what does all this signify? The Rock is here and he means business. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is most likely one of wrestling’s most influential and popular wrestlers. Dwayne gives his high school much credit for his athleticness and for craving the feeling of winning( Many Universities even wanted offered scholarships to him and graduating with multiple degrees in both criminology and physiology (The Rock). The contributions that Dwayne Johnson has made in his careers towards the WWE and acting proves beyond a doubt that the WWE Hall of Fame should induct this athlete. Reasons he should be in the WWE Hall of Fame is that he has become increasingly popular with much success in wrestling and acting, and has acquired many awards with influences in many different respects. Johnson’s wrestling career was one of the most loved and impressive in the history of professional …show more content…

However, the facts are straight that people do believe that he is, in fact, one of the worlds greatest wrestlers with titles like The People’s Champion, The Samoan Sensation, The Great One, and The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment. He even is thinking about becoming the leader of the United States as the reading Dwayne Johnson from explains by saying, “ In 2017, buzz began generating over Johnson’s rumored plan to run for president in 2020...the wrestler-turned-actor finally confirmed the rumors in December, telling Ellen DeGeneres,’I’m seriously considering it, yes.”. Even when it comes to charity Johnson is an amazing person, donating around three million dollars to his University, and that’s just two of his donations. So yes it could be said that all of these reasons and accusations are

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