Quality assurance of drug and poison information centers Drug and Poison Information Centers( DPICs) become more vastly used by health professionals and quality assurance programs will be requisite to guarantee that a high standard of service is provided. Most DPISs perform some form of quality assessment based on the scope of service provided by that center & pre-established levels of agreeable performance. Quality assessment is usually perform on the responses provided to drug information requests, medical literature search & evaluation processes, availability, accuracy and timeliness of drug info resources, and the quality of materials produced (e.g. monographs & newsletters). Evaluation methods designed to assess the quality of
2. Review the drug profile to identify what medications are being used and for what purpose.
The surveys are meant to be specific and consistent and are not just used to evaluate the organizations for improvement but are also to educate in the best practice standards adopted throughout health care and to help staff in ways to continually improve an organizations performance. For this purpose, in 1996 the Quality Check website was launched to help the Joint Commission provide information regarding the performance of accredited organizations to consumers and organizations. Users are able to search for accredited or certified organizations; they can locate organizations by either type of service or geographical area and lists of certified organizations as well as a hospital’s performance measures can be obtained.
• Resource: Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care Grading Criteria.
Medical professional should select quality measures for reporting such as commonly treated conditions, the types of care that are frequently delivered, the settings in which care is given, quality improvement goals and other quality reporting options that are available or being considered. A couple of options available are Physician Quality Reporting System and Value Based Purchasing. Both
Encourage the use of computer-generated or electronic medication administration records. Plan for the implementation of computerized prescriber order entry systems. Consider the use of machine-readable code (i.e., bar coding) in the medication administration process. Use computerized drug profiling in the pharmacy. Be a demanding customer of pharmacy system software; encourage vendors to incorporate and assist in implementing an adequate standardized set of checks into computerized hospital pharmacy systems (e.g., screening for duplicate drug therapies, patient allergies, potential drug interactions, drug/lab interactions, dose ranges, etc.)”. (Association,
To help combat the opioid crisis, there are some existing policies that have been set in place by the government and various agencies. For instance, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have implemented the use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs). These state-run programs are electronic databases that track down the prescriptions of controlled substances, including opioids. Physicians and other medical personnel can utilize this database to look at specific information such as the type of drug prescribed, the quantity, and so on. In addition, they can look at a patient’s history with controlled substances, which in turn helps them to avoid the prescription of controlled substances to a person with possible
Four performance measuring components under MIPS will collectively make up the overall MIPS Composite Performance Score (CPS) to evaluate the performance in terms of quality and value of care by the eligible clinicians to earn adjusted Medicare payments. Each component of the MIPS carry weight to the overall composite performance score. Measuring criteria followed by MIPS underlies on evidence based clinical quality measures and specialty-specific standards which are reviewed as well supported by clinical leaders and endorsed under consensus process driving towards positive
The National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) is an initiative of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2015). NQMC is a website and database for information on evidence-based health care quality measures and measure sets (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2015). “The NQMC mission is to provide practitioners, health care providers, health plans, integrated delivery systems, purchasers and others an accessible mechanism for obtaining detailed information on quality measures, and to further their dissemination, implementation, and use in order to inform health care decisions” (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2015). There are several measures established in the NQMC that deal with prescribing the correct medications for hospitalized patients.
Ashton, C., Kuykendall, David H., Johnson, Michael M. (1999). An Empirical Assessment of the Validity of Explicit and Implicit Process-of-Care Criteria for Quality Assessment. 27(8). 798-808.
The use of controlled substances continues to be a problem within the healthcare industries. As healthcare provider, we are more concerned with pleasing the patients by giving into their demands and improving the organization’s Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHAPS) scores that we get lost in why we chose to go into the healthcare profession, to save people lives and do no
Claxton, Cox, Gonzales, Kamal, and Levitt (2015) explains measuring the effectiveness and quality of care provided for the patients were unclear. Therefore, quality measures were developed by organizations, such as healthcare providers, the federal government, and accredited organizations. Thereby, focusing on measuring specific areas of care and performance
Moreover, the PQIs can be used as an assessment instrument to help highlight potential healthcare quality concerns and challenges that require further analysis and provide effective data for planning and improvement of health care quality; and provide information to the consumers (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2014). The Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) measures also provide a perspective that includes inpatient mortality for certain procedures and medical conditions; application and utilization of certain procedures for which there are questions of uses
* for completion if part, or all, of the evidence has been sampled by the Internal and/or External Moderator
Department of Health and Human Services (Gale, 2005, p. 219-222) started a public health surveillance system, and Drug Abuse Warning Network (Macmillan Reference USA, 2001, p. 398-405). For example, if a patient is suspected of been a narcotic abuser, the Drug Abuse Warning Network grant permission to the provider to enter a database that displays all the narcotic prescriptions that the patient has filled within the United States. The Drug Abuse Warning Network seems to be the solution to this disproportionately epidemic, but providers continue to prescribe narcotics. It is best recommended that Patients continue to sign into the emergency department for narcotic medication
Quality measures are strategies that gauge, evaluate or compute health care processes, results, discernments, patient insight, and administrative structure. In addition, quality measures are frameworks that are connected with the capacity to deliver first-class health care and/or that are able to identify with one or more quality objectives for medicinal services. These objectives include: compelling, protected, effective, quiet focused, impartial, and opportune consideration. Quality measures can be used to measure quality improvement, public reporting, and pay-for-reporting programs specific for health care providers (CMS.gov, 2016). There are an assortment of quality measures in which health care organizations can use to determine the status of the care they are delivering. Many are appropriate, but few are chosen for this research paper. Among them are: National Health Care Surveys, Hospital IQR Programs, Scorecards, and Political, Power, and Perception/Data for Decision-making tools.