The vision of our country is quiet unpredictable for the ever changing problems and solutions that on goes in our society. The everlasting people that makes up our society and even the world are greedy and selfish to they care for themselves but what really matters. As for America I can envision this country as unpredictable and greedy people that do nothing but lie around and do nothing but eat and afraid to change. I can see this happening because of the fact that most Americans are careless to see the true errors of what the individual has made but refused to accept, they make up lies to work or even support services that may make a difference in a person’s life and the very few people in this country that are pure hearted are ether dying …show more content…
We all lie in our lives just for something stupid that may be no use to you or us all but what matters is how much the lie impacts the current action. One of the main key factors to this section of my vision is lying one of the most ongoing problems for society to live it’s like a creed embedded. Say that man was the light that shined from the stars and the lies were the shadows and darkness, the lies hides the light that once shined throughout the lands but now it’s covered by a cocoon of lies we would be that dying light. I’m not saying it’s bad but it’s a common issue that’s been long term such as greed and self petty for yourself, it’s a gene in man’s code. I knew a kid from Washington from a school called Lydia hawk elementary, he was nice guy with heart but he had a mind that haunted me for years. We traded of toys on bus one day and I told him to not break the toy, as soon as he left the bus he tossed, smashed, and even bitten my toy then say his dog did it. I reported him to the principal’s office by the next day, I asked him why he did this event and he said that he was using me to so he could destroyed all things that I love but a toy that’s pathetic. He lied about my friendship so he can get close to and take everything that I owned, sad part about it is that this situation has occurred 3 times in my life. I hardly trust anyone now with …show more content…
Some Americans are these friendly and respectful citizens of our society normally they are always willing to support others whenever they have the time. America is alright for the fact that most people and citizens will do the following task with effort and worth without being forced to do it. I am one of these fellow citizen with this mind set for I fell empathy for most people in my school, family, and to my friends. I used to type inspirational speeches and words that would bring joy and happiness to those who can’t find there’s but I did not like the responses so I stopped. Probably over 67% of the thousands or millions of people that I’ve ever met are kind and helpful individuals which makes up a huge proportion of an Americans life. I have bring people out of the break suicide and even fixed relationships sometimes I bring smiles to the loners and I give HOPE for those that are like me. Life is hard for a child autism and ADHD which makes me really judgmental but I know friends or everyday people that don’t even care about me disabilities. This is what makes me second guess about America it’s because of this section of the essay is what changes my thoughts about this project. However about the rest I do hold every word accountable to this country because of the little good in this world there is man out there were they no sign of
We will never be able to eliminate lying from our society because it makes our lives easier; it is just easier to tell a lie. We will always want to hide things from our friends, and parents and add those little things to our stories that make our lives sound better and more interesting. It is a little scary how use to lying that we have become and how easily that we will believe these lies. We will always want to lie or even need to lie and it will always be
America is a country where so many people from around the world live. We have freedoms and liberties that citizens of other countries could not imagine. I cannot exactly say where I think America is headed, but I can say the thought of seeing where we are in twenty years frightens me. Tocqueville once said, “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” America is unable to come together as a whole to fix our faults; instead, we divide to create more.
The U.S, a place with sparkling city's, interesting people, death, Baltimore in the top fifteen most dangerous city's.Welcome to America, where if you wear blue clothes in a blood territory, you will get beaten or killed, where racism is ignored and not worried about, Where gay marriage is right, where you can say on your brain. Yeah, America. This essay is the topic of America's good, and the rotten bad. The united states of America is good and bad. Violence, racisim, Marriage, and freedom of speech. Welcome to America, enjoy your stay. I know America is bad, but the media shows it way worse than it really is. Every mass shooting, the gun is called a assault rifle, so when people say that, it's risking bans. America has violence, lots of violence.
Barriers are always broken they are never permanent, and then that is when the real truth is revealed. Lies don’t do us any good as people in our world. If people want to have peace in the world, and be united get rid of the lies first. Lying to other people makes them lose their trust in you. It also separates you from them because they can’t trust you anymore. Why would you want to lose someone else's trust over a false thing that you have told
Lies, surround people everywhere they go. Sometimes nobody catches them, while other times a lie backfires and ruins a relationship entirely. Why did one work, and the other fail? Is it because that person is a disastrous liar or is not creative enough to fabricate a falsehood? Depending on the person, maybe. However, the leading causes to deteriorating lies are detention apprehension, duping delight, and guilt.
You may believe that it is perfectly OK to deceive another person because you have been hurt. Sooner or later that deception will cause you harm in one form or another. Often you may find that the biggest deception that you are taking part in is the one against yourself. If you are constantly deceiving yourself and personal progress can be difficult.
My American ExperienceAmerica is home to millions of people. I have lived my life in America my entire sixteen years on this world, and have cherished every second of it. Through these sixteen years, I have been able to establish my own thoughts and feelings on what the American experience is about to me. I may have my own opinions, though others may disagree with them. I cannot live the life of the millions of people living in America, nor can I explain the American experience on their behalf through their experiences. My own interpretation is a product all the experiences I have gone through growing up in America. As a child I was in the process of developing my own character and learning new things. I grew up with the impression that You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. That is what America is all about the land of dreams and opportunity. If I wanted to become a doctor, I could become one. There s nothing stopping me from becoming president or anything else I want to be. But you don t become president like that. It takes hard work and determination to accomplish anything, hence the phrase if you put your mind to it. The path to success may not be an easy one, but only through hard work and education can it be obtained. Some say we are slaves to society forced to spend our worthless lives working nonstop. Perhaps one can make that case when referring to a country such as Russia, where the people work for the success of the country with a communist
Just imagine yourself lying in hospital, in a tragic state connected to many machines and trying to fall asleep but you can’t as nurses and doctors come once a while waking you up by accident as they want to check on you. Not talking about the unbearable pain you’re going through. All these side effects from all the drugs you’ve taken, you’re tired, you have problems with breathing and also you have no appetite. The doctors said you’re not going to survive, you will die and it’s unavoidable… It’s just a matter of time. If you had to choose which death would you prefer: a death full of suffering and pain or the one without it?
The land that was once made for the free people of the world to come and make a living out of themselves has disappeared. America was built for people to live a life of freedom, something that is very uncommon throughout the world. America had a great vision that people of all races, ethnicity, sexes, or religion can be united as one. The moral power of the flag that has the bright red, white and blue stars has been lost in society. I believe that American study is an interesting topic because America has gone from loving each other, to only loving a selected few of people, back to loving each other, and to now, where people are going through a rough period of trust within the nation. The land of the free has now become the land of a lost nation. I believe that America has never strived when society puts blame or stress on a minority group, simply because the strength of America is because of the strength in number the nation has. The more people we have to join hands with and minds thinking together, we have excelled all expectations, but as a nation, we have, yet to understand that.
None of us wants to be a loner. We all want to be members of a social group. For the false self to exist, the crowd is essential. The moment we get lonely, we tend to begin freaking out. This is particularly very common in the Western world where most are yet to discover a good way of uncovering the real self.
Each year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized ( ). Many of those animals were euthanized because they were not being taken care of. In fact, 1.4 million of those animals were dogs. That’s more than half of the total amount! However, many of these dogs weren’t all euthanized because of their lack of an owner. Many actually had owners that loved them very much! Those dogs were euthanized for biting someone. Has a human ever been executed for assault?! Dogs should not be executed for biting because all lives are precious, dogs don’t attack without reason, and they have feelings, just like us.
On our way home I offered my mother some of that gum and she questioned me about how I had acquired it, I lied. Though she did not say anything the rest of the drive home, I knew she was angry. As soon as we got home, she put the groceries away and told me to sit down at the table with her. She spoke in a soft, but firm tone, the kind of tone that meant business; she told me that I was to never steal again under any circumstance, and that I was never to lie. She told me that stealing was wrong, but that lying was as much an offense. She told me that whenever she felt she had to lie she would repeat this sentence in her head, “be honest, be straightforward, and do not waver from the truth, ever,” and that it would always help her. I did not know the weight of those words back then, but I knew I was not to lie ever again. As I grew older, this stayed with me, I told the truth even in painful circumstances, but as soon as I came to accept my sexuality, I started lying through my teeth every time I was questioned regarding my romantic life. This was brought into a head-on collision one night when I was 20 years
Death, a loss in something or someone who takes it's last breath. The problem when tend to have is letting go of what has passed on. Whether it be a loved one or an animal. Just something you really care about. To lose something or someone really hurts the ones around it or him/her. Everyone has lost something to death whether it be an animal friend or someone you were close to. It's hard on a person to question themselves on why the person was taken from them or how might life continue on.
Do photographs lie? Photographs can be deceiving to the public. Photos are used to convey messages, positive and negative. Some photos manipulate people to attract them towards an advertising product. Depending whether the photo is plain or photo shopped, it changes our perception. Photographers will use various methods and techniques to achieve the desired photo in order to manipulate or educate. The colors, shades, mood, setting, cropping and more allow the photo to be perceived differently. These various methods play and manipulate the mind, especially in advertising, making the product attractive and appealing to the human eye. According to the book, “The Mirror with a Memory”, in the 1800s, “The camera captured only those objects that
I also agree that we should think before we act. First, we tell lies to avoid hurting the feelings of someone. Words are very powerful so when we are friends with someone and we know that they are hurting we usually tell white lies to make them feel better. In addition, we tell lies to protect their own feelings. If we know that a lie can make a person happy then go for it even though it is bad because we love them and we will do everything for them. Second, we tell lies to avoid getting into trouble. An example is we prevent physical and mental harm. A situation that is proper to this is when we are in danger; obviously we need to tell numerous lies to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Third, we tell lies to avoid losing someone. We tend to lie because the truth might ruin our relationship with the person even though we know that when we lie to someone, we already ruin the relationship we have with them. Moreover, gaining the trust of a person is very hard; we tend to push them away because some of us have trust issues, so when we finally gained that trust we are afraid to