
Dynamic Character

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Firstly, this novel is a success because of the background information. After You is the sequal to Me Before You, it’s important because you can know so much more this way. The reader can really take note of how the characters have changed. Another way you can find background information is through their actions and feelings. In this novel you can tell that Louisa feels lonely and sad, but in Me Before You, she was almost always happy. “I don’t want to pass Will’s house every day, to think about what I was part of, the thing that will always be there. But I don’t say any of it. Because suddenly I’m tired and everything hurts and I just can’t fight anymore. (17-18)” We know that normally it would take a lot to bring Louisa down, but in this quote we can tell she is not doing so well. With all our background …show more content…

In the novel, Louisa is our dynamic character because she changes so much in the story. Our dynamic character is important because it shows us how this book is different than the first, and it helps keep you wondering about the change. Louisa is now dealing with a traumatic injury and it really changes how she acts, feels, and lives. “I want to say I’ll be fine in my flat, not matter what they think of it. I want to do my job and come home and not think until my next shift. I want to say I can’t go back to Stortfold and be That Girl again, The one Who. I don’t want to have to feel the weight of my mother’s carefully disguised disapproval, of my father’s cheerful determination that it’s all okay, everything's just fine, as if saying it enough times will actually make it okay. (17)” Louisa now needs help and her life has just changed so much more. She has to move in with her parents, stop working, and can’t be that girl in Stortfold anymore. Louisa juggles so much change and the story would not be a success without it. Although, the dynamic character is not the only success of the

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