
Dyslexia In High School

Satisfactory Essays

Second grade is supposed to be one of the most carefree years of school. Then I was diagnosed with dyslexia, all of a sudden it wasn’t so carefree. I wasn't great at reading and was told that I wasn't like the other kids. I had a hard time fitting in in elementary school, but I as soon as I got a car I was introduced into a lifestyle, cars. It didn’t matter how school went and if you could read well all what mattered was fast and loud cars.

Since being diagnosed with dyslexia, I've always had to redo my work multiple times to understand. With cars if everything isn’t working, then the car isn’t working. Dyslexia has made me better with cars because naturally I double check my work. Dyslexia has helped me instead of pulling me down . It has actually helped realize the organization is everything. If I'm not organized It will take me twice as long to do something. Just like in a car's moving parts, if it's not organized and tucked nice and away, then it will rub or not work. what I am reading because of this It made me committed to whatever I do. When I can't figure something out with cars I can't stop trying to figure it out. Cars are kind of like reading and they can only work a couple ways, and if you can’t comprehend your car it will not run just like if you don't understand reading. Dyslexia has helped me find what I enjoy It has helped me learn how to adapt to difficult situations. My difficult situations may not be the same for others like something as simple as doing a project worksheet if there is always the thought in my head that I can’t mess up and if I read the wrong thing, then write it down then I just got my group points off for something I …show more content…

But it made me realize that people move way too fast and if I don’t slow down I’ll just become lost. Just like with cars and if I’m moving too fast, I will not be able to see what's around me and get lost in the

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