
Dyslexia Studies

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This paper synthesizes two journal articles about current research in assessment. Classroom Implications of Recent into Literacy Development: From Predictors to Assessment and Toward a Research-Based Assessment of Dyslexia: Using Cognitive Measures to Identify Reading Disabilities are the scholarly resources compared and evaluated.
Differences Between Studies Each study utilized different methods to collect assessment information. Toward a Research-Based Assessment of Dyslexia: Using Cognitive Measures to Identify Reading Disabilities used one hundred five participants from a random sample completed measures of reading achievement and cognitive abilities, based on a synthesis of current dyslexia research (Bell, S. M., McCallum, S. R., …show more content…

In turn, not all scores will be low for students with dyslexia. This study proves that students with dyslexia perform poorly on the cognitive test of phonemic awareness for example but relatively higher on other tests like verbal reasoning. Practitioners can see that the findings of such a study can encourage them to make more informed diagnostic …show more content…

Bell, McCallum, S. R., & Cox, E. A. 2003 encourage future researchers to continue to explore the role of visual processing in orthography and reading disabilities and to link findings on the cognitive underpinnings of learning to results from the emerging body of brain research. They also insist that the Test of Dyslexia (TOD) be refined to include a Word Memory subtest and modify or completely do away with the Visual Closure subtest as it is outdated and has many regressions. Shapiro, L. R., Hurry, J., Masterson, J., Wydell, T. N., & Doctor, E, 2009, a study found that additional research is necessary to ascertain whether training in phonological awareness skills with older children or students at secondary schools would be as beneficial as with younger students. They believe that a greater consistency in literacy assessments across research studies will further understand of reading difficulties. Through the extensive literature review, researchers in both studies have concluded that no one-assessment tool is reliable enough to measure reading complications. These studies have found that multiple assessment tools must be used to evaluate students’ reading

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