
Dysphagi A Case Study

Decent Essays
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Allison Kwan

Research Article Worksheet

Title of Article: Parker, Claire, Power, Maxine, Hamdy, Shaheen, Bowen, Audrey, Tyrrell, Pippa, & Thompson, David G. Awareness of dysphagia by patients following stroke predicts swallowing performance. Dyshagia, 19, 28-34.

APA format: last name, first name author (year). Title of article in lower case (if journal article). Title of journal italicized, Volume Number (Issue Number), page numbers.

The purpose of this study was to detect dysphagia awareness in 70 stroke patients, and how this awareness or lack of awareness can predict the severity of swallowing behavior.

Rationale: Why was this important exploration? Knowing the complications of swallowing after a stroke can potentially lead to …show more content…

Initially, the researchers used a swallowing assessment to observe the swallowing behaviors of the stroke patients. Starting off with a small amount of water, 3 teaspoons, then moving onto sips, and then later to larger drinks of 30 ml of water. The data collected included the ability/inability to fully swallow, coughing, chocking, or oral residue. After the swallowing assessment, the patients went through an oral interview, where questions about their own swallowing were either acknowledged or not. Here, the researchers gained a better idea on the patient’s own awareness of their swallowing …show more content…

Based off the findings, many individuals do not know they are dysphagic, meaning they are not only taking proper steps to ensure better and safer swallowing patterns, but the many individuals that have worked with these patients have not discussed or made proper swallowing a strong focus. With this idea, I think it is important to assess the types of environment these patients are living in and the type of care they receive (medically and personally, from family and friends). It may lead to a better understanding of why some patients are more aware than others. After my own learning about dysphagia, proper care for dysphagia is not an independent task, but relies on a multitude of individuals including those closest to the patient. Researching those that have a strong support system may lead to a better outcome of those with more awareness of dysphagia, hopefully leading to improved swallowing and a longer

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