
Dystopian Issues In Brave New World

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Dystopian literature has gained a significant amount of attention the past few years. This specific genre of writing has assisted in revealing many social issues in our society today where power systems have overstepped their authority. These novels have become pivotal components of today's world by giving citizens a worst case scenario for our future, spurring hope our current society can alter enough to avoid mass disaster. Reading in between the lines of dystopian novels allows the reader to gain unprecedented access into our future world. A common theme for authors while developing a dystopian novel encompasses governmental control, constant revision, and making an impact on readers. The novels 1984 and Brave New World are prime examples …show more content…

In The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose between Privacy and Freedom? Brin opens the eyes of his readers to a sovereignty world who prohibits citizens’ privacy and he reveals the immense amount of information accessible in today's world. Brin specifically talked about the Government passing laws and acts attempting to help with the lack of citizen's privacy, nevertheless in the Constitution the word or phrases consisting of privacy is not written. The Fourth Amendment is the only Amendment in the Bill of Rights which hardly covers the idea of privacy for citizens (Brin 71). This book portrays how the government has attempted to secure citizens’ privacy, however the use of surveillance is still used to ensure alleged security and the government will continue to use any form of surveillance because it is not unconstitutional. Furthermore, audio detection software is utilized in the United States and in Oceania to listen to any conversation to detect unlawful actions. Digital sound recording is highly accessible today and is defined as, “Method of preserving sound in which audio signals are transformed into a series of

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