
E-Book Age Essay

Decent Essays

Tutorial Questions Case Study 1: Amazon’s Kindle e-reader Textbook, pp. 202-203 1. Will e-books, as read on a Kindle or other e-reader, eventually phase out the conventional print book? Why or why not? ANS: In my humble opinion, the answer is yes and no. Yes, because e-books will in a long run, dominate the market with their superiority in convenience and other consumer-friendly attributes, such as transferability, storability. However, the conventional print books will still be here to stay for those who prefer the feeling of papers and all those that come with physical reading. 2. Kindle is designed just for reading. Other tablet computers such as the Apple iPad or Samsung Galaxy can perform all the other functions of a …show more content…

Using information technology to help solve environmental issues. 3. How did Softsource benefit from introducing its green IT data centre? ANS: There are at least THREE benefits Softsource can gain from introducing its green IT data centre: one, bring leading-edge solutions to NZ market, best serve their clients in a relatively cost-efficient way; two, help the Company open up new services to new market sectors, expanding the company’s client base and, potentially business prospect; three, in the big context of growing global environmental concerns, the Company can successfully adopt world-class green credentials. 4. What are the main drivers that motivate organisations to adopt Green IT? What was the driver for Softsource to adopt Green IT? ANS: (1) the main driver that motivate organizations to adopt Green IT is that, in the industry where with the increase in complexity and unpredictability of business requirements as well as global economic pressures, the Company’s usual clients are finding it hard to justify spending on IT. Their existing data centres are running out of capacity and space, their energy efficiency is no longer optimal. (2) the driver for the Company to adopt Green IT is meeting the growing clients’ demand on sustaining and improving their data centres at the lowest budget possible. 5. What was the approach used by Softsource to adopt Green IT? ANS: The approach used by Softsource to

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