

Decent Essays

EDAHOD5 ASSIGNMENT 01 Unique Number: 827947 Table of contents Section Page _____________________________________________________________ Introduction 2 I. Question 1 2 a. Assessment Task 1: the educator assessment 2 b. Assessment Task 2: peer assessment 7 c. Assessment Task 3: self assessment/reflection 9 II. Question 2 12 a. Assessment Task 1 and Design an Assessment Checklist 12 b. …show more content…

30% chose to produce poster on how to cope with stress and depression 10% chose to create slides on stress prevention and management. 10% chose to submit research project on dealing with stress, depression, prevention and management strategies …./4 -4- 8. Describe how you took into account individual learning styles, aptitudes and interests of the learners in the assessment task. Whilst designing the assessment task, considering the outcomes and different learning styles, I decided to include activities which implemented: Audio, Lingual, Tactile and/ or Spatial learning. - I also used different resources for instruction such as: Newspapers, Brochures, Magazines, Tapes, instructional models and projector to engage learners I also allowed for Question – answer lesson, group work and discussion lessons. 9. Describe how local values and standards are reflected in the assessment Local values and standards are reflected in the assessment, because the coping of depression and stress is about the developing of emotions and feelings, and about the self. The assessment will challenge the learners to think about personal plan of measures and strategies of stress towards the self (self concept) as well as other peers. 10. Give a time frame when the assessment will take place and where. Completion of the tasks by learners as well as assessment of the task

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