
EHR Mandate

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IT and EHR mandate Ky Mack Ohio University It and EHR mandate The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ehr mandate and how it relates to affordable care act. The six steps in implementation of an electronic health record and how I would use them in the nursing home. The definition of what meaningful use is and what is HIPAA and what could happen if those laws were violated On April 27, 2007 President Bush started the EHR mandate. The EHR mandate is to help reduce cost, improve healthcare, secure patient privacy and help improve information and communication. The goals and objective of the mandate are patient-focused healthcare and population health. The affordable care act and the Obama administration tie …show more content…

Assess your practice readiness by having a review of present goals, needs and financial willingness and design a plan to implement. 2. Plan your approach by gathering all the information and drawing out an implementation plan. 3. Select or upgrade to a certified EHR by picking the right HE based plan depending on the needs and size of the facility 4. Conduct training and implementation of EHR system by installing the system and implementing training for staff on how to use the system. 5. Achieve meaningful use by using the system successfully from the training that staff learned Continue quality improvement by using the system and then evaluating how it affects the practice’s goals and then implement changes as needed. (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013) Meaningful use is used in the EHR system, and it is used to improve quality and safety of healthcare. It improves privacy and can benefit health care management care. The facility that I work at is in the first stage of even getting an EHR system they do not receive any incentive’s, because it is a long-term care faculty. If I was working in a hospital and they wanted to have a meaningful use, they would need 14 core objectives, 5/10 from a set menu of objectives and 15 quality measures.(HEALTHIT.GOV …show more content…

There is the privacy rule that tells what information can be used or not. The security rule that covers entities with confidentiality and the availability of ePHIL and last the Breach notification rule that lets the U.S department of health and human service talk to the media about infected patients if it will cause harm to the population. (HIPAA Basics for Providers: Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules, 2016) My facility is preventing HIPAA violations by covering all paper info with a blank sheet over patient records, there is also limited people allowed in behind the nurse's desk where the computers are kept the possible threats of the EHR could be hacker obtaining patient records. Patient information could be breached unintentionally for example people walking by and looking at the computer or may be heard over the telephone or even if a device is stolen or lost are ways that could be breached. (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014)Healthcare workers could also access anyone’s chart including their own without permission. HIPPA violations could result in suspension, fines, and jail

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