The EKG is read by a doctor or specialist, such as an internist, family medicine doctor, electrophysiologist, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, or surgeon. The doctor will look at the pattern of spikes and dips on your EKG to check the electrical activity in different parts of your heart. The spikes and dips are grouped into different sections that show how your heart is working
African American male that is seen today for followup post hospital discharge. He is a 48-year-old gentleman with complicated cardiac history as well as neurological history including congestive heart failure. History of strokes 01/2017, possible sick sinus syndrome. He has an implanted pacemaker that was placed in 06/2017, as well as hypertension. He was taken to the Central Hospital on 09/01 with presentation of chest pain, noted to be around his pacemaker site. He identified being in seizure and suddenly felt chest pain with shortness of breath, and was offered nitro, he developed headaches and dyspnea post nitro treatment, of note is that the EKG that was obtained during that process, did not identify any pacemaker spike despite having a
An EKG technician (also known as an electrocardiogram technician) basically operates hospital equipment known as an electrocardiogram. This machine is attached to a patient via rods known as electrodes. They attach these electrodes to read a patient's heart rhythm and other heart activities. This information is then printed out by the technician and passed on to the physician for analysis and diagnosis. The EKG tech usually works in hospitals and clinics as part of a medical team treating a patient. They continually monitor a patient's heart activities and send the results to physicians. How to become an EKG
An ECG/EKG Technician monitor their patient's heart by performing a procedure that is harmless. They run several diagnostic heart test to patients that are going into surgery. ECG/EKG techs also run test on people with heart problems, the test helps them identify and monitor any medical problems that relate to the heart.
The heart rate is measured with an electrocardiogram, or ECG. This is a machine that measures the electrical impulses from the patient's heart. This is displayed on a monitor or ECG graph paper. The boxes on the graph paper measure time. Five small boxes are equal to one large box. The large box represents two-tenths of a second.
In the story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe, The author puts a lot of emphasis on the heart. But what can we infer about the heart? In the story Poe’s character claims to the audience that he was very nervous about the situation but was not insane. He claimed to have a ‘disease’ that made his hearing extra sensitive. Every night the narrator suspiciously stalks this old man who has this mysterious blue eye with a film over it. The narrator soon feels entrapped by this eye and decides to kill the old man to be set free.
Using a stethoscope can pick out a heart murmur. Each murmur has a slightly different sound to it and you have to train yourself to be able to differentiate between them.
This season’s “When Calls the Heart” has been a pageant of new faces and storylines while still tackling real world issues with a family-friendly theme. One such story unreservedly enthralled me when the character of Edith admitted that her husband, Roy, had deserted her. As the woman who has infused the character of Edith with such credibility, thus engendering much sympathy, Ali Milner has a multi-faceted career in addition to this cherished role. Recently, Ali took a break from her hectic schedule in order to chat with me about her character on the popular Hallmark show and so much more.
Sound consists of oscillating waves of compression and decompression of a transmitting medium i.e. air or water, traveling at a fixed velocity (Støylen, 2015). The frequency of sound waves refers to the number oscillations per second, with one cycle per second is considered a unit of 1 hertz (Henderson, 2014). Sound waves oscillating above 20,000 Hz are categorised as ultrasound waves. As sound waves are a transverse wave forms this means the only variant is its frequency and wavelength despite the location in the spectrum. The wavelength is defined as the distance travelled by sound in one cycle, or the distance between two identical points in the wave cycle i.e. the distance from each oscillation (Cura Rodríguez, Seguí and Nicolau, 2012). In regards to wave forms the wavelength shows very little significance as it is inversely proportional to frequency.
The heart is one of the most important organs in an organism’s body, no matter if they are aquatic, amphibian, or a mammal. This super organ works automatically, able to pump massive amounts of oxygen rich blood through the body by means of electrical impulses and the opening and closing of valves within its many layers. It is what keeps us and every other creature on this earth alive; so it is only natural for one to fear when there might be a problem with one’s heart. A cardiac arrhythmia can happen to anyone, no matter the age, race, or gender, and as such, doctors and scientist have spent years trying to better understand the heart and the way it functions so that they can try to prevent these problems and save millions of lives.
I was born on February 14, 1993 in the city of La Vega, Dominican Republic. I came to New York at the age of 10. The fact that my first language is Spanish placed me at a disadvantage from the minute I stepped a foot in the United States since even at the airport I was not able to communicate with the agent. My biggest struggle was school since the class was taught in English only and most of my classmates only spoke English. Despite my efforts to give it my all to learn the language and adapt to the customs of this unfamiliar place, it seemed to be a challenge I would never overcome. Since my parents and close family members mostly spoke Spanish as well, they could not help me, they only encouraged me to study and read a lot so that I would learn the language faster. I wanted to fit in with kids of my age and to understand when
Using animal models to study human diseases has significantly contributed to advance research and clinical understanding of human diseases. While murine models are most commonly used, the intrinsic differences in rodent cardiovascular physiology and their resistance to arrhythmia prevent direct translation to human cardiovascular diseases. The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is thus frequently used as an animal model of human cardiovascular disease because they closely resemble human anatomy and physiology.
Hi, Tammy. Thank you for responding to my post. After researching the topic of phonocardiography, if I were an OB/GYN nurse practitioner wanting to bring this type of technology into my practice I would research what evidence-based studies have shown. Upon my research to answer your question, I do not believe that I would choose this type of testing for my practice. There are multiple flaws and limitations with phonocardiography. Consequently, phonocardiography is known to give high rates of false positive test results (Romano, Bifulco, Luppariello, Clemente, D’addio, & Cesarelli. Phonocardiography also does not have the ability to detect some of the major cardiac anomalies (Romano et al., 2015). Therefore, I would choose a more conventional
most cases. The use of an echocardiogram shows the doctor how your heart is working,
Moreover, the prognostic information is incremental to clinical data and standard echocardiographic assessment of LV systolic and diastolic function.
Into the Heart: One Man's Pursuit of Love and Knowledge Among the Yanomama. By Kenneth Good with David Chanoff is Anthropologist Kenneth Good’s attempt to disprove Napoleon Chignon critics who argued that ecological factors, not genetics, were responsible for their horrible temperament. Good goes to the rain forests of the Amazon to live and study the diet among the Yanomami. Good began a relationship with his village that continued not for the anticipated 15 months but for 11 years. He found more than one of the few remaining peoples untouched by modern civilization. In truth, there are a lot of people home in the dense rain forest nearly 10,000 Yanomama to be exact.