I was in an EXCEL program from 3rd through 8th grade, an accelerated educational curriculum that offered me an opportunity to learn with other highly capable students. I understand the effort and responsibility of being in such a tight-knit group of students. The EXCEL program emphasized on critical and creative thinking processes, communication skills, problem solving, and self-directedness, which I believe Purdue would expect out of their students, especially from the Honors College. Another gratifying aspect of the EXCEL program was that my classmates of six years would forever be my friends in my life. Ultimately, I enjoy being in an accelerated program with other honor students who are also passionate about their studies.
Even though
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As a person who has been in many leadership positions and developed communication and people skills throughout the years, I believe I can contribute to Purdue’s interdisciplinary learning community by uniting people of different backgrounds and experiences in and out of school. When people come together as a team and share their thoughts, they become more creative, and many of the social, intellectual, and practical problems can be solved more effectively. Personally, I can bring different viewpoints from my Chinese upbringing and my involvement with extracurricular activities. For example, through the Titan’s Will initiative, I understood the importance of recognizing diversity among a student body and utilizing this individuality to help enhance and strengthen a school’s educational opportunity and culture. In the end, while every student has something to offer to this unique community, I can offer my leadership and teamwork skills.
With my dreams and goals in mind, I am certain that Purdue’s Honors College can expand my worldview and provide me an interdisciplinary education to succeed in and out of the classroom, while I bring my strengths as a leader to your learning
The National Honors Society boasts of members with significant academic accomplishments, selfless hours of community service, and strong leadership capabilities as a representative of the school’s excellence. Becoming a member of the National Honors Society is a prestigious honor. As a student, I strive for excellence in my academics and have made the honor roll every quarter, showing my aim and dedication to reaching my highest potential. I try not to compete with other students, but with myself. My academics are the result of my hard work, and my dedication towards grades correlates to the dedication I have towards becoming a leader and a role model for the community.
The Honors College is, in fact, a partnership that links students from all over the world. As the inaugural class, we
The Honors College will enable me to collaborate closely with my fellow peers and explore real world problems, as I strive to improve the lives of those around me and uplift the South Florida community. After reading and sharing the same mission, values, and vision advertised on the FIU Honors College website, I hold true that the challenging curriculum, research, community engagement, international study, and cultural literacy will further my enrich my studies in international business and lead to overwhelming success in my personal
As a well-rounded student, the RWU Honors Program appeals to me both academically and socially. Through hands-on experience, collaboration with others, and overcoming challenges, students like me find a way to face the world directly and accept the challenges that lay in front of them. Rich with history and tradition, Roger Williams puts their students in the forefront, expecting them to take on all the resources the institution has to offer.
I have challenged myself all throughout high school with Honors and AP classes, but I have gone beyond the classroom to further challenge myself. For instance, in the genetics-based research program, I was tasked with many scenarios in which I had to use my problem solving and reasoning skills to make the appropriate decisions for many laboratory experiments. Additionally, I had to interpret the results of the experiments in context with what I was attempting to prove through the experiment. Within my high school, I am also part of the National Honors Society through which I help the community’s schools with tutoring sessions. TCNJ’s Honors Program will allow me to continue pushing myself to the peak because of all of its challenging courses and opportunities. All throughout high school I have been challenging my academic capabilities and I wish to continue to do so as I continue to TCNJ.
My interest in joining the Purdue Honors College stems from my desire to be a part of something that will inspire and support me while I pursue academic excellence within my field right from the start. I believe the Honors College can expose me to a focused learning community and opportunities for undergraduate research and experiences I may have limited access to otherwise. Pushing myself to excel in an academically rigorous program will lay the foundation for my future academic pursuits and career trajectory.
When I was in high school, I wished I was one of the top students in class. And when I saw the top students get awards in my senior graduation, I felt a surge of humiliating emotions – a feeling that I will never forget. I wanted to do it – I wanted to get that award, but I couldn’t. But now, since I can start fresh in college, taking honors college is going to help me get the highest distinction, the thing I couldn’t do when I was in high school. Following my passion will also lead me to stronger sense of the world and how I belong into it and why I am doing what I am. I will also basically have a deeper understanding of myself and the world by being in Honors college.
The Honors College at the University of Illinois at Chicago is a venue for me to be inducted into a community where I can collaborate with other highly driven students, such as myself, and thrive in an invigorating competitive and motivating environment. Ultimately, my exceptional passion for medicine provokes my desire to seek rigorous academics that will prepare me for the future. The Honors College at the University of Illinois at Chicago is a platform for individuals to achieve their full potential through vigorous academics and community engagement.
For the past two years, I have been working diligently through the International Baccalaureate program despite the many doubts that have crossed my mind because I always enjoy the challenge. The Honors College has many more promising challenges for me to conquer, such as: having success in honors classes taught by notable professors, taking the chance of studying abroad, and earning valuable internship positions. Through these generous and outstanding opportunities, the Honors College challenges students to go beyond what would be expected at any
Though the Williams Honors College had a tremendous impact on my undergraduate days, I am very excited about how it will impact my future. The Honors College has deepened my commitment to the University of Akron and the greater Akron community. Though neither of my parents are from Akron, they moved me here when I was two years old. Akron is my home and my time at the University has secured my roots. I am appreciative of everything the Williams Honors College has given me, and I cannot wait to give some of that back to the University of Akron and the Williams Honors College in the
I will engage in research, acquire hands-on experience, and apply what I learned in class in real life scenarios to make an impact on people’s lives. I will partake in service opportunities like my current roles in NHS and FNHS. My personality will benefit those around me. Honors College will place me in courses with exceptional students who are dedicated and focused. They will push my performance as a student. Even now, classmates gauge their performance with mine and vice versa. As a result, they motivate me to catch up or stay ahead of the competition. Competition is the catalyst for improvement. Likewise, I always encourage my peers to do their best, for I want to see individuals succeed. Moreover, there is no point enrolling in classes that won’t challenge me; where I am perched at the top. There is no intellectual growth there. Whereas, challenging courses and talented students help establish high goals for me. This symbiotic relationship between my peers and I will springboard us to greater
With a deep passion in education in both learning and teaching others, I will plan to enrich the classroom experience. Furthermore, I contribute an active voice to the Honors Program that will allow me to lead class discussions, and be able to present to anybody on campus. Lastly, by taking the lead and becoming a role model for volunteering in our community, I will inspire my peers to lend a hand, enriching both the Honors Program and our community. Therefore, I expect to be a powerful positive force on campus through exemplifying a model student in the Honors
Many of my peers are frightened by the idea of an Honors College because they view it only with the mindset that it is exclusively for students who are overachieving and incredibly intelligent. To me, I see it simply as an opportunity for those who love to learn to make the best of their education. The University of Illinois at Chicago Honors College will open doors to limitless opportunities that will cultivate my college education immensely. As a part of the honors student community at my high school, I felt only that I was a part of a family that was growing and learning together through the struggle of a rigorous education. We stayed up late at night together, and remained after school for hours on end purely for our crave of knowledge
I have come to realize that diversity allows students to polish one another, leading to the depolarization of students and thus more rounded individuals. I have traveled a rather non-traditional path, and feel strongly that I can benefit others and feel just as strongly that I can benefit from them. The challenges I have faced, the community where I grew up, and my work experience all contribute to my individuality.
One of the greatest reasons why I love Purdue is its mission to create a diverse campus. Diversity create a better learning environment for students, because it allows for different viewpoints and solutions to problems. Learning in a diverse environment creates a more open mindset when problem solving, encouraging people to start thinking outside of the box more often— which is crucial when solving real-world problems. It also creates a better community, allowing people to learn about different cultures and traditions. Purdue will allow me to become more culturally aware, more open-minded, and a better