
Eagle Scout Research Paper

Decent Essays

I am proud to be an Eagle Scout. Since first grade, when I joined Cub Scouts, I have participated in and enjoyed the Scouting program, and I cannot imagine what my life would have been like without it. Though not all of my friends continued through scouting (in fact I am the only member of my Cub scout den who continued through Scouts), I have continuously made new friends and relationships through the scouting program. Scouting has been a defining part of my life, and my life would be drastically different without the Scouting program. During fifth grade, after completing my arrow of light and crossing over from Cub scouts to Boy scouts, I learned that no longer were our parents responsible for running and planning meetings and outings. It was a wholly different kind of experience. …show more content…

Rather than being lead by the older scouts, it was me and my friends who began to run the troop. The ones that I had looked up to had mostly left, and, almost seemingly without warning, it was our turn to lead, and mentor the new scouts. I was a troop guide, then an Assistant senior patrol leader, and then the quartermaster. All the while, I continued on my own to advance steadily through the scouting ranks. However, with these greater responsibilities, came greater enjoyment to be had out of scouting. We went to summer camps, high adventure camps, and dozens of troop-sponsored camping trips. I was nominated for, and accepted into, the Order of the Arrow, the Honor Society of Scouting. After being nominated by my Troop, I participated in a service project where we slept under the stars, followed by a period of silence and

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