The Use of Ear Plugs as an Alternative Sleep Aid for Hospital Patients The hospital environment can be filled with many noises including monitors, call bells, patients, family and staff. It can become very difficult for patients to get a restful night sleep. Many patients rely on prescription sleep aids to get to sleep. Sleep aids can cause concerning adverse effects, especially in patients that are not used to taking these medications. These adverse effects can include dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, drowsiness, memory problems, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, confusion and gastrointestinal problems (Mayo Clinic, 2014). The long term effect which providers are most concerned about is dependency. Once patients are used to taking these medications, some are not able to sleep without them. It can be very difficult to wean patients off these medications. Medications, such as benzodiazepines, can cause dangerous reactions when stopped abruptly. These reactions or withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, shaking and dizziness (Pubmed, 2013). A full night’s rest is …show more content…
Some of these patients are unfamiliar with these medications. Common medications include benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Restoril and Ativan, antidepressants such as trazodone and mirtazapine, and newer sleeping aids such as Sonata and Ambien. The risk for adverse reactions can increase depending on the age and condition of the patient. The site of this project proposal will be on an eighteen bed, intermediate care unit that treats a wide range of patient ages, populations and conditions. The most common patient populations treated on this unit are elderly and patients that use drugs and alcohol. This type of variety of patients will give useful insight into the use of sleep aids and adverse reactions happening in different types of
In the article “Sleepless in Stepdown” written by Joanne Matukaitis, MSN, RN, FABC, NE-BC; Thea Eckman, MSN, RN, CCRN; Kristan Baxter, BSN, CCRN-CSC; Elisabeth Bradley, MS, RN, APN; Helen Hawrylack, BSN, CCRN; Sharmila Johnson, MSN, RN, APN, CCRN; Ruth Mooney, PhD, MN, RN-BC; Donna Papanicolas, RN, and Patricia Brigss, MSN, RN, CCRN, HTP, discuss issues of possible sleep disturbances in the recovery process in the hospital. Their theory basically says that sleep disturbances may lead to extended stays in the hospital, but also how the patient recovers in the process. The authors’ also address the fact that physiologic, behavioral, and functional outcomes may also be influenced by sleep disturbance.
1. What is the nurse's highest priority for a patient experiencing sleep deprivation? What would we teach them about this? What treatment would be expected? Safety would be highest priority; sleep deprivation causes psychomotor deficits. Interventions that can help with sleep deprivation would be avoiding stimulating activities in the hours before bed. Avoid exercise, caffeine, and screen time just before bed. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating a large meal, as this can interfere with healthy sleep. Create a comfortable sleep environment. One medication that the patient can be prescribed on would be Zolpidem is a short-acting hypnotic that will help the patient initiate sleep and awaken without untoward symptoms of drowsiness. Also, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and galanin are sleep-promoting neurotransmitters that can be used as a treatment.
Medical: Wellness Coach asked Mr. Hallet how was his day and he said he was doing well. He also express that he been taking his medication but the sleep pills is causing to have irregular patterns of sleep. Mr. Hallet has been falling to sleep everywhere even while traveling on public transportation. He also stated that the sleep pills are causing him to even fall asleep during the work hours. Wellness Coach and Family Counselor Clair Arzon discuss with Mr. Hallet that maybe creating sleep pattern will then decrease the irregular sleeping. He express that he has tried everything. Family Counselor Ms. Arzon inform Mr. Hallet to try not taking the sleeping pills for a few days to see how his sleep habits will be. If he gets sleepy then to take walks or drink water to help keep Mr. Hallet up during the day and when bedtime come try turning the TV off therefore you can relax.
Sleep is important not only for promoting healing, but also for the overall well-being of the individual. When there are problems with the sleeping pattern, it impacts the overall health and safety of the older adult. The person will not have enough rest and will be too tired to perform activities surrounding daily living. We have to assess the risk factors contributing to the problems of sleep disturbance and these might be “related to poor sleep hygiene, including an irregular sleep schedule, environmental noise or light, and the use of stimulants” (Mauk, 2014, p. 581). If the sleeping pattern is not assessed, possible complications will happen, such as falls that could lead to bodily injuries.
Recent studies show that 38% of people who use this product as an escape to sleeping at night are suffering with liver disorders. Taking this product misdirected sends wrong messages to your body. It puts your body to sleep when your body cant or doesn’t want to. It slows you down when you body is not ready to slow down. It controls your body almost opposite of how it should or wants to be run. The day after you take this product improperly, you feel like your dragging along, sluggish and weak. Maybe you did get to fall asleep the night before but you sure put a beating on your body for the next day.
Most of the researchers on the drug monitoring unit, SAMHSA had mentioned that a major portion of the Ambien ER visits were of people who were already on other medications. Ambien, alone, was not triggering any severe side effects. However, the drug when coupled with other drugs or chemicals was able to trigger severe side effects that resulted in the spike of ER visits during that particular period. This is the principle of Drug interaction, where a certain drug that you take may change its properties based on the othermedications you take. This could amplify the risk associated with the drug, ultimately leading to serious side effects. Ambien, as a drug has severe interactions with other drugs, which are
Martha is a 65 year old lady who suffers from insomnia based on the preliminary symptoms of sleeplessness. She is also under severe stress from her mum’s dependence condition which makes her unhappy with her retirement. Martha’s mum’s condition is of great influence to her insomnia disorder for she only thinks of her through out the day, caring for her leaving Martha with little time to check on her health. Insomnia is a disorder that mostly affects the elderly though it may affect people from all ages. It is the lack of sleep even when one feels to have some sleep. It is not a stand alone disease but a symptom which is defined by the duration one lacks quality sleep. Transient insomnia is not having sleep for a week, short term insomnia is lack of adequate sleep for 2-3 weeks, while sleeplessness for a month is termed as chronic insomnia. Various studies have shown that insomnia affects women more often than men and that 30%-50% of elderly Americans experience difficulty in initiating and maintaining adequate sleep. Diagnosing insomnia in a patient the health practitioner would evaluate the patient medical record and other factors that may contribute to insomnia. For example, snoring, psychological factors such as stress levels and drug use. Martha’s physician would check on her medical
The first clinical trial for Xyrem, titled Safety and Efficacy of Xyrem Oral Solution (Sodium Oxybate) Compared With Placebo in Narcoleptic Patients was conducted by Orphan Medical. The study began in December 2000 with approximately 200 people enrolled. The purpose was to test the safety and efficacy of Xyrem when given to patients who are diagnosed with narcolepsy. The patients who were using any medication for cataplexy had to stop taking it during this trial. Patients were prescribed a dose oral solution of either Xyrem or a placebo during a 10 to 11 week period. Symptoms of narcolepsy will be recorded and evaluated. Patients had permission to continually use the medications at constant doses during the trial. Each patient had to visit the sleep center for 1 to 3 daytime visits plus 4 overnight visits to complete the trial. This trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter trial. An NDA (New Drug Application) was sent to the FDA during the same year of this clinical trial. It was given a priority review, where the FDA will accelerate the review process for a drug compared to standard review times.
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It can have a devastating impact on one’s emotion, physical, occupation and social life. While it occasionally can be seen in the clinical setting as a primary diagnosis, it most often presents as a comorbidity to a medical or psychiatric issue;
For many people, becoming tired in the middle of the afternoon isn’t unusual. However, for those who suffer from narcolepsy, it is a difficult struggle to stay awake all day, everyday. It is estimated that approximately 40,000 to 135,000 people in the United States have narcolepsy. (Narcolepsy, 2002) This number has such a wide-range because there are many people who have narcolepsy but don’t know it while others are often misdiagnosed. Although there are medications for people with narcolepsy, the medications do not prevent all of their symptoms from occurring. Scientists have performed many studies, but still do not know the actual cause of narcolepsy,
The efficacy and safety of the drug in patients under the age of 18 years is not established. With renal / hepatic insufficiency and long-term treatment, control over the picture of peripheral blood and liver enzymes is necessary. Patients who did not take previously psychoactive drugs respond to the drug at lower doses compared to patients taking antidepressants, anxiolytics or alcohol. With endogenous depression, alprazolam can be used in combination with antidepressants. With the use of alprazolam, patients with depression have seen cases of hypomanic and manic development. Like other benzodiazepines, alprazolam has the ability to induce drug dependence in long-term admission in large doses (more than 4 mg / day). With a sudden discontinuation of alprazolam, there may be comeback syndromes, such as depression, irritability, insomnia, increased sweating, especially with prolonged admission (more than 8-12 weeks). When patients develop such unusual reactions as increased aggressiveness, acute excitations, feelings of fear, thoughts of suicide, hallucinations, increased muscle cramps, difficult sleep, superficial sleep, treatment should be discontinued. During pregnancy Xanax is very dangerous due to its toxic effect on the fetus and increases the risk of congenital malformations when applied in the first trimester of pregnancy. Admission of therapeutic doses in later periods
The quantity of attractive commercials on the TV, Internet and magazines about over the counter (OTC) sleeping pills provoke people struggling with sleep problems to administer these over the counter medications. Anxiety, working shifts, altered sleep patterns are usually common reasons. Most OTC sleeping pills are administered once or twice; taking them regularly can cause rebound insomnia. Over the counter medications include Excedrin (acetaminophen and diphenhydramine), Ambien (zolpidem), Sominex (diphenyhydramine). They cause side effects even in short term use including impaired sleep habits, fatigue, drowsiness, constipation, dizziness, reduced mental concentration, dry mouth, forgetfulness,
Antipsychotic medication can have side effects such as sedation, orthostatic hypotension, and unsteady gait. Anticoagulant medication can worsen the patient’s health status after falls due to high risk for bleeding. Antidiuretic medication can make patients have more frequent trips to the bathroom, which put them at high risk for falls, especially at night. “Older adults using gastrointestinal antispasmodic and anticholinergic drugs have greater risk of injury” (Spence, Karim, Lee, & Gibbs, 2015). These people should take certain precautions and care to prevent themselves from falls and injuries. Antispasmodic and anticholinergic drugs have multiple side effects such as blurred vision, dizziness, hypotension, and confusion. “GI antispasmodics and anticholinergics are considered high-risk or potentially inappropriate medications in older adults, and various measures have been placed to reduce their use” (Spence, Karim, Lee, & Gibbs, 2015). Because the exposure of the GI antispasmodic and anticholinergic medication can be fetal, these medications should not be prescribed to older adults. This information should be included the monthly educational sessions and the yearly nursing evaluations. There should be a lot of collaboration and communication about drug doses, side effects, and tapering between nurses, pharmacists, and doctors to prevent medication falling related
Nowadays the world is extremely dynamic; consequently, men and women are involved in work, study, amusement, etc. These activities cause people to lose their energy, which helps them to stay awake and active during the day. Moreover, dilemmas in restoring lost energy levels may affect human health and an ability to perform properly. Because of this, it is necessary for everyone to choose effective sources of energy such as sound sleep and creatine.
Sleep disorders alter ones sleep pattern and often results in the inability to either sleep or sleep soundly. They often cause you to feel restless, tired, fatigued, and irritable. It is estimated that nearly 75 percent of adult Americans experience sleep disorder symptoms at least a few nights per week. At the same time, sleep disturbances in some form are seen in as many as 25 to 30 percent of infants and children (“Sleep Disorders” 2013). Clearly a huge conundrum in the world, sleep disorders affect an inordinate amount of people. Millions of people suffer or have suffered from a sleep disorder at one point in their lives and if mistreated can impact organ systems functioning negatively. Physical disturbances, medical issues,