
Earl Warren Research Paper

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Earl Warren was born in 1891 in Los Angeles, California and was raised in Bakersfield, California. During his youth, “He worked summers for Southern Pacific Railroad. He later said that his progressive political and legal attitudes were the result of seeing first-hand the lives and struggles of working people” (California Museum). Warren earned his political science and law degrees from University of California, Berkley in 1914. In 1919 he became a deputy city attorney for Oakland, California, then proceeded to serve as Alameda County deputy assistant district attorney until 1925, when he then rose to District Attorney. “He was elected California Attorney General in 1938” (California Museum). “During his 14 years as district attorney, he …show more content…

During Warren’s time as governor, he focused on progressive ideals of the time like efficiency and planning. “The United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco in 1946, unemployment insurance increased, the state sales tax was reduced, and pensions for the elderly were raised. He developed the State Department of Mental Hygiene and led reforms of the prison system in California by establishing the Board of Corrections and the Prisoner Rehabilitation Act” (California State Library). Warren also built up the state's higher education system based on the University of California and its vast network of small universities and community colleges. Warren further supported the Collier-Burns Act in 1947 which, raised gasoline taxes to fund a massive program of freeway construction. California’s gasoline taxes helped to influence the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, which set the scene for highway construction nationwide. Towards the end of his time as Governor, Warren also stopped enforcing California’s anti-miscegenation law after it was declared unconstitutional in Perez vs Sharp, now allowing marriage between members of different races in the state of

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