Unfortunately, the lifestyle of those who lived in early 20th century is, in many respects, unrecognizable in contemporary America. Before the age of radio, television and other modern digital media, viewpoints were limited by existing technology. For example, communities gained most of their knowledge of the world current events through newspapers. Neighbors served as their primary social resource and commerce was regularly restricted to their proximate locale. This clash of generational perspectives comes into play when attempting to understand the lives of ancestors. In this context, one of the few tangible connections to Mr. Kuchar’s values is a modest 6-inch by 4-inch jewelry box last opened in the 1950s. Long hidden in a cardboard storage
In the early 1800's America began to create their own unique culture. For the longest time, America had been getting their ideas and being influenced by other countries. I believe that they wanted to create a new type of culture that was truly American. They did this by creating new art forms such as literature, music, painting, and architecture. For example, Americans began using characters and setting that fell into the "American" category. Most characters, were "portrayed as strong, brave, resourceful, and honorable" (chapter 6-3, page 323). Another thing Americans did different, is what they built things. "American architects of the early 1800s developed their own forms of building" (chapter 6-3, page 325). Based on ideas from Greece and
The Roaring Twenties started in North America and spread to Europe as the effects of World War I diminished. In Europe, the years following the First World War (1919-1923) were marked by a deep recession. Europe spent these years in rebuilding and coming to terms with the vast human cost of the conflict. Unlike in the aftermath of World War II, the United States did little to try to rebuild Europe. Instead, it took an increasingly isolationist stance (Answers, 2006).
There were many continuities and changes in cultural beliefs in the Americas during the time period 1450-present. Some changes were, when africans and natives were forced to learn christianity and syncretic religions started by mixing with native and christianity beliefs. Some continuities are, some native beliefs still survived and religion was still important to others.
After the First World War, many people were looking forward to good times. The 1920’s presented people with this time of fast-paced fun and adventure. Entertainment was the foremost part of everyday life during the 1920’s. Radio introduced a whole new practice of entertainment to people’s everyday lives. Likewise, through the utilization of the radio, people were able to experience a new medium to entertain themselves. Furthermore, the radio changed the face of society’s culture through its widespread use. In addition, radios provided people with a new, effective and efficient means of communication. Radio was a fundamental aspect in people’s lives during the 1920’s as it provided many people with news and entertainment in their
In the 1960’s the United States of America was suffering from a great divide due to their involvement with the Vietnam War. During this time, Americans were beginning to seek a new way to bring themselves closer through the formation of Counterculture. Americans who took part in this way of life were opposed to the prevailing social norms , and also contributed to a large part in the making of this divide. One of the ways in which they created unity was by taking part in a festival known as Woodstock. This popular festival took place in White Lake, New York and occurred during the August of 1969.
Clashing Cultures was a time when Prohibition and Immigration created cultural tensions between science, religion, and race. The Ku Klux Klan and the Scopes Trial were big events during this time period.
The early 1900’s brought change to race, gender, and socioeconomic status through culture, industry, and more. Whether it be the new, lively art during the Harlem renaissance or unfair, racist Japanese internment camps, America saw change that brought both negative and positive impact to the lives of citizens. Initially, the 1920’s was an amazing time to be alive for everyone. However, this was not the case for farmers. Economy in the South declined so much that people left and selling crops was a nearly impossible task. Additionally, the Great Depression would become an obstacle for so many Americans. Ultimately, FDR’s new deal brought communities closer in a time of suffering.
How did clashes relating to immigration, religion & alcohol use illustrate the conflict between modern & traditional values in 1920’s American society?
I think my generation has a lot in common with the young people who were beginning to take the reigns of their own lives in the 1920’s because both our and their elders watched on as horror as these new people had their lives affected by technology in ways that couldn’t have been imaginable. Back in the day, it was automobiles, widespread radio broadcasts, and silent films. Now people stress the destruction of society brought by technology such as the smartphone, social media, and the growing importance of the internet. In many ways, traditional American values and popular modern beliefs are butting heads as they did in the twenties. Issues today are even similar to that as they were in the jazz age where supporters and opponents fought
Thoreau and Douglass have both identified urgent problems within American culture during the mid 19th century. Thoreau feels the empathy of farmers as they are chained or enslaved to their own farms just as much as prisoners are chained in jails. He believes that the 4 necessities needed in American society is food, shelter, clothing, and fuel because nature provides all of these. That any luxury would be a hindrance to an individual’s lifestyle as it correlates to the American culture that lacks the Self-reliance in living as a American. Meanwhile Frederick Douglass sees the brutality of slavery and the heavy discrimination of African Americans in American society. He sees that America lacks key responsibilities as a nation for it doesn’t have support of mutual aid, reciprocity, and commitment to an ideal within America.
As World War Two came to a close, a new American culture was developing all across the United States. Families were moving away from crowded cities into spacious suburban towns to help create a better life for them during and after the baby boom of the post-war era. Teenagers were starting to become independent by listing to their own music and not wearing the same style of clothing as their parents. Aside from the progress of society that was made during this time period, many people still did not discuss controversial issues such as divorce and sexual relations between young people. While many historians regard the 1950s as a time of true conservatism at its finest, it could really be considered a time of true progression in the
The 1980s culture illustrated both the positives and negatives of American society at that time. From the many movies, to the toys, new technology, fashion, music, and sports, all of these reflected the decade. As a matter of fact, most of these examples listed did have a huge impact on today’s culture. To begin with, the 80s had memorable moments such as the famous movies at that time. Science Fiction or Sci-Fi, an expanding and unique form of movie genre, was incredibly popular.
This decade was genuinely the scaffold between old to new, custom to innovation. The American individuals began looking for more in life and needed to set out on their legitimate quest for satisfaction. Black people and ladies worked for equality, and others battled to stop progression. In any case, the change acquainted the American individuals with a new look at life in a radically new manner and is exceptionally persuasive to the way society is
World War I, or the Great War as it became to be known, was a global war that was predominantly centered in Europe. World War I had consequently left most Europe's workforce wounded, dying or dead. The First World War left the global economy in a poor state. The post-war period was a time to utilize resources and rebuild economies through industrialization and agriculture (Moore, 2010). Life in French and American societies significantly changed during the 1920' as both nations were on a path of post-war reconstruction, in attempts to revitalize their economies.
The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great change and a time of powerful enthusiasm in many areas of society. The world had just finished the biggest war in history, the First World War, and the United States was left almost unharmed by the war. The United States was able to experience a decade of peace and success following the war. During this decade, America became the wealthiest country in the world (Trueman, 2000). The people in the United States went through a colorful period during the twenties. However, at the same time the 1920s was also a very rebellious and difficult time for many. The culture of the 1920s has influenced the culture of America’s society today.