The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Sick and tired of not knowing why the majority of college students gravitate to earlier classes? Let’s just say these “Speedy Gonzales’s” with coffee in hand, who are early to bed and early to rise, can give any college student a new perspective. After a thorough investigation, I was informed on the luxury of having a good sleep and breakfast, a quieter campus, and smaller classes with the rest of the day to do as you please and missing the fully rested beauty sleepers ready for a gossip fest.
A blaring alarm going off at 7:00 am is going to tempt you to hit the snooze button and enjoy the famous lie, “five more minutes,” until reality hits and five minutes turns into thirty minutes, which gives you less time for breakfast. Like most college students, you take pleasure in a late night on Netflix or video games. Fortunately, there is a
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A smaller class, however, equals less commotion and fewer faces, giving the professor better recognition of who you are. This may seem intimidating, but with a handful of students, you’ll be expected to participate. This relationship can be beneficial when it comes down to asking questions or needing a letter of recommendation down the line. Believe it or not, the professor will remember your perfect attendance and participation.
After reading this essay, you should have a new perspective on getting a good sleep and breakfast, a quieter campus, and smaller class with the rest of the day of free time. Remember, not everyone has to be a “morning person” to make a change. The benefits of early classes are limitless, you just have to be that “early bird ready to catch the worm.” If only more students could see the increased confidence from an early class is the reason many students perform better. With just a little more self-control and endeavor, anything is
With getting to know my professors I will be able to build a trust with them. Also, I personally like to build a relationship with my teachers, understanding that some students don’t like to know their teachers and just want to pass the class the class. With me getting to know my teachers I can get more comfortable to ask a question about a problem that I don’t know how to solve or a section that is being taught. Additionally, with the small classroom, I will be able to get to know them as well and build a relationship, in order to help each other on an assignment, homework, or on a certain part of a problem or a chapter. I know that my social experience will be great.
An hour delay may affect availability of a ride to school and back home. Despite this disadvantage, delaying has many positive contributions. Delaying classes to a later time has a positive influence on students. Once students have an extra hour of sleep, their energy levels and mental health will improve. As supported by Center4Research, sleep researchers have found “most adolescents and adults need 9 or more hours of sleep, and our
Having a later school start time can increase a student’s academic grades and awareness. Thirty-three percent of teens say that they fell asleep in class. Even though this is a small portion of teens, falling asleep in class shouldn’t even happen once. Also, this means they are getting less than what they need,(eight to nine hours of sleep a night). A school needs to pack as much teaching time as they can in a day, but if that means waking up a student at a time so early, then there's no point.When a student doesn’t sleep as much, students are not aware as they would be if they had a good night’s rest. If students had this sleep, the would pay more attention in class. Therefor, a student would have better grades.
The primary reason for attending school is for adolescents to get an education in hopes of getting a good job. Attendance, test scores, and GPA’s all play an important role in a student’s success in school, and if they can all be improved by pushing the start time back, then this issue should be pushed further. The root problem of students not performing to their full potential has to do with the inability to focus from drowsiness in class due to the lack of sleep they are getting. To support this point, Carskadon, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior, and his team, “found that students showed up for morning classes seriously sleep-deprived and that the 7:20 a.m. start time required them to be awake during hours that ran contrary to their internal clocks” (Richmond). In other words, Carskadon believes that current high school start times go against teens’ natural sleep patterns, making them be awake at a time where their bodies aren’t ready to get up yet. This causes concentration issues making paying attention in class harder, and kids not getting the best grades they can. Also, sleep won’t get any
In today's society, most people desire success. They want to attend a respected college, earn exceptional grades, get a wonderful job, and make a lot of money. However, the road to success starts before all of those accomplishments can happen. This journey begins in the classroom. In the classroom, over 25% of all high-school students fall asleep one or more times a week (Mayer-Hohdahl 1). Why does this happen? Schools have sleepy students because of their early start times. "Starting high school early is probably one of the worst things you can do as far as timing the day, as far as adolescents being alert or ready" (Wooley 2). This is a serious problem in high schools all across the nation. Students are tired, and teachers are
One of the biggest struggles for students today, is the struggle to wake up for school in the mornings, and to make it to class on time. Because of the start times that many high and middle schools currently have, students are having to get up early to get ready, therefore providing them with little sleep at night. They are faced with their everyday schedules, things that are happening in other parts of their lives, as well as having to keep up with their schoolwork. All of this results in a loss of sleep, with the added factor of having to wake up early in the mornings. Having a later start time for schools is beneficial for student’s health, safety, and their overall performance in school.
First, why early commencement hours are disadvantageous to learning. As you (a teacher) know, middle and high schoolers spend a large percentage of time in school. However, this time is not being taken full advantage of. To quote the National Sleep Foundation, “Teens spend a great portion of each day in school; however, they are unable to maximize the learning opportunities afforded by the education system, since sleep deprivation impairs their ability to be alert, pay attention, solve problems, cope with stress and retain information.” This is because teens have a sleep
Smaller classes would result in stronger student teacher connections. When there is a smaller group in a class there are fewer students that a teacher has to get to know in that class and can have a better one on one connection with the students. By having a smaller class they can get to know students deeply. A larger amount of staff means there could be multiple sections of the same class, making the classes smaller. That allows for stronger connections between students and teachers, meaning that a teacher can reach out to students, and can understand their students better. Smaller classes will also give students a greater chance to ask questions. Fewer students means that students can ask the questions about what they don’t understand because there isn’t 30 other people trying to ask a question. Smaller classes mean that questions are more likely to be answered giving the student an in depth understanding of the subject. The final reason that hiring staff would improve classes by making them smaller is that it is extremely difficult to teach a large class. A larger amount of people causes for difficulty in maneuvering around the classroom. This can diminish the class level and diminish what the students take away from that class. It is easier to move around 20 people and not 35. Having enough teachers means that teaching a class would be improved. With
The class size is surprising to most students because the tuition is so reasonable. While classes aren't as small as those of a leading private university, many have as few as twenty students. In a smaller class, professors have the opportunity to learn more about their students. Likewise, students will find their teachers more accessible and can get assistance when they need it.
Bristle worms are a type of worm that is in the group of segmented worms. They are in the Phylum Annelida. The scientific name of the bristle worm is Polychaete. These worms “rule the sea”. They’re at least 10,000 different species of bristle worms that live everywhere in the sea. They can be in open ocean, coral reefs, or by deep hydrothermal vents. The bristle worm reproduces both sexually and asexually. They produce sexually by releasing an egg in the water and then fertilize it with sperm. They reproduce asexually by budding. The bristle worm possesses toxic bristles on their bodies that can inflict a sting. Bristle worms are typically introduced into an aquarium by hitchhiking in on live rock, so taking the time to inspect all new pieces of live rock for these animals before placing it into your aquarium is the first step in preventing an infestation.
A big reason school’s may enjoy having a later start time, is because it can contribute to the school’s success. A later start time can improve the school’s overall test scores (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). Students can learn their best when they are not tired or drowsy. The School Start Later — Healthy Hours campaign stated that, “Academic improvements have been shown, and overall school climate has been measurably improved when high schools have restored later start times,” (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). The sleep researcher mentioned earlier, Wendy Troxel, said in her presentation that when kid’s are woken up by an alarm, they are literally robbed of their dreams. Dreams are associated with learning development. In order for student’s to use the most of their brains, they need to be receiving the right amount of good quality sleep. Not only do test scores rise, but so does the graduation rate, which is a major problem in today’s generation (Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours). In contribution to the student success, later start times could drastically improve the school’s success. Later start times have increased attendance around
Earth worms should be good for the soil right? Well not for the places where there have been no earthworms for thousands of years. Usually they wouldn’t make it that far north but different situations caused this to happen. People have inadvertently intervened. Sometimes they’ve dumped their leftover bait in worm-free zones, or they’ve accidentally brought worms or eggs in the soil stuck to cars and brought them up causing the worms to take up residence as far north as Alberta’s boreal forests.
A few years back, Jilly Dos Santos, who was a sophomore at Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, Missouri, was accustomed to running late to school. She stated that she had “trouble waking up in the morning and trouble getting to bed at night, which is a prime example of what early start times can do to adolescents”. In 2013, Dos Santos went to the school board with studies about adolescent sleep cycles and requested that starting at 7:20 a.m. was an inadequate idea. After weeks of intense debate, officials came to a conclusion that the start time is between 8:55 and 9:10 a.m., by doing this it has allowed students to get an extra hour of sleep in the mornings. Now, Jilly Dos Santos, who is a freshman in college, is pleased at the fact that
Thesis Statement: When the projects, exams, and extra-curricular activities start to pile up on one another it seems as though there is not enough time in the day. This is when college students tend to lose precious hours of sleep and the consequences can be costly.
One of the significant wellbeing issues influencing individuals around the globe today is contaminations brought about by parasites.