Have you considered a career as an Early Childhood Educator? Many people have not felt they are qualified to hold such an important position. Others have heard their calling to work with children early on in their adult lives. Having a career as an Early Childhood Educator can not only be fullfilling, but also rewarding. It is important to understand the criterion that is considered a profession. In our text it states the definition of prefession as, “It is an occupation that serves the public welfare and that requires specialized educational training in some branch of learning or science” (Feeney, S., 2012, p.6).
Core Knowledge Area: Strenghts
1. In which one of the nine-core knowledge area do you feel most prepared and confident? What
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A state-approved company would come into the office I was employeed at and give us a 2-hour trianing in OSHA and Infectious Diseases. This training would include the proper techiniques that should be used to prevent injury, spread infectuous germs, etc. Also, I received Health and Saftey training through the State of California, when I obtained my day care license. In congunction with these state mandated courses, I had to take several classes that were focused on proper nutrition, food storage, and handling. By using these recommend techiniques I would be providing a safe home and enviornment for the children in my care. Last, but least, for the last 20 years I had to take a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) courses every two years so that my State license as a Dental Assistant remain current. It is amazing how the recommended CPR techiniques have changed over these last 20 years. From the combination of the mandated state course, the classes I took to receive my childcare license, and my CPR certifications, I feel confident in myself that I am prepared to handle all and any Healh, Safety, and Nutrition issues that should land in my …show more content…
2012, p. 113). In this area my current knowledge was scored as beginning and emerging. So far with the courses I have completed, none have been directly focused on curriculum. Many of my classes have given general ideas and suggestions on the type of curriculum recommendations, but none on how to specifically create your own lesson plan with the proper curriculum. I feel that curriculum is based on the age group one intends to work with. I feel it is important for me to make a decision on which age group I plan to work with. Then, I would need to take additional courses that focus the type of curriculum especially for that group. It would be ideal, if I could find a mentor who has worked in this age group and brainstorm with him/her. Throw out some of my ideas/plans to them and welcome any positive critisim they would have for me. I’m a huge advocate for gaining additional practices by physically being in a classroom. What a great way to actually practice your lesson plan and teaching strategies on the children. Since each child learns and absorbs differently, this would be a great opportunity for me to see the modifications I would need to make with my curriculum and teaching strategies to ensure that each child is getting a full understanding of what they are being taught in my
Saumya Patel is 5 years old. He attends Kindergarten at Sumter County Primary School in the Sumter County School System. Saumya is very intelligent, and is very far ahead of many of the students on his level. He is very independent, and he is very capable of doing many things on his own. Saumya sometimes questions why he sits in a kindergarten classroom with his intelligence. He does not understand why some of his classmates act their age.
When I went to NAEYC conference, Nov 18-Nov 21, Orlando, Florida, I attended 4 session. One of them was “America’s Best and Brightest: New Market Research on Attracting and Retaining Early Childhood Professionals.” Because I lack English listening skills, I couldn’t understand whole contents. However, I came to know about ‘understanding the attitudes and beliefs of current educators about the profession’ and ‘identifying factors that will be most helpful in encouraging educators to make the field a long-term profession.’ I thought that these contents would be useful and helpful for our classmates, as well as me, in understanding “current preschool teacher in the United States.”
With my twenty years of experience in Early Childhood Education, I’ve collaborated with teachers in developing and implementing ideas to support student’s academic performance. I performed student’s academic assessments. I complied and maintained daily logs based on student's level of progression. In addition, I logged in financial statements, received inventory items and organized inventory for distribution of class materials needed for instruction. I’ve provided effective parental support with the families to develop and implement teaching techniques to enhance their child's growth development and knowledge of school readiness skills. My resume contains additional information on my experience and
I first found my passion for early childhood education soon after my son was born.
In this modern age there is no reason not to be CPR certified and keep current on your
Do you want to work with children, but do not know what types of careers are in the early childhood development field? Do you want to be a teacher, for example, or run a childcare center, but are not sure what credentials are needed? This lesson will give you an introduction to careers, with information to help you identify career roles and responsibilities. You will learn what credentials are required in a variety of careers. In looking at career paths, it is helpful to study these differences and practice identifying each position by its qualifications and responsibilities. This lesson will help you learn, understand, and work with the specifics. You will see the connection between education and career pathways. You will know the terminology used in various credentials and become familiar with their acronyms. To assess what you have learned, you will practice matching credentials and requirements with career positions in a project that asks you to answer the question Who am I?
Preschool is something very important for toddlers. Preschools were established in Europe around the late 1800’s. They were later introduced to the United States in the 1920’s. According to the Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance 9th edition “preschools expanded rapidly in the united states during the 1960’s”.
In the early `970’s, the field of early care and education might have been characterized by the slogan “We believe more than we can prove.” Although it’s still incomplete, we now have a solid base of information. We know understand that to have a quality child care program, it must include high quality educational experiences. We understand that must include comprehensive services, family engagement, and collaboration as children transition across settings. Research clearly indicates that highly skilled and well-compensated teachers with specialized knowledge make a difference for child outcomes and program quality ( Martin, 1988). These leaders must strive to become a lifelong learners; Fullan (2003) believe that no one will put trust into
Continuing my professional growth in Early Childhood is very important to me. The way I could do that would be to learn more things about that area. Talk to different people that have knowledge in this type of expertise. Learn all of the qualifications that it takes to
I believe that as an early childhood educator my goal will be to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. I also believe that play should be the base of learning since children learn best by doing. I believe that a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities is essential balance can be developed by using the developmentally appropriate practice approach, which means that activities should be “appropriate for each child and relevant to the child’s ability, needs and interests, also including the child’s family and being respectful to the child’s culture.
Being an early childhood educator provides me with the opportunity to share my love of learning while guiding my students to also become a lifelong autonomous learner. Being part of a great education system allows me to provide my students with what is needed most, a secure strong individual who cares not only for the academic success of my students but for the heart of my students as
Throughout my course work I have learned how essential Early Childhood Education is to the proper growth and development of young children. Without quality care young children can be limited socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Personally, my reasons for choosing ECE as my field of study has matured into responding to the need to provide quality professionals that produce quality care to every child regardless of ethnicity, ability, culture, or gender. However, looking back on my prior experiences I have worked with children in all capacities within my community. I have coached soccer of various ages, taught Sunday School, ran preteen Bible studies, and taught character building classes for young girls. Even though these experiences motivated me to enter this field, I now see child development from a totally different perspective.
and two, does the sum of this body of knowledge and competencies uniquely distinguish the early childhood professional from all other professionals? These two questions can be the results of an early childhood educator who predominantly teaches young children, ranging from four to five years old, who has to have a special skill set in order to accommodate her young children’s academic and behavioral needs as well as nurture them as they develop and grow; this special skill set includes an early childhood educator that is, compassionate, creative, flexible, patient, and most of important, shows professionalism, in general.
It has been foresighted that there will be a growth of 17% on the numbers of ECE educators through 2022. Hence, there are a lot of people who wanted to learn the ins and outs of being an early childhood education teacher. Most people wanted to obtain a degree but could not due to time constraints and financial incapability.
Early education for children is very crucial as it helps shape up the foundation of their knowledge and behavior development process. Children begin to develop the sense of curiosity from the age of two. And from age 2-8, children go through a very crucial period of mental development, which shapes up their future mindset (Grayson, 2016). Early children education (ECE) has been listed as the number one priority of the National Association of Education. The teachers or educators at nursery and primary level are responsible to for developing young children’s sense of knowledge and education. In this paper, we will assess the roles and skills that are vital for an early childhood educator. Moreover, the paper will also present a