C h a p t e r 3 E f f e c t s o f C h i l d r e n W i t h o u t E d u c a t i o n
B y : A n d r e w D y k s t r a
The effects of children without an education can be deadly. Did you know that a lack of education can actually affect your health, living conditions, and social situations? It might also lead to teen pregnancy, gang violence, theft, drugs, and other crimes that could happen due to the lack of education. Based on “The Effects of Early Education on Children in Poverty,” if you don’t get an education you could die at an earlier age than people with an education.
People with a lack of education can be less healthy by being more obese, not have proper vaccinations, and are more likely to buy junk food and not nutritious food.
E l l a c u r í a f u r t h e r e d h i s e d u c a t i o n a n d “ s t u d i e d H u m a n i t i e s a n d P h i l o s o p h y a t Q u i t o ,
Kids who do not have a good education in school are more likely to have difficulty with finding jobs, getting into college, or staying out of trouble with the law. Many times they have family issues that are attributed to the loss of a parent or a loved one at a young . crime rate is inversely proportional to the education level of the culprit. Kids who grow up in families that do not stress the importance of getting an education are more likely to be living out on the streets, doing drugs, joining gangs, or ending up in prison.
C a l e n d a r a i l y H i irn f l a t i o n
After the American Revolutionary war, the people of the United States were responsible for determining the best course of action within the new republic. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the new Constitution, which provided a general set of principles the government was to be guided by. This new system was a new and improved integration of historical warnings, hoping to prevent tyranny by individual or the masses and injustice. However, it quickly became apparent that a certain education was necessary to perpetuate this union. Before a new system for education could be introduced, public or private, a common goal and specifics on the different subjects to teach became a question the founding fathers and other prominent
Education is an important social determinant of health because it affects many other determinants. Generally, people with worst health status have low education levels. Furthermore, people with low levels of education are more likely to have lifestyles which can lead to a chronic illness. Education empowers people with skills to
The lack of education a person has, has of spiraling effect. “Education is perhaps the most basic SES component since it shapes future occupational opportunities and earning potential. It also provides knowledge and life skills that allow better-educated persons to gain more ready access to information and resources to promote health” Health Affairs. (n.d.).
Poverty can be classified as one of the major threat to the wellbeing of families and it often affect child’s personal, social development and causes inequalities in their educational attainment (Scottish Govt. 2010). Bradley and Corwyn (2002) highlights that poverty is one the major factors that affect child development, which often impact on the psychosocial and the physical health of a child as well as their cognitive outcomes. In view of ecological theory, human beings are linked to relate within the surroundings they live in. This essay will discuss briefly the systems in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of human development. It will explore poverty and how ecological theory underpinned the significant influence of poverty on social class, parental capacity and on child development.
Early Childhood Educators work in the subset of education that focuses on the infant through preschool age group. Early Childhood Education creates a significant difference in a child development and learning abilities. There is a variety of avenues one can explore for their child’s pre-education. These specific programs are known by several different names, two of which are preschool and pre-K. Educators can work in many different programs with in churches, public schools, private schools and private-profit companies.
There is no doubt that another adverse effect brought on by children due to poverty is the academic complications. Granted that poor families rarely have enough to sustain a normal life, poor children generally do not move on to college or in some cases do not finish high school. Students who do not go to college will have a hard time finding a job, let alone a job that can support families of their own, and will probably end up in poverty. Likewise, poor children are
Groups that fall under absolute poverty face difficult decisions just to sustain the ability to meet basic needs and receiving an education is the last thing on their minds when survival is at stake. An article published by the Huffington Post acknowledges that “It’s hard to argue that children who come from homes where they may be wanting—wanting for food, for time, or for resources—don’t enter the school door with a little less than others” (Slade). Multiple studies have been done on malnutrition, substandard living conditions, drugs, divorce, and the effects they have on education. Eric Jensen explains in Teaching with Poverty in Mind that “poor children often feel isolated and unloved, feelings that kick off a downward spiral of unhappy life events, including poor academic performance, behavioral problems, dropping out of school, and drug abuse” (9). he also adds that low income family stressors have significant effects particularly on the youngest of
Imagine not understanding the world we are living in, and having a job without an education, so you can provide for your family. Education significantly impacts everyone in this world. “As of 2012, 31 million primary-school pupils worldwide dropped out of school. An additional 32 million repeated a grade.”Education is a human right, it provides security, and gives us knowledge of the world around us, however, some people may think that education is not important.
This Contemporary Issues Paper looks at the importance of pre-kindergarten education within students suffering from poverty. The goal is to show the effectiveness of early prevention to prevent intervention in higher grades. Students living in poverty are at-risk of retention or later dropping out. As most of the students living in poverty receive some type of public assistance, I propose we create legislation requiring students of families that receive public assistance to enroll in a pre-kindergarten program. To gain a better understanding of the importance of pre-kindergarten programs I conducted a field experience at an urban pre-kindergarten program called Quality Time Childcare. The first phase of my field experience included interviewing teachers; to increase my understanding of what they perceived their job to be as preschool teachers. I also observed students, parents and teachers interactions. As I interviewed teachers and observed students, the need for pre-kindergarten programs became clearer. Students from poverty stricken homes are less likely to be exposed to vocabulary and tools needed to be successful in kindergarten and beyond. Today, too many students are not ready to do kindergarten work, causing these children to fall dangerously behind. These students frequently repeat kindergarten, first or second grade. By the third grade many of these students are on the path of being high school dropouts. We have legislation that holds parents responsible
Out of all the individuals living in lower income areas, pregnant mothers and young children struggle the most. Both expecting mothers and young children are subjected to some of the harshest living conditions known to any American Citizen. These individuals are also not receiving the nutrition needed to thrive. Many of the structures that pregnant mothers live and work in, and young children go to school in, are completely outdated, not up to code, and extremely hazardous. Many of these buildings still contain objects that have been exposed to lead. These structures also contain fixtures such as shingles, tiling, and roofing that may contain asbestos.
Having a strong education is needed to make a meaningful impact in society. Poverty has a negative effect on this. For instance, 28 percent of individuals who are below the poverty line do not have a high school diploma, compared to 12 percent of the total United States population. (UC Davis) College degree rates also show this disparity in rate, as 14 percent of people who are below the poverty line earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher vs. a high 33 percent of the total American population. Both comparisons show a lower level of education among impoverish individuals. Poverty not only impacts a person’s level of education, but also their conduct while learning. Some children who are into poverty may experience “short attention spans”, being “highly distractible”, and cannot “effective monitor the quality of their own work”. (LSU) There are other responsibilities than school that poor students prioritize on. Many of them must work alongside schooling to ameliorate the effects poverty is having on their families. This would make them simply not
Besides the fact that poverty affects a child’s education, it can also affect where that child