
Early Literacy

Decent Essays

Twelve-years old, the precipice of the emotional turmoil of adolescence. Children at this age are entering what Piaget referred to as the “formal operational stage” of cognitive development (Steinberg et al, p. 15) and coincidentally middle school. By the time a child reaches sixth grade (generally age 12), they should be able to comprehend basic texts and be able to use higher order thinking skills in order to analyze different types of texts, such as fiction/nonfiction, drama, biographies and memoirs. The importance of literacy is monumental according to the Educational Testing Service the more types of reading materials there are in the home, the higher students are in reading proficiency (NEA, Facts about Children’s Literacy, n.d.). …show more content…

While there are children from many socio-economical statuses that may struggle with reading in general, there is a large percentage of children from poor families that have little to no money to spend on things such as books. Children raised in poverty, those who have limited proficiency in English (when taught in an English speaking school), parents' whose reading levels are low, and those with speech, language, and hearing handicaps are also at increased risk of reading deficiencies. Of the 16 million children living in poverty in the U.S., two-thirds don’t have a book to call their own (RIF, n.d). RIF encourages reading for any child not just children that are at risk they essentially cover every child, so there is no real influence to their intervention; they simply want to ensure that every child grows up with the opportunity to …show more content…

This could be from lack of donations and the understanding that the earlier the intervention the better. My research has yielded no real proof that they use any evidence based practices other than the encouragement of the importance of reading. There is plenty of research that does indicate the importance of reading all the way through adult hood and even in the researched age of twelve-year old children. However, RIF does not state in any of their online pages that they track or even research the effects of their program on middle school aged children. It would behoove RIF to donate more to middle school children especially the ones entering into middle school, since this is the age that real

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