
Early Pr Practices In The Early 1900's

Satisfactory Essays

Early PR practices were deemed "press agentry" and were thought of a group that fell into a comparison with propaganda. This was because of the use of hype and manipulation of information. For the most part during development of the practice, there was little to no ethical boundaries. In the early 1900's however, there was a major focus on using factual information and labeling it public information, though somewhat manipulation, in order to help gain the public's interest or trust. This factual information however, was based solely around one-way communication, where the information was published simply for the knowledge of others, and not necessarily with the expectation that any action would come of the information. Of course the name of the game in public relations was always to convince someone to change or solidify their opinion on a topic or issue, in the …show more content…

This communication is where the audience and organization are able to keep the communication loop going through being able to express communication to one another openly, with both expecting the other to make some sort of change for the benefit of the other. An example could be seen today in Papa Johns pizza. Being a sponser of the NFL, Papa Johns had to make a decision about how it would display support or oppostion to NFL players protesting social injustices during the national anthem. Their consumers who were against it, called for Papa Johns, and many other sponsers, to pull their endorsements of the NFL. If they did not, then sales would go down, as they had been for weeks, and if they did then Papa Johns would expect consumers to begin purchasing their products once again. Only recently has Papa Johns pulled all of their endorsements of the NFL, so only time will tell if sales now pick up after they have done so. This is an example of two-way symmetric

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