
Earlywood Research Paper

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Based on the result, the sampled white pine is around the age of 22 to 23, and it dates back to possibly 1994. The age and year aren't precise because some of the problems run into when counting ring is false rings, absent rings, and dark spots all over the core. Although my sampled tree is from a different site than other students, it is clear that the spots on the core aren't caused by discoloration. The dark spots show a clear pattern. Could this be a result of tree's microsite? As mentioned earlier, a skeleton-plot uses a series of lines to visually record the variation in ring width across time. Looking at graph 1, the early stages of growth referred to as earlywood has much wider rings than the late stages referred to as latewood. As a result, most of the longer lines are toward the end of the …show more content…

Variation in these rings is due to variation in environmental conditions when they were formed. The simple explanation is that narrowing of a ring indicates poor growing conditions while wildering of the ring means good ones. Going back to my question on whether the dark spotting is a result of tree's microsite or not, I conclude it is. The sampled tree grew up in full sunlight as its core is lighter, if however, the tree grew up in full shade then the core would be darker. Thus, the dark spotting is indeed not discoloration but rather formed by a disease. The disease may be Seiridium Canker or Cytospora canker, which both are caused by high moisture level in the soil. White pines are naturally adapted to a low moisture level due to competition in a forest stand. However, as mentioned in the site description, there are few other trees present in the open field nearby a residential area and the area usually floods on rainy days, which result in less competition and very high moisture and nutrients in the soil, which are a good

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