
Earth Have An Expiration Date?

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Earth have an expiration date? It just might. If we don 't do something to help our environment there will be no future generations. Our earth has been sending us warnings and distress signals for over forty years such as the collapse of the North Atlantic cod fishery which left thirty thousand people unemployed and seven hundred communities in poverty. In china water supplies are already scarce and not able to meet the needs of people, industries, and culture (Linden, pg.18). The following are some issues that are affecting our world today.
Our atmosphere provides us with crucial things that we cannot survive without; such as clean air and oxygen, a stabilized climate, and protection from ultraviolet solar radiation. Due to …show more content…

Acidification damages oceanic organisms which are currently more endangered than any other ecosystem. Two thirds of all fish depend on coastal wetlands, seagrass, and coral reefs, all of which are disappearing in vast amounts. Fifty-eight percent of coral reefs are jeopardized by human activity, and eighty percent of grasslands are suffering from soil degradation. Fishing fleets are forty percent larger than the ocean can currently sustain. All these things are caused by poisoning our lakes and rivers with fertilizers, silts, and sewage waters. Too much water is being taken from rivers that oftentimes causes our rivers to dry up before even reaching the sea. (Linden, pgs. 18-19). You can help by doing simple things such as turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth, or running the dishwasher and washer only when its full. Take shorter showers. Carry a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic bottle that goes back into our lands, littering our lands.
Another problem related to the depletion of our earth’s water sources is soil erosion. Soil erosion is a reduction in the quality of topsoil. We need healthy soil to be able to plant healthy foods. Soil erosion reduces cropland activity and contributes to the pollution of waters. Already half of our topsoil has been lost over the last one hundred and fifty years. Our soils are becoming infertile due to being over exposed to harsh chemicals and trash (Gray,

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