Because of the mass number of Hurricanes that have hit Texas, Puerto Rico, and Florida a majority of AMericans are focused on cleaning up the damages caused by the hurricanes and hoe to be better prepared when the next one comes. Because of this the American population is too preoccupied to focus on other matters at hand. If we pay attention to the recent earrthquake that took place in Mexico City we can see that the hurricanes aren't the only thing we should be worried about. The United States seems to focus mainly on hurricanes, rather than on earthquakes, solely for the reason that, especially recently, hurricanes have caused havoc among the citizens of America. Because of the fear that America holds towards hurricanes they are so focused
About 4000 people were killed over 9000 that were injured that was this famous event you might ask? It was the loma prieta earthquake, also known as the world series earthquake. Taking place in san francisco 1898 this was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the bay area. This earthquake caused an estimate of 5.6 billion dollars for the total damage it had done .The person the was interviewed for this event was Mr.Demichel.he was about 10 when he felt the earthquake.
Imagine if you had to restart your life, new shelter, new job, new lifestyle. Well locals or people in the Philippines had to restart their life when an earthquake with an magnitude of 7.1 hit the country and destroyed people’s lives. The earthquake had a devastating 7.1 magnitude. The earthquake hit the Philippines on October 15th, 2013. The likely culprit of the earthquake was the East Bohol Fault because the two tectonic plates were sliding against each other and the creates an earthquake. Sadly, earthquake killed more than 90 people. Ports, schools, and airports were damaged. A hospital collapsed then that lead to a killing of 18 people. Children were also injured at sports complexes because people rushed the exits when the the ground started to shake. Lastly, 5 people were killed in a landslide that was triggered from the earthquake. What really matters though is how people respond to the
Have you ever been in a deadly earthquake? In 2013, the people of the Philippines experienced one. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake that affected around 43,000 people with 2,211 aftershocks that ended up killing a total of 185 people. Earthquakes are known as one of the most dangerous natural disasters. This horrific event happened October 15th, 2013. The earthquake hit hardest in the central Philippines, it was reported to be caused by the East Bohol Fault. People act in a response to a natural disaster by gathering resources, spreading word, and government aid.
Earthquakes in North Texas have been popular in the past couple of years. Texas has never been a state to host earthquakes like the ones being experienced. There has been many theories from locals about the causes of minor earthquakes. What are their theories about the increasing in earthquakes in North Texas? One, is the Hydraulic “fracking”, the drilling that effects the underground soil to crack. It only gives airways for gas or oil to work its way up to the surface. The theory of hydraulic fracturing does not add up for some but that the wastewater disposals theory is a better conclusion. Wastewater disposals or water injections are related to “fracking” institutions. Wastewater disposals are water tunnels filled from underground that can
According to our textbook, it appears that an earthquake poses a greater threat to the Pacific Northwest than a volcano does. The text states that “California’s San Andreas Fault runs diagonally from southeast to northwest for nearly 800 miles.” In the lecture notes, it shows a diagram of the earthquakes that have occurred since 1977 along the Pacific coast, and the area is riddled with earthquakes. The likelihood of a massive scale earthquake occurring in the Pacific Northwest has been predicted; however, our lecture states that we are unable to predict an earthquake and are only able to gauge the probability of one occurring. Those who would be in harm’s way would be those people who fall within the Mercalli Intensity scale area, and those
California’s unique geography as a state makes it a very appealing place to call home. From the odd east to west transverse San Gabriel mountain ranges of the Los Angeles Basin, to the bumpy coastal ranges of the Bay Area, any person can find a compatible topographic terrain to their liking. California may seem to be the perfect place to live with its ideal climate and extensive geographic features. However, due to California’s location over the shifting continental plates, coupled with its enormous and also multiple faults, at any time this great state can fall victim to a seismic disaster. After examining evidence from both Rong-Gong Lin’s II Los Angeles Times article of April 18, 2016 and the NOVA videos Killer Quake ( 2006), Earthquake (2007), as well as Geologic Journey II – Episode 3 (The Pacific Rim: Americas) – Part 3 (San Francisco) and The Great San Francisco Earthquake (American Experience ~ 2005), one can take a comparative account of the three major earthquakes of California’s past. Although each earthquake was very devastating on is own; the Great Quake 0f 1906, the Loma Prieta quake of 1989, and the NorthRidge quake of 1994 each amounted to an extensive forfeiture of property and life. Each of these earthquakes created much suffering and loss. It is imperative for each citizen of this great state to understand the damage that a California quake can actually do and be prepared; for the threat of one always looms.
Deutsche Bank made its entrance into the world in 1870 and it was one of the first banks to adopt universal banking as it promoted and facilitated trade relations between Germany and other overseas markets. Deutsche Bank acquired smaller banks in Germany in order to be the most prominent bank in their home base in addition to having a global reach. Following World War I, inflation took over Germany causing many borrowers to default on their loans forcing the bank to sell most of its assets in order to stay alive (however that diminished their global presence). The bank’s involvement during World War II with the transferring of the Jewish customers holdings to the German Government led to the Allied
There are many earth hazards everywhere on earth which both humans and nature share a role, natural hazards such as volcanoes, floods, forest fires, and avalanches, and purely of human origin like the chemical leak, oil spills, and human made earthquake. But one of nature's most dangerous hazard that we have to live with in California must are earthquakes. A earthquake is when two tectonic plates slowly slip past each other and get stuck which creates friction. The point where the two blocks slip is called the fault or fault plane. When the earthquakes start is at the hypocenter, and the point above the hypocenter is called the epicenter. After a earthquake, there are aftershocks that are smaller earthquakes, some aftershocks can be as large
The devastating 2010 earthquake left Haiti in ruins. This meant Haiti would mostly rely on foreign aids to stand back to its feet. Most didn’t hesitate to come in to assist mostly the USA and other foreign aids which donated over $5 billion to help Haiti. However, so many questions have been raised on to how well these funds were used. This report includes facts to show how the funds were voluntarily misappropriated by a number of players including the foreign aids (both domestic and foreign), NGOs as well as the administration. This report also gives a summary of the election that happened the same year. This serves to demonstrate how the election was full of malpractices and fraud. The leaders elected especially the president and his government were not good enough in leading the nation to stability.
Earthquakes are usually formed when tectonic plates move against each other. For example, when a plate goes under another plate, or even scrapes a plate. Usually the states near the Pacific Ocean are prone to earthquakes like California, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska. Japan and Italy are also prone to earthquakes. California and Japan have the most earthquakes out of all.
California is suspected of experiencing a killer quake, one that reaches the magnitude of 7.5. However, it is impossible to predict an earthquake. The Puente Hills Fault is one of the most dangerous “sleeping monsters” (if it were to) create an earthquake. It is located in the Los Angeles basin, where it can cause approximately 45 seconds of rippling instead of just 7 seconds because it is on softer ground, cause thousands of deaths, and potentially destroy the city of Los Angeles.
Child vaccinations have been a pressing issue since we constructed the first vaccine. The importance of vaccination can vary, depending on someones outlook on the issue. Schools have been rejecting or not admitting children who have not been vaccinated. Also, there are many health risks people have if they have not been vaccinated.
In the U.S. alone, the average annual cost to repair damage caused by earthquakes is $4.4 billion USD. The worldwide figure is much larger than this but unquantifiable due to poorer countries unable to accurately determine the amount of damage that occurred. Year after year the cost of damages barely fluctuates from these ridiculously high figures and money must be pumped into repairing the damage done. Although a lot is being learnt about earthquakes and the fact that humans are now normally able to be alerted in time to evacuate the area the earthquake will affect, there have been no breakthroughs into reducing the amount of damage earthquakes cause to buildings and infrastructures.
Mexico is one of the world's most seismically active regions, sitting atop several intersecting tectonic plates. These seismic forces cause an average of 40 earthquakes a day in Mexico. From their training and experience, search and rescue dogs can be classified broadly as either air-scenting dogs or trailing (and tracking) dogs. They also can be classified according to whether they scent discriminate, and under what conditions they can
Hurricanes are disastrous forces that destroy homes and families. Making life harder for those already suffering or completely obliterating the financial status of a family. Not to mention the issues it can cause for local wildlife among damage to humans.