
Eating Disorders In Stick Figure

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The novel Stick Figure is the story of eleven-year old Lori Gottlieb and her family. The backdrop of her story is Beverly Hills, California in the late 1970’s where she lives and writes her diaries. All the sixth grade girls in her class are obsessed with their weight. In addition, her mother is not so subtly encouraging her to be a more “normal” eleven-year old girl whose interest should revolve around boys, makeup and shopping for new clothes. Lori, however, has a more scholastic bent. In an effort to fit in, she resolves to become “skinny”. So begins a downward spiral that almost costs her life. Societal expectations and standards of beauty portrayed in the media bulldoze this young woman, as she becomes a victim of her low self-esteem. …show more content…

These images constantly bombard them, beating into them the litany of you are not beautiful enough, skinny enough, or good enough to deserve love; unless you look like us. As they furiously strive to emulate these models many often succumb to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. In her own personal race to perfection, Lori too begins hating her appearance, believing she is already fat. One night, when she and her brother, David are having dinner at her Uncle Morris, she refuses to eat. She imagines that she is gaining weight merely by breathing in the aroma of the food. Her distorted perception of herself in the mirror as obese contributes to her own internal battle with food and

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