
Ebay Belonging Essay

Decent Essays

Our things are a representation of who we are, and our willingness to give up certain things easier than others has a lot to do with who we are. Our personal effects help tell a story from the past just as easily as any old photo taken from a long forgotten family fishing trip, or vacation. The online website eBay is a place where people can sell items from their past that they no longer want or need. Some users sell treasured belonging on eBay in order to make a few extra bucks because they are rare or unique, and others sell to make room for new things with new stories. Whatever the reason for selling off a precious belonging is; an thought out colorful description can make all the difference to a potential buyer. Many descriptions only focus on the characteristics of …show more content…

A Green Wool Sweater was the title of just one of hundreds of different items that John sold on eBay in order to earn enough money to make it home. The diction that John used in his descriptions to describe his beloved possessions had few similarities with other eBays user selling similar items, and many differences; for which set him apart during an auction.

A majority of eBay users show very little attachment for the items they sell. John was the exception to this rule; which is why his idea to tell his life story though his property went viral. When selling an item on eBay a user must provide an product description in order to entice a buyer. Nevertheless, many users only provide a objective description of there item, or just the quality of the items current state. When using a basic objective description a seller may hope to get the highest price for an item using the least amount of imagination or effort. Few listings ever go beyond the use of basic objective adjectives, and only use words like used, original packaging, or like new to describe a product. A typical listing for a wool green sweater will include the materials

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